Monday, April 3, 2023

God's Creation Food Is the Best Medicine - Statins Interfere with the Body And Often Have Terrible Side Effects


The serious side of medicine (bottom row) - "Try this. Maybe it will work. Kickbacks from Big Pharma? You reading Ichabod or something?"

What they are thinking (top row) - "Nyuk, yuk, yuk! We are going to Vegas on the profits!"

Hello Pastor Jackson

On your blog, you've written about how eating walnuts may reduce one's cholesterol numbers. I would like to relate my experience with this.

I have a routine physical exam each year. Over the years, my cholesterol numbers have increased. In 2022, my total cholesterol number was 221. "High" cholesterol begins at 200. My doctor said that if my cholesterol number remained at this level or increased, I would need to start taking statin drugs to reduce it. 

In January as part of my New Year's Resolutions I added walnuts to my diet. Each week I bought a 14 oz can of shelled walnuts. I ate some walnuts with each meal and I ate walnuts in between meals as a snack.

I had lab blood work done at the end of March. It showed a total cholesterol number of 157. This represents a reduction of 28% from 2022 and it puts my cholesterol number into the "optimal" range. I didn't change my lifestyle or take any cholesterol lowering drugs, so the reduction in total cholesterol can be attributed only to adding walnuts to my diet.       

GJ - A member sent me two pounds of walnuts because his doctor said, "Eat walnuts for your heart." I began eating them... on ice cream. My cholesterol dropped to normal because the good side of walnuts (heavy oil) drags the bad kind out (the light,sticky jamming the veins cholesterol). The ice cream was not helping, so I moved to beans, greens, vegetables, nuts, and seeds. My blood sugar became normal, I lost 35 pounds, and my blood pressure decreased.

Very few medicines cure. At best they usually can only have some effect on the symptoms.