Saturday, March 12, 2022

Matthias Loy Magazine - On Justification by Faith

John Sparky Brenner WELS professor at two seminaries, MLS and Mordor, admitted in his Jesuit dissertation at Marquette University that Walther's predestination rampage was promoted simply to back up his Objective Justification.

“It is only an effort to mislead the unwary when the cry is raised that grace is disparaged when stress is laid upon faith as indispensable to salvation. There is no such opposition between grace and faith as there is between grace and merit or works, because faith is the only means of appropriating the only merit which can avail for our justification.

From “Election and Justification” in The Columbus Theological Magazine, Vol 1, 1881, Matthias Loy, editor.

That the doctrine of justification by faith is thus placed in jeopardy is plain to the view. According to God’s revealed order of salvation He cannot eternally save the soul that has not the righteousness of Christ, which is appropriated only by faith. But the Missouri doctrine of election claims that He selects those whom He designs to save, and infallibly decrees their salvation, without any foresight of faith. The divine declaration, “He that believeth shall be saved,” is translated into the proposition, He whom God pleases shall and must be saved.”

From “Election and Justification” in The Columbus Theological Magazine, Vol 1, 1881, Matthias Loy, editor.

 Frosty Bivens, Fuller Seminary alumnus (or not, depending on the audience) claims that Objective Justification is the Chief Article of the Christian Faith. His pal Valleskey did not go to Fuller either (or he did, if talking to Fuller fans).

 Zarling, WELS, wrote an unintentionally funny essay on Objective Justification as a "diamond." The essay was so bad that Bivens stole Zarling's main points on OJ being the Chief Article. Kids - plagiarize and you could teach at Mordor.

 The Walther-Stephan faction put F. Pieper (Wisconsin Sect) in place to canonize CFW's 
crypto-Calvinistic OJ. Why did Walther call Loy to be a Missouri professor? Perhaps to silence him.

 Valleskey's lopsided smile is disturbingly like Mark Jeske's.