Wednesday, December 6, 2023

The Wizard of Oz Poppy Fields Are Reality Today


"Oh Lawrence, Paul, Wayne! I can see Fuller Seminary from here!"
Little did they know that they would succumb to poppies, the source of opium.

The Wizard of Oz is an expression of the occult. The author Frank Baum was a member of the Theosophy Society and openly proclaimed the virtues of his group. The occult groups associate with one another and have similar claims. Masons also describe The Wizard of Oz as based on the Masonic Lodge.

 "So many secrets are revealed to us. Let's tell the folks back home in the Midwest!"

The LCMS, WELS, and future ELCA managers went as groups to Fuller Seminary in Pasadena. They came back enchanted by the anti-Christian dogma of its stars. Synod funds and Thrivent loot were used to make this easy and unified. The dates published by WELS are a good standard to show when this addiction began. Paul Kelm was used as the cool guy in wolving (not shepherding) the poorly-trained seminarians at every opportunity. 

WELS was spreading their Church Growth virus already in 1977. The LCA and Missouri Synod were doing the same, starting from the top down, as cleverly designed by Fuller Seminary.

The so-called conservative Lutherans were no different from LCA/ALC. They loathed the King James Version of Bible, hated the concept of inerrancy, and loved every deception injected into their brains by the crackpots at Pasadena. Most importantly, they made the least important part of congregational work the most important:

  1. Graph the total numbers of members each year! Vital and effective!!
  2. Listen to Waldo Werning, D.D., Lutheran Church Growth Expert!
  3. Aim at having "Happy Campers" in the parish!
  4. Treat the congregation as a business and ignore the fuddy-duddies. They are bitter!
  5. Avoid the hymnal in favor of current Babtist-Pentecostal pep songs.
  6. Set aside the historic liturgy and make up cool stuff.
  7. Spend money like there's no tomorrow. "Go big or go home!" (an actual battle-cry by one LCMS pastor)
  8. Hide the synod name, then hide the Lutheran identity, then invent a weird and inappropriate name to replace the old one - Pathway, Grace Place, Family Center.

 Funny how so many false teachers provide enticing and flashy ways to reach their little paradise.
 Professor Little-Brain is pleased to gather the like-minded sheep and slaughter them.

I can look back on 50 years and see the changes, not unlike Yale Divinity School, where I finished an STM in 1973. The Lutheran professors - and others - were dedicated to the Christian Faith, the liturgy, and the Scriptures: 

Paul L. Holmer, Nils Dahl, Sydney Ahlstrom, George Lindbeck, Jaroslav Pelikan (all members at the church where I worked - Bethesda). They were replaced with radicals once they retired.

Robert Wilson and Abraham Malherbe were excellent and faithful Biblical exegetes. 

Roland Bainton (Here I Stand, A Life of Martin Luther) was definitely liberal but a great historian. I enjoyed all our opportunities with him, active though retired many years. 

YDS wanted us 50-year graduates to write something about our study there and what we have done since then. I wrote that I was extremely disappointed about where YDS had gone. They keep delaying the great memory book - to be filled with gushing responses, pictures and honors. 

Spineless Blockheads - Not Leaders, Not Lutherans, Not Faithful

Alec the Publisher says, "Do not call them leaders. They are not leaders, only managers." The fear and perplexity of the group below is symbolic of the managers of ELCA-WELS-ELS-LCMS-CLC today. 

The only route is not the fools-gold Yellow Brick Road, but the Via Dolorosa, the Way of Sorrows, repenting of their apostasy, their lust for estate gifts, their rejection of Faith in Jesus Christ, God Incarnate, born of the Virgin Mary, miracle worker, teacher, healer of the blind and deaf and mute, raising the dead, dying on the cross for our sins, rising from the tomb and ascending to heaven - so we might know the righteousness of faith in Him.

 "What have we done?"

PS - The LCA-ALC, LCMS, WELS, and ELS have been known to benefit from welcoming Masonic Lodge members, though most of them deny it. Although St. Paul WELS in German Village (Columbus, Ohio) said they were no longer Masonic, the sainted circuit pastor welcomed one and gave him private Holy Communion. A previous ELS president grew his congregation with Masons. Professor John Brug at Mequon took in Masonic members in his first call because there were so many of them in that area. Etc.