Friday, November 27, 2020

LCMS Notice - Paul McCain Died on November 25. No Cause Listed.


The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod


A message from President Harrison:

Our Lord Jesus has called to Himself our brother and fellow servant in Christ, Rev. Paul Timothy McCain (Feb. 12, 1962 - Nov. 25, 2020) to await the blessed resurrection unto life everlasting. Paul served as a pastor in Iowa, senior assistant to LCMS President A.L. Barry, and was serving as the Publisher at our Concordia Publishing House. Funeral arrangements are pending. The Lord blessed Paul with a passionate zeal for the Gospel as taught in the Scriptures and confessed in the Book of Concord. Join us in prayer for Paul’s wife and children, and his CPH family. Christ is risen! He is risen, indeed!


His wife's Facebook page.


Wolfmueller, Wilken, McCain, Weedon


I believe it was a heart attack. Grant rest, O Christ, to your servant with your saints.
William Weedon, Assistant Pastor