Friday, December 8, 2023

Pity the Church Managers Who Will Be Remembered for the Debacles


One member cautioned me to stop saying "church leaders" because they are not leaders, but managers (at best). The managers attain their richly endowed palaces of spiritual poverty by following rather than by leading. They took their inheritance, like the Prodigal Son, and wasted it on slow horses and fast women, as the parable suggests. However, there is no repentance, only scapegoating. 

The son of one synod president, who was noted for covering up at least one felony, told another person, "Greg Jackson almost destroyed WELS." That seemed a bit harsh to me, but it explained the difference between the Chief Article of Christianity - Justification by Faith - and their mindless devotion to universal forgiveness without faith, Objective Justification.

What is the one quality needed in those managers? They lack faith in Jesus Christ and spread their poison as much as they can. They live in fear, which is why they spend so much time covering up crimes and absolving the guilty who give them political power. Because they have no grasp of the Christian Faith, they only do their work by deceit. Whether wasting away or ready to explode in fat, they look miserable. 

ELCA was so deviously choreographed at its 1987 conception that the shrieking hens of lesbian dominance had to come out of their covens and take over in 2009. Some demi-semi-conservative male bishops were alarmed, but Liz Eaton knew their warnings would only weaken male tradition. She moved from being podunk local bishop in Ohio in 2007 to ELCA Presiding Bishop in 2013. She no longer looks gleeful about her overwhelming win and her messianic delusions.

As a student of essential details in biographies I continue to be curious about male bishops having wives and children, while women bishops have... No one seems to know. When a new female bishop is placed on her ecclesiastical throne, no one seems to be included. I thought inclusion and belong were "the thing". Liz Eaton is married, but the female bishop majority appears to be solitary.

The intellectual strength of the women bishops seems to be zero, perhaps even less. A group of them chanted for a journalist that the Holy Spirit was locked in the closet and ready to come out. 

The irony is that the so-called conservative synod managers pretend to be distant from the bird cage of crazies, La Cage aux Folles. They have been huddled together with ELCA since I do not know when. I enjoyed forcing out the story about the WELS and LCMS managers "conferring" with the ELCA manager at Snowbird. Curiously, ELCA's The Lutheran covered this accurately while WELS and Missouri were wet-their-pants frightened. Otten reproduced The Lutheran's article. All references to ELCA-LCMS-WELS Snowbird have been scrubbed from the Internet. 

ELCA Women Bishops - Let the Holy Spirit Out of the Closet!

Party in the MLC article - hilariously deceitful.

If the reader thinks ELCA is gayer than lavender hose, then look at WELS videos and synod support for them. "Party in the MLC (Martin Luther College)" was uploaded to YouTube and favored by many inside WELS and outside as well.

What do the ELCA-WELS-ELS-LCMS-CLC managers have brewing?

Their higher education schools represent tons of buildings that are no longer needed.

The perks of managing are very expensive and so it the cost of medical insurance.

The clergy do not have faith in the Gospel of Jesus Christ and therefore turn to secure, gimmicky plans that consume money while shrinking their base even more. 

Any group can gather and form a congregation more faithful than the atrocities promoted by the apostates synods.

 Liz Eaton and her cohorts won the 2009 ELCA vote at this Twin City congregation.
A ferocious storm knock the cross over.