Thursday, August 3, 2023

The Non-Gospel of Calvinistic Pietism and F. Pieper - Regurgitated Anew by Brad Kerkow ELS


Why do the Waltherian dimwits cite Romans 4:25 when the context demands the entire sentence? The Brief Statement, canonized by the LCMS-ELS-WELS places itself above the Scriptures and against the Scriptures.
August 2023.
The Reason Why You Can Share Jesus with Anyone!
One of the greatest comforts for the Christian is the teaching of Objective Justification. This is the teaching that God has declared the verdict of ‘not guilty’ upon the world for the sake of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection.
Here is comfort for you: Do you ever wonder whether your sins are truly forgiven? Do you have a past sin that haunts you? Do you wonder if God is still angry with you? Well, if the whole world is declared 'not guilty' for the sake of Christ, then you also must be included. Franz Pieper said,
"The reconciliation which Christ brought about is history, a finished event lying in the past that pertains to all mankind and is of an entirely objective character. For it does not consist in a change of mind or "moral transformation" on the part of man, but in a change in God; God in His heart is not imputing their trespasses unto men, but forgiving them (2 Cor 5:19)."*
God has forgiven you in Christ! He has declared it! It is an historic fact. This is also true for anyone else you meet (i.e. any other human): If the whole world is declared 'not guilty' for the sake of Christ, then they also must be included. Pieper continued, referring to the Apostle Paul's words in 2 Corinthians 5,
"To the report of the finished universal objective reconciliation the Apostle immediately adds that God has committed unto us the Word or news of this complete reconciliation in order that men may share in the finished reconciliation."*
This is the reason why you can share Jesus with anyone! We use the Means of Grace (God's Word and the Sacraments) to do this. In fact, the above quote comes from the section of Pieper's Christian Dogmatics which discusses and explains the Means of Grace. God's Word and His Sacraments are the means which He has chosen to deliver this beautiful truth of Jesus' forgiveness for everyone.
This does not mean that everyone will go to heaven. The other aspect of justification is Subjective Justification which means the benefits of God's verdict of 'not guilty' become yours through faith. Sadly, some people will reject this truth and remain in their sin. But until Christ returns we live in this time of grace and we can confidently use every opportunity to share the Gospel with others and let the Holy Spirit work faith in their hearts.
Be comforted, and know that you can share this comfort with anyone. No one is excluded, including you.
God was in Christ reconciling the world to himself, not counting their trespasses against them. And he has entrusted to us the message of reconciliation. Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, inasmuch as God is making an appeal through us." 2 Corinthians 5:19-20
*Francis Pieper, Christian Dogmatics, Vol. 3, (St Louis: Concordia Publishing House, 1953), p. 105.
Rev. Brad Kerkow, Evangelism and Missions Counselor (ELS)

David G. Peters and 8 others

Alan Lubeck Author
To Gregory L. Jackson
Try reading the Bible as though it doesn't contradict itself and submit yourself to the revelation that justification is already in Christ and received from Him to the individual through faith. You don't manufacture justification with faith you receive it. The objective justification denier heretics imagine a justification that somehow didn't get off the ground in the work of Christ, it wasn't finished...till you justify yourself with faith. I notice in the article that Pastor Kerkow is careful to point out that everyone is justified IN CHRIST. He doesn't teach that the individual is justified apart from Christ...but IN Christ who IS already the justification of the world. The article is sound. "Therefore, as one trespass led to condemnation for all men, so one act of righteousness leads to justification and life for all men."

GJ - Quoting without a citation and without the translation is lazy. No wonder the newest NIV spells out Universalism so clearly.