Thursday, November 9, 2023

The Race Continues with Dustmop, Porchi, and Charlie Sue


I should get some photos of Charlie Sue soon. She is the leader along the fence-line. We have a pug on west fence, Doggie Daycare on the north fence, Dustmop and Porchi on the south fence. The south was dug in many places so chicken wire was attached to the fence and along the ground.

A group of children were outside (70+ degrees) with Little White Dustmop and Porchi. Charlie was itching to do more running, so I talked with the kids and yelled "Run, run, run!" at the competing dogs. Charlie got this going, and Porchi joined. Dustmop is around many days, so he learned the chant too. 

Porchi wanted some personal time, so he stood on his hind legs against the fence and enjoyed his huge head being stroked while I praised him. He likes that more than running, but he does both. All three dogs have dug under the fence to some extent. Dustmop could run under it both ways, no trouble. I have added more heavy objects along the part where the chicken wire bends onto the ground to impede their adventures.

I gave Porchi two toys to play with and bring back, on a quieter day. He took each one with glee and looked hurt about bringing them back. He walked as far away as possible to work them over. He has not learned to share.

Charlie loves chasing balls and squeaker toys but does not bring them back. She makes a point of hiding them. She parked three of them along the fence shared by Doggie Day Care. It will be funny to see if she places them back there later. When the grass and weeds were high in a couple of places, balls were hard to find. She fetches them back part of the time, hides them the rest of the time.