Believe it or not, these two verses are the crown jewels of Universal Objective (Faithless) Justification!
Those pompous dogma distributors propagate the first five words - "By grace are ye saved" - because they cannot tolerate the next two - "through faith." They are completely hardened and blinded by their five-word motto.
An audio tape (remember them?) captured my attention when an LCA leader, full of wrath, denounced Evangelicals because "they do not teach grace!" Say that out loud with your teeth gritted in wrath and despair. The tape was from the Word and Witness program.
The tone of voice puzzled me as much as the claim. I had to learn the intricacies stupidities of Universal Objective Justification before I understood the blind wrath.
Whether the fetid, brackish stream flows from Calvinism, Pietism, Walther or his handpicked yes-men, the basics are the same:
- The entire world has already been saved.
- Everyone must agree with #1 or be damned.
- Those who call this Universalism are damned.
They define faith as agreeing with #1, so it is a closed system. At Bethany, the seminary taught that the people in Hell are saved but it does not do them any good. That is pretzel preaching.
Everyone who promotes
- Universal Justification
- Objective Justification
- Universal Justification
- Universal Objective Justification
- Justification of the World
- General Justification
is either blinded or completely hardened by the Holy Spirit in the Word. Rationalism is either the mother or the child of Objective (Faithless) Justification. Pietism gave birth to Rationalism at Halle University, and the school was created to teach Biblical knowledge in the Spener tradition but quickly converted into mocking the Scriptures. A little bit of leaven will leaven the entire batch of bread.
The American Lutheran church bodies were all affected by Pietism, but the lying historians of WELS, ELS, and Missouri now claim they always taught Justification properly (as UOJ). Ha! It was a mixed message.
Walther, a Pietistic pimp and felonious riot-maker, worked Stephan's toxic Objective Justification into the sect via his rabid Calvinistic Theses on Grace (double predestination) and through his clever Wisconsin Synod raised Francis Pieper. Once they put Stephan-Walther's OJ into the 1932 Brief Statement, the OJists were able to make that particular convention statement (Scripture by Vote) the Alpha and Omega of all their dogma. It is still solemnly posted on the LCMS website. Those are the same dolts who mocked Luther for the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation. A little leaven - wait, I said that already.
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This simply means that one must accept that God forgave everyone the moment Christ rose from the tomb. Some move that back to Adam and Eve. Scholars are divided. |
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Emmaus is where Lutherans go to close their eyes and say, "Make Ichabod go away!" |