Thursday, October 22, 2020

The Justification by Faith Deniers


 This is the Chief Article which the false prophets, below, reject.

 Moldstad, Schroeder, Eaton, and Harrison teach Universal Justification, and they support abortion through their devotion and joint-work through Thrivent.

 Hale, the cub editor of Christian News, fulminates against the Chief Article, and, like his Father Below, cannot say the words of the Holy Spirit - Justification by Faith.

 Cascione has been corrected about his false reporting of the facts many times, but like his OJ pals, he cannot get the truth out, due to his homage to his hoofed Master.

McCain's slander is the highest possible commendation. Sometimes he is so dumb, he is funny. He accused me of broadcasting from the "spare room of a rented house." Can Paul name any precedents?

Bivens, a Fuller alumnus, borrowed Zarling's daring OJ/JFBA switch.

Brenner is another OJ Salesman at Mequon.

Like Bivens, Valleskey didn't go to Fuller Seminary too.
His UOJ is breathtakingly stupid.

Jay Webber, supported by WELS DP Buchholz,
proclaimed OJ as Luther's doctrine at a tiny Emmaus Conference. Somehow, he skipped over Luther's Galatians, almost an Olympic sport among OJists.

The CLC (sic) claims The Brief Statement, 1932, on a level with the Book of Concord. No! It is above the Scriptures and the Book of Concord - and against both.