Thursday, February 24, 2022

Filling the Midnight Slot - Sixth Post

I wavered about the promised late night post, but I found some great organ music, which energized me.

I love to hear music from the great pipe organs of the world. Certainly they will one day be considered the quirkiest of all the sound producers of the last 500 years. Who would put together so many pipes and tune them, rig them to a manual, and arrange the ranks to generate sounds from thunderous to delicate? The cost to build and maintain - hard to believe.

Did anyone else notice that America denominations abandoned: 

  1. The classic KJV in favor of pathetic paraphrases with missing verses?
  2. Justification by Faith so they could exploit universal salvation (Objective Justification)?
  3. Biblical hymns so they could pound their percussion instruments and howl their self-praise?
  4. The message of salvation, only to replace it with pre-church popcorn Pepsi salivation?
Yes, the great and wise corrupters have done this, working with great diligence, crushing opposition with quips, threats, and dishonesty. As Luther wrote about Luke 8, Sexagesima, these denominational heads are the seed fallen on the rocky path and swallowed up by Satan's henchmen. 

These dunderheads have their underlings tied up in dreams of future glory and riches. Go back and see that the current leaders were working on their careers from the earliest days, always treating apostasy like a foul smell but somehow also excusing it and promising to end the blight. They have more positions than a whirling dervish who just tried a Carolina Reaper.

Some of my favorite responses from the past have been, "How can you be so critical of the synods? You should stop writing!" Somehow they failed to comprehend the meaning of Ichabod - The Glory Has Departed. 

And they are so comical in their absurdities. Josh Scheer runs like a scalded dog away from the important matters, in order to cluck his cloven tongue about a sure thing in Missouri. Steadfast? I foresee him as a District President or special counselor for Calvinist News. The DeadLast Lutherans "had to" erase criminal evidence, ordered by Matt the Fatt, and Josh now wants His Enormity to do the right thing at Concordia Mequon.

 So much was at steak in those days - free lunches, free suppers, free travel, and freedom from preaching, which he escaped early.

Hymn - Lord of the Harvest Hear

"Lord of the Harvest, Hear"
by Charles Wesley, 1707-1788

Tune - Aynhoe - linked here

1. Lord of the harvest, hear
Thy needy servants' cry;
Answer our faith's effectual prayer
And all our wants supply.

2. On Thee we humbly wait,
Our wants are in Thy view.
The harvest, truly, Lord, is great,
The laborers are few.

3. Anoint and send forth more
Into Thy Church abroad
And let them speak Thy Word of Power
As workers with their God.

4. Oh, let them spread Thy name,
Their mission fully prove,
Thy universal grace proclaim,
Thine all-redeeming love!

The Lutheran Hymnal
Hymn #488
Text: Matthew 9:38
Author: Charles Wesley, 1742
Composer: James Nares, 1783, ad.
Tune: "Aynhoe"

Hymn - Lord Keep Us Steadfast

"Lord, Keep Us Steadfast in Thy Word"
by Martin Luther, 1483-1546

Tune - Erhalt Us Herr - linked here

1. Lord, keep us steadfast in Thy Word;
Curb those who fain by craft and sword
Would wrest the Kingdom from Thy Son
And set at naught all He hath done.

2. Lord Jesus Christ, Thy power make known,
For Thou art Lord of lords alone;
Defend Thy Christendom that we
May evermore sing praise to Thee.

3. O Comforter of priceless worth.
Send peace and unity on earth.
Support us in our final strife
And lead us out of death to life.

Hymn 261
The Lutheran Hymnal
Text: John 8:31
Author: Martin Luther, 1541
Translated by: Catherine Winkworth, 1863
Titled: "Erhalt uns, Herr, bei deinem Wort"
Tune: "Erhalt uns, Herr"
1st Published in: Geistliche Lieder
Town: Wittenberg, 1543

Hymn - Lord Jesus Who Art Come

"Lord Jesus, Who art Come"
by Eberhard L. Fischer, 1695-1773

Tune - O Gott, du frommer Gott - linked here

1. Lord Jesus, who art come
A Teacher sent from heaven
And by both word and deed
God's truth to us hast given,
Thou wisely hast ordained
The holy ministry
That we, Thy flock, may know
The way to God through thee.

2. Thou hast, O Lord, returned,
To God's right hand ascending;
Yet Thou art in the world,
Thy kingdom here extending.
Through preaching of Thy Word
In every land and clime
Thy people's faith is kept
Until the end of time.

3. O blessed ministry
Of reconciliation,
That shows the way to God
And brings to us salvation!
By Thine evangel pure,
Lord, Thou preserv'st Thy fold,
Doest call, enlighten, keep,
Dost comfort and uphold.

4. Preserve this ministry
While harvest-days are keeping;
And since the fields are white
And hands are few for reaping,
Send workers forth, O Lord,
The sheaves to gather in
That not a soul be lost
Which Thou art come to win.

5. The servants Thou hast called
And to Thy Church art giving
Preserve in doctrine pure
And holiness of living.
Thy Spirit fill their hearts,
Endue their tongues with power;
What they should boldly speak,
Oh, give them in that hour!

6. Yea, bless Thy Word alway,
Our souls forever feeding;
And may we never lack
A faithful shepherd's leading!
Seek Thou the wandering sheep,
Bind up the sore opprest,
Lift up the fallen ones,
And grant the weary rest.

7. Bring those into Thy fold
Who still to Thee are strangers;
Guard those who are within
Against offense and dangers.
Press onward with Thy Word
Till pastor and his fold
Through faith in Thee, O Christ,
Thy glory shall behold.

The Lutheran Hymnal
Hymn #485
Text: 1 Corinthians 4:1
Author: Eberhard L. Fischer, 1741, ab.
Translated by: composite
Titled: "Herr Jesu, der du selbst"
Tune: "O Gott, du frommer Gott"
1st Published in: Neuvermehrtes Gesangbuch
Town: Meiningen, 1693

Let Me Know If You Want the Almost Perfect -
The King James Version: Apostolic Texts, Precise Translation
Fraudulent Texts and Heretical Translations

 Janie will have this in early March, so it should be finished during the month.

Hello KJV Fans and Opponents.

If you email me at - I can send you the PDF of the book. 

edlp stands for Every Day Lutheran Principles

You do not to edit the book. If you find the rare typo, send me a note on the error itself. I use control-f to find them since the PDF is not quite the same as the Word document.

This is free. I appreciate anything you have to say. One teacher pointed out a lot of things which I fixed on the first try, because there was a lot to address.

I am glad I ordered many new books for this project and went over the research again, new and old. I learned a lot. I think everyone will be inclined to read even more about the KJV from many excellent books. 

The Whetstone

This is one of my favorite Luther quotations, which also suggests that those who do not battle false teachers are false and craven by default. 

Retreat is often the default when something comes up - "I don't want to be kicked out." I have even had pastors look left and right to make sure nobody could hear what I was saying about their precious sect. 

The first rule in our sect is - "We are perfect."

A member sent me a book about Evangelicals and was sorry it was a third-rate book. I said, no, because we need to read what is out there to know what the situation is. I read most of the Church Growth books (Trinity Seminary Library) and owned a few in Columbus. It was always a treat to watch "leaders" promote Church Growth and deny it at the same time. 

We do not owe anything to false teachers except teaching them how they are wrong. Polemical speaking and writing comes from the Greek word for war. We cannot teach truth and then treat errorists with flattery, praise, and financial rewards. 

When the topic came up long ago, I recalled the cartoon with the lion sharpening his claws on the whetstone. I found it and matched it with Luther's quotation. From that time on I combined a lot of great (and foolish) quotations with graphics. I can find the graphic faster than the quotation, the burden of having thousands of quotations stored.