Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Retire from Enjoyable Tasks? Why?

 Notice that donuts reached their peak the year I was born, the year so many classmates were born. We are all six dozen years old this year, that is 1/2 gross years.

I am not considering retirement in any area of activity. I was thinking about most of my peers being retired, whether in one profession or another.

What would I give up?

Writing - I finished a book on Luther's Galatians that I thought needed to be out there. I have started one on Walther, rebuying some books I gave away, and planning another one the Biblical text and translations.

Working on publishing with Alec Satin, Norma Boeckler, Janie Sullivan, and Virgnia Roberts, plus many other helpers - that is fulfilling, fun, and very worthwhile.

Social media is fun. I just blog-posted the 50th wedding anniversary of a Moline classmate who was in our fabulous chem-physics class.

Bethany Lutheran Church - Blogging gathered the initial members and video has included many other people. Sometimes we are a flu and snowstorm church for those who cannot attend their local church. I enjoy working on the sermons and the hymns.

Bethany Lutheran Mission - Philippines - I was volunteered into this role, and I enjoy almost daily contact with Pastor and Mrs. Jordan Palangyos. God works through His effective Word, and we have seen support for the mission grow over time, the Gospel and Sacraments provided where this couple came from.

Besides that, Travis Cartee started his Audio Gutenberg ministry.

Norma Boeckler continues her wonderful Christian art. After producing her own books, she has helped others produce theirs.

Gardening? The rewards are many times the labor involved.

 The small but influential altar guild encourages gardening to continue and even to expand. A new book will feature photos, with only a few words as a guide.

Save the Children at Disney - With Child-Trafficker Ghislaine Maxwell

Bill Gates needed charitable giving advice from Jeffrey Epstein, to give to the school Gates attended - Harvard. But Epstein never graduated from any college.

Senator John McCain's second wife said they all knew about the child trafficking years ago. But she "walked back" her comments.

 Isn't that Ghislaine at Chelsea's wedding? Yes.

LutherQuest (sic) Fails To See the Joke's on Them - Babylon Bee on ELCA

LutherQuest (sic)
The satire website, The Babylon Bee, posted this yesterday. If only it were true!:

ELCA Dropping All Problematic Words From Name: ‘Evangelical,’ ‘Lutheran,’ ‘Church,’ And ‘America’

CHICAGO, IL—The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, a mainline protestant denomination that is home to some 3 million Lutherans, has released a statement declaring that the ELCA will be dropping all the problematic words from its name including "Evangelical," "Lutheran," "Church," and "America."
end of quote

The LutherQueasies have joked about ELCA many times and often cite the name as XXXA. What they fail to notice is everyone laughing at their pooled ignorance blog.

LutherQuest? They hardly ever consider Luther's doctrine - except when attacking it - but - when mentioning Walther - they sob and giggle like schoolgirls who just spotted Johnny Depp.

The biggest laugh of all - they all work with ELCA while considering themselves the judge of all. Thrivent is their headquarters. Thrivent sponsors abortion on demand, just like ELCA, but Missouri will not give up their addiction to that second-rate money machine.

Wasn't LutherQuest (sic) the Place Where Paul McCain Posted His Plagiarized Articles on Roman Catholic Saints?

 McCain even published an altered version of this painting, the statue of the Virgin Mary lactating for one of his favorite saints. True, the graphics department added Paul in the background - and the caption. LutherQuest (sic) never noticed the plagiarism, which they gladly linked.