Thursday, November 5, 2020

Thanksgiving to God - L Keyser

We are glad that the President of our great Republic and the Governor of our beloved State have again issued their annual thanksgiving proclamations, have pointed out some of the most salient reasons for individual and national gratitude, and have requested and urged the people of our nation to assemble in their wonted places of worship to praise God for His goodness and mercy. So long as there is enough of this spirit of thankful acknowledgment in the hearts of our rulers and people, we may indulge the hope that God will continue to bless and prosper us as a nation. The nation that remembers God, that prays to Him, and gives thanks and praise to Him still has a preserving savor in its life and thought. But woe to the nation that does otherwise, for the Bible says, “The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God.”

From: Keyser, Leander. In The Apostles’ Footsteps: Sermons on the Epistle Lessons for the Church Year. The Lutheran Literary Board: 1920. Lutheran Library

Keyser, Leander Sylvester

(March 13, 1856–October 18, 1937). Leading theol. in The General* Syn. of the Ev. Luth. Ch. in the USA; b. Tuscarawas Co., Ohio; educ. Wittenberg Coll. (Sem.), Springfield, Ohio (see Hamma Divinity School). Pastor La Grange, Indiana, 1879–81; Elkhart, Indiana, 1883–89; Springfield, Ohio, 1889–95; Atchison, Kansas, 1897–1903; Dover, Ohio, 1903–11. Prof. systematic theol. Hamma Divinity School 1911. Works include A System of Natural TheismA System of Christian EvidenceIn the Redeemer's FootstepsIn the Apostles' FootstepsContending for the FaithThe Problem of OriginsOur Bird Comrades.

After the Election, The Plan

I look forward to every presidential election. On Tuesday I was disgusted with the obviously coordinated effort to steal the election from Trump. Florida and Pennsylvania were in the bag, and previous months showed the greatest support ever for the incumbent. All the alleged-journalists were smirking.

The stealing was even more apparent the next day. The media wanted to enthrone the challenger, but somehow the House gained five on the wrong side, the GOP side. That points to the popularity of the incumbent, unless he was riding the coattails of new office holders.

Two years ago this was predicted, published, in black and white. One perspective is that suspicions alone are not enough to stop this. The evidence has to be brought to the courtroom, where it can be used to convict the fraud and fraudsters. I expect Trump to prevail again. If not, we no longer have a democratic Republic.