Thursday, August 3, 2023

WELS and LCMS Delegates, Visitors, and Mourners - Listen Up.
Everything Being Done By the Leaders Is Wrong!


 Liz Eaton is already showing that her victory was Pyrrhic

I know how many will respond. "So what does he know? He drives a 21 year-old car and broadcasts from the spare room of a rented house."

The Solution

WELS, Missouri and the other corporations have established a fool-proof method of failing. They are not businesses, nor are they charities or agents of social work activism.

They have already flopped and will continue to decline, like the 300 year old church near the Philadelphia seminary (ELCA), closed by now.

Congregations and church bodies can only thrive on faith in Jesus Christ, the efficacy of the Word, and the Means of Grace. 

The heirs, actually the illiterate inbreeds of CFW Walther, have squashed faith in Jesus Christ with so much energy that they rave like crack-heads against Justification by Faith. Their favorite Bad Bibles - the Evil Four Plus the Beck - are designed, fluffed, and edited to destroy faith in Jesus Christ and His Gospel Message.

The time has come for these money-fied institutions to stop robbing everyone with their deluxe salaries, benefits, cars, and vacations. They do not visit the poor but grovel before the rich.

I realize than many want to drag out their pathetic CPH books and similar toxic publications, as if they hold the ultimate truths. Here is a laugh - a future seminary WELS president attends Fuller Seminary, denies going there, and writes a disgusting textbook textbook on how to do everything wrong via Fuller. The efficacy of the Word? - what's that. The Means of Grace - no, we need to grow. 

Nothing good will happen until the dreary denominations return to the Source - the Scriptures. Any version will do, as long as it is equal to the King James Version and not other cures like the Covid vaccines and kudzu vines. 

Since the victims of this fiasco are being threatened with even more toxic waste, they have to rely on the King James and shorter works by Luther, not 400 page "Small" Catechisms.

Romans 1-5 is a good start.