We should value most the sermons of Jesus, and pay close attention to the ones recorded by "the disciple Jesus loved," John. Jesus entrusted His mother to John, so we should have the same trust in the sermons of Jesus in the Fourth Gospel. Those sermons are relatively short, so we also realize how powerful each verse is, sometimes even a tiny word like "a little while" - mikron - used seven times in this chapter. In the same way, "about" is used three times. Even today, the repeated use the of same word is used for emphasis. (Greek rhetoric = English rhetoric, the art of expressing thought in words, as midwifed by the Romans, who copied everything Greek.)
If we know nothing, or we are confused, why not return to the source? Instead of reading 15 how-to books, we could read 15 verses or so and learn so much more about how the Spirit is at work today.
Jesus told His disciples in advance that after leaving His local, public ministry, He would send the Spirit to manage the world ministry of the apostles, the ones "sent." Instead of the Gospel being concentrated in the sermons and miracles of Jesus in one location or another, the Word would spread through the apostles and even more through the written New Testament Scriptures.
The core message of all this work, which we experience today is here - is found in three phrases.
The Word Convicts the World
KJV John 16:5 But now I go my way to him that sent me; and none of you asketh me, Whither goest thou? 6 But because I have said these things unto you, sorrow hath filled your heart. 7 Nevertheless I tell you the truth; It is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send him unto you.
The Father sent the Son, and soon the Son will send the Spirit to guide and help the disciples sent (sent = apostles) to the world. In His farewell sermon, Jesus was preparing His disciples, who were grieving His departure. Their reality was not correct, so they were confused and saddened. However, this lesson was kept before them by the Holy Spirit to guide them and us in all the work of the Gospel.
In His three years with the disciples, Jesus prepared them for this. We can imagine that this seemed like an ordinary rabbinical school in many ways. They would follow and learn, and it would be more glorious in the future. However, Jesus' public ministry of three years was rather limited because He was establishing His teaching of faith in Him and backing them up with miracles that could only come from God Himself.
The future would mean them scattering all over the Roman Empire, often compelled by active persecution. How would they duplicate the work done through Jesus? Would they try to satisfy the "felt needs" of people? Would they entertain them first and then show them how they were real, relevant, and relational? No, their entire work, instead, is condense in three phrases.
This must be deep because hardly anyone teaches these phrases or teaches them directly. They almost seem invisible in this era of gimmicks, programs, and goals. The preposition used is the one used when Paul was answering certain questions - about tongues, about marriage, about the end times. Now we just copy the email, so we have lost that bit of rhetoric. Here the KJV uses "of."
8 And when he is come, he will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment:
9 Of sin, because they believe not on me;
10 Of righteousness, because I go to my Father, and ye see me no more;
11 Of judgment, because the prince of this world is judged.
The Holy Spirit always works through the Word, and the Word is never without the Spirit. That is why programs, gimmicks, and entertainment fall flat.
9 Of sin, because they believe not on me;
The definition of sin is foundational for all the work of the Christian Church. Even a cursory glance at the Gospel of John shows how true this was of Jesus' public ministry. Every part of the Gospel is about faith in Him, and the rejection of faith in Him.
One could say with Luther that all the struggles of the world are involved in this phrase - to convict the world of sin because they do not believe on Him.
Sin is using fossil fuels and eating meat. There are hundreds of new condemnations which are used to convict people of being evil, even though there is no reason or Scripture behind those novelty laws.
But this believing on Him must have a powerful hold on people, because so many are hostile to it. That is what divides the entire world - not race or nationality, not clean or foul air - but faith in Christ. Those who believe in Him as their Savior are members of His Kingdom. Those who do not are associated with their Father Below.
2. In the first place, we see here that the world is accused of blindness and ignorance. All those who are without the Holy Spirit, however wise they may be in matters pertaining to the things of this world, are, before God, fools and blind. They do not like to hear this; and when they are told that their doings are of no account before God, it displeases them and makes them angry, because they insist that they are in possession of reason and the natural light, which God created in them. But what does this matter to us? There are the Scriptures and the Word of God plain and clear, that the Holy Spirit is to come to ‘convict the world, because it does not know what sin, righteousness and judgment are. Thus it is determined, there it stands; let be angry who will, Christ does not care.
3. It is much to be deplored that the world is convicted, not only because of its sin and want of righteousness, not being able to judge rightly, but that it does not acknowledge nor see this, to say nothing of its endeavor to alter the matter. Oh, how completely the praise of all comes to naught, who, while they endeavor to make other people pious, know not themselves what sin is! Let us take, for example, at the present day, all the schools of learning and the learned men and see whether they can tell us what that one little word “sin” is? For who has ever heard that not to believe in Christ is sin? They say, it is sin if one speaks, desires or does something against God’s will and commandment. But how does that correspond with this saying of Christ: It is sin because they do not believe on me? Therefore, they are easily convicted of the fact that they know not what sin is; and if they be ever so learned, they will not be able to explain this text.
This error is taught so well in all the denominations that clergy and loyal laity can hardly face the facts of their error. To sin is not belonging to the correct church denomination (or sub-set in the denomination). That corrupted truth is true because it was taught by someone important to them and nobody else. How many people know who Edwad Preuss was? Those who think they know him are unaware that he repudiated the doctrine being admired. So fickle is history, fame, and loyalty to a group.
Faith in Christ means the complete forgiveness of sin, so that our lives are not motivated by the Law and making up for sin - paying for our sin - but willingness and happiness in serving others. So the Gospel preaching imparts faith in Jesus and His atoning death for our sin.
Where sin is vanquished, so is death. Eternal life springs up wherever the Gospel is taught and believed. Although plenty of fat clerics want to sell forgiveness at a steep price, forgiveness cannot be bought. That is the same as saying, "Jesus did not do enough for my salvation, I must a little more, or millions more." The praise of clergy is a joke too when the praise is bought and paid for.
The presence of faith is attested by hostility, "correction" by others, and cold shunning. I have heard, from doctoral students in Christian theology - "You don't believe in the resurrection of Christ, do you?"
At the same time, another priest, one who teaches all over the world, writes, "I still have the Luther set you gave me, and I read it all the time." I wonder, because I gave the same set to an ELS pastor, who really wanted it - Which one is the sincere believer? God knows.
Even during the Reformation, some priests said to dying members, "Forget all that you have been taught. Trust only in Jesus the Son of God to forgive your sins." But now Rome seems best at attracting non-believing Lutheran pastors.
I have heard the conviction of many, such as the "Lutheran" layman who said, "You don't believe in the immortality of the soul?!" - I said, "I certainly do."
A visiting sect missionary, denying the divinity of Jesus, said, "How can God pray to God. I can't understand that." I said, "Neither can my dog." He got so upset that he said Rev. Jim Jones (Disciples of Christ) was a Lutheran. He stomped out, furious.
In academic circles, and in all the Lutheran seminaries with students, the future pastors are taught against faith. However, smells and bells, high church theatrics, are essential.
10 Of righteousness, because I go to my Father, and ye see me no more;
Who are the righteous in the Bible, Old and New Testament? They are the ones believing in Christ, before His incarnation or after. The only true righteousness is the righteousness of faith.
The ultimate proof of the divinity of Christ is His resurrection. To this day, even some of the worst sceptics will concede that the empty tomb is a historical fact. Their opinions do not matter, but it shows how much the revelation of His rising from the dead is powerful today. Fakes are ultimately exposed, like Peter Popoff who had one scam long ago and now sells his magic water.
The entry of Jesus with Lazarus into Jerusalem was earth-shaking by itself. His death was publicizing, known, witnessed. The tomb stood open with the great stone lid on the ground before the opening. Look inside. No one was there. No corpse could be found. But hundreds saw and heard the risen Christ.
The empty tomb spoke eloquently - "Now do you believe?" Certainly, many reject even that. But the Word converted Simon Greenleaf when he studied the Gospels to show how many contradictions were there in the resurrection accounts.
Jesus had faith. Paul wrote about that in Romans, Galatians, and Philippians. We are justified by the faith of Jesus. Dr. Cruz and I were discussing that last night. The Greek is clear. The faith of Jesus, genitive, shows possession.
Our Justification by Faith began with the faith of Jesus.
KJV Romans 1:17 For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith [the faith of Jesus] to faith [our faith]: as it is written, The just [the righteous, the forgiven] shall live by faith.
Romans 1:17 has always baffled Biblical students, whose faith does that mean, from the faith of the apostles?
11 Of judgment, because the prince of this world is judged.
19. In the third place, the Holy Spirit is to convict the world in respect of judgment , that is that the world does not know what right is. For who has ever heard the definition of this right to be, because the prince of this world hath been judged? The prince of the world, to be sure is the devil, which one may readily see in his government.
What Jesus teaches is contrary to all the wisdom of the world, and we know the unbelieving world is simply a mass of contradictions but overall very happy with evil, corruption, lies, greed, and oppression.
Mothers have a singular opportunity and role in teaching faith to their children. This is a multi-generational day, because many of us are thinking of our mothers who taught us. Some lost their mothers early and always felt that loss. And we think about the young mothers and their roles today.
There have never been more aids to faith and more obstacles. It was not so easy after WWII, when everything was changing. I grew up knowing a lot of teachers who taught the youngest children in grade school, had children the same age, and then on Sunday taught Sunday School.
There are many ways to teach, and mothers have a powerful impact on society by teaching faith in Jesus. Children are especially eager to learn at an early age, and those impressions and lessons last a lifetime.