Tuesday, February 2, 2021

The Text Issue Is Easy To Simplify. Just Remember the Three Frauds -
Tischendorf, Westcott, and Hort.
The Bible Book

Tischendorf loved Sinaiticus (also called Aleph) and Vaticanus (also called B). His discovery and possession of Sinaiticus is full of questionable details.

Westcott and Hort secretly provided an ongoing Greek text for the Revision Committee of the King James Version. The committee was told to make only minor changes in the English and to leave the Greek text alone. They labored for 10 years, ignoring the direction they were given. That was like putting Paul Kelm in charge of Evangelism or anyone at WELS headquarters as stewards of the Schwan loot.

English-speaking people and many scholars were appalled at the result of 10 years of skullduggery. 

The results? - a constant removal of words from the KJV Majority Text (literally thousands of pieces of evidence) in favor of Sinaiticus (Aleph) and Vaticanus (B) - the Minority Text. All the modern, "scientific" texts are the same - the Tischendorf twins endorsed by Westcott and Hort.

But how delicious it is to frame the fraud with carefully chosen words. The Minority Text was baptized The Standard Text - or Nestle-Aland - used by the United Bible Societies, missions, Roman Catholic and Protestant alike. 

LCMS-WELS began braying that they did not want those old-fashioned words or those old manuscripts. They wanted a scientific text that came right from the workshop of Tischendorf, the Piltdown Man finder of Biblical manuscripts. LCMS-WELS wanted man's opinions, not God's Word, as proven by the New NIV's "all are justified" - wording which is not even in The Standard Text, not even translated in the classic Olde NIV.

A cursory exam shows that the NIV especially - and the Calvinist ESV - favor the wording errors of Fuller, Willow Creek, and the other Enthusiasts. 

Do you wonder why your ecclesiastical lords and masters shunned Luther on the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation? That was the climax of the destruction of the Lutheran Church in this land.