Thursday, November 9, 2023

ELCA Professor Carl Braaten, A Paul Tillich Groupie, Has Died, Age 94 -
Co-Author of Notorious Braaten-Jenson Two-Volume Christian Dogmatics


Carl Braaten promoted the faith without belief  gibberish that overturned what his missionary father taught. Oddly, Carl thought the Seminex faculty, who joined Lutheran School of Theology in Chicago, were the real radicals.

Braaten and his team of professorial apostates put together a massive, two-volume Christian Dogmatics where all the basics of the Christian Faith were denied. I bought the set from Fortress so I could copy the main quotes. Then I sent it back saying it was a pile of rubbish, trying to be polite. Fortress wrote back, "They are using it in all our seminaries." Soon after, Fortress was denying the seminaries were using it as their textbook.

An LCA pastor said at a retreat I attended on my way out, "Everyone should get Braaten-Jenson. They are conservatives. Their colleagues are saying that God-language is useless and meaningless now." 

"Later they quote Braaten again, saying that as ELCA Lutherans we believe as truth, "If Jesus is the Lord and Savior, he is the universal Lord and Savior, not merely my personal Lord and Savior. Because Jesus is the unique and universal Savior, there is a large hope for salvation, not only for me and others with the proper credentials of believing and belonging to the church, but for all people whenever or wherever they might have lived and no matter how religious or irreligious they may have proved to be themselves."

One of the blokes said in their book - The Trinity is nothing more than God, the man Jesus, and the Spirit as the spirit of the believing community. [From memory, more or less] That should make everyone jump up and buy the $80 two-volume set.

AAL/Lutheran Brotherhood/Thrivent kept getting the LCA/ALC/LCMS/WELS/Thrivent professors and leaders together as one giant marketing scheme, though watered down with other non-profits, not just the apostates Lutherans.

I could go on about where Braaten-Jenson took the Lutherans. I even published Liberalism, Its Cause and Cure. The collapse has already begun, but it really started in those early days when they could get away with undermining Lutheran doctrine and the KJV.