Tuesday, August 1, 2023

WELS Convention Begins with Fuller Seminary Clown Preaching - First VP Huebner, Who Replaced Church Growth's Wayne Mueller, Another Jeske Gang Member

Jim Huebner's father led the cover-up of the infamous Tabor murder. Read this Ichabod post about hazing rituals in WELS. 

Michigan Lutheran Seminary once had 300 high school students. Now they have only 192 students - Church Growth at work! John Lawrenz, as a previous principal, laughed about students holding a fellow student upside-down, outside an upper level window. They slipped, he dropped head-first, and broke bones. Lawrenz laughed. The appalled parents found a better school.

WELS is a sect where alcoholism is praised and promoted, lying is a team sport.

"Do you know who my father is?" - The WELS Crocodile Farm always has an alibi for alcoholism, adultery, and various felonies. They tell their tall tales about anyone who dares to challenge their abusive cult. Jim Huebner - we know, we know.

When Huebner invited himself to visit Shepherd of Peace in Columbus, the local WELS clergy and fake clergy included three divorced pastors out of six, which was OK. They embraced Fuller Seminary dogma, just like Valleskey, Bivens, Huebner, Kelm, and Larry Otto Olson. 

I would not trust the numbers published by WELS. They never tell the truth. Schwan checks were not always included in the money mailed in - as told by someone in charge of handling the funds legally. "Missions" are often renamed and restarted to show how active they are. 

But now - like the LCMS and the Little Sect on the Prairie (ELS) - they have a legacy of bricks and mortar for the glory of Holy Mother Synod. They must carry their inflexible, demanding, and unmoving burden, soon calling for furnace, AC, roof, and population repairs.

Relax, WELSians, a new generation of alcoholic pastors and teachers are becoming senior leaders, eager to take the place of their sclerotic seniors. They have a new gimmick to divert attention from the actual numbers - Unstuck. Never mind their love of the worst Bible ever - the NIV. Ignore their anti-Lutheran, anti-Scriptural dogma. Let the youngest - if they can be found - take over.

Yes, this is being sold to WELS suckers, who need to be unstuck to "grow, Grow, GROW!" - quoting their patron saint, Waldo Werning.

WELS, ELCA, LCMS - who says Lutherans cannot get along? Some ELCA parishes have removed material as soon as I posted about them. Mark - The Germans Stopped Coming - Jeske is the key person in bringing ELCA clergy and the LCMS-WELS together. Now is a good time to dab tears from one's eyes - or were they blinders?

WELS has blown a lot of loot to make themselves larger, but they keep shrinking faster than ever.

The Southern Babtists rejected the NIV that WELS loves so dearly. NIV Romans 3 - "all" are justified? 

 How about that Sprinter statue? 

ELCA has nothing on WELS, a leader in societal evolution and hanky-panky.

Michigan Lutheran Seminary dresses their young men in dresses each year, good training for Martin Luther College and Mordor (Mequon). "One gender to rule them all, and in the darkness bind them."


Cross-dressing Michigan Lutheran Seminary students lead to cross-dressing pastors and congregations. No problem - ELCA understands and applauds this breakthrough.