Saturday, December 4, 2021

More Books about the KJV


Yesterday I enjoyed the arrival of two more books about the KJV. One is Learned Men, by Gustavus Swift Paine, produced by Forgotten Books. The other is Translating for King James, by Ward Allen. I bought them "used" but they are in brand new condition.

One significant remark is that they had contrary agendas but they produced a beautiful and harmonious Bible. Certainly God blessed their work, which aimed at the best and most accurate text for all English-speaking people. 

No one can force that result, as a rabid minority in the WELS did. Like their college merger debacle, the Wisconsin sect kept studying the issue until everyone realized there was only one solution - the stupidest - i.e., the 2011 NIV. The latest WELS worship book is the new NIV, just as Missouri goes for the National Council of Churches' ESV, the step-brother of the odious RSV.

Confidential note to everyone buying and promoting the RSV/ESV - you are funding the Marxist National Council of Churches. The NCC is glad to profit from those too dumb to ask about the ownership of those editions and the NRSV. 

The KJV was so good that the popular Geneva Bible turned into a museum piece. I have seen a Geneva Bible in a glass case, I really have.

The KJV is still so good that they are half of the Bible readership plus another 10% or more from the New KJV. So your lazy clergy, ovine and bovine professors are insisting on slivers of the population having the best, the most recent, the most ever-changing Bibles. This completely numbs the memory cells, because the same named version can have two different readings of the same passage at neighboring congregations. 

The marketing experts never explained to believers how their newest, best Bibles have to change every few years - without notice. Now we have the clergy, who know little Greek and less Hebrew, praising the most awful renditions of the Bible ever, down to The Message, which is so bad I ask students to avoid it.

There is really no difference between the radical paraphrases like The Message, The Amplified Bible, and the Living Bible. The Living Bible has already transformed  itself into the New Living Bible, which means its prose has the same shelf life as Wonder Bread.

Does anyone see a parallel with the hymnals? The LCMS-WELS-ELS once used The Lutheran Hymnal.  The faithful still buy and use TLH, but each sect now has its own bad hymnal and new versions of that catastrophe coming out from their in-house printer. The Calvinists sell them pop religious music, so WELS - for instance - is funding Calvinists with congregational money. But that was the plan all along - to rid the conservative Lutherans of Biblical, Lutheran doctrine, replacing it with shopworn Calvinism and Enthusiasm. 

The LCMS-WELS-ELS-ELCA leaders did not congregate and jubilate at Fuller Seminary and Willow Creek to study the Means of Grace. An old  student of Synodical Conference treachery, now deceased, kept track of the back-sliding from long ago. 

 Kent Hunter got his "doctorates" from Fuller Seminary and ELCA, making him the expert needed and honored by LCMS-WELS.

 This is Kent Hunter, rubbing it in. Luther called those who separated the Holy Spirit from the Word "Enthusiasts." All the Lutheran leaders mock the clear Biblical teaching of the efficacy of the Word.

 I get all fizzley when Dr. Hunter explains his confusion to me.

 Another great mind, like Cho, unwraps the secrets of the Kingdom. If only Luther and Chemnitz had known all this!

 Let's be frank here - the Church Growth experts are heirs of Bishop Stephan - using the church for gathering groupies.