Thursday, December 24, 2020

Everything Points to Re-Election

Everything points to President Trump's re-election, especially the media's banquet of bad news. Key people continue to dampen hopes, one after another.

Funny how evil sticks together so marvelously well, but the good and the noble are hacked away from the inside. Lutheran leaders of all synods have played that game for 90 years. That is why they have no followers - except for those who want promotions so they can do even less work and have more benefits.

As I explained to Mrs. Ichabod, I do not believe any report from anyone now. The winning side knows how to lead the bad guys into the courtroom. Soldiers could have been posted to prevent or at least diminish all the cheating. Many measures could have been taken and would have worked. Why were they ignored? Because the cheaters were being watched closely and recorded. That has to be entered as evidence, not adjudicated by reporters and PR people.

I am compiling a list, totally confidential, of those who will say, "You were right. I should have listened." I only hope most people avoid the failing legacy media and support the independent media who prove their worth.

"You know who you are."