Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Is It Worth the Fight? Yes.

Long ago and far away, two people from different parts of the country continued in their support of Objective Faithless Justification. That was many years ago. As Luther stated many times before, the opposition is good for us because without it, we would become indolent, lazy, and lax in our study of the Scriptures.

Recently, those two people - coming from various parts of the country - have emphasized the blessing of Justification By Faith.

I can list many pastors and some laity who saw the light, embraced the "Chief Article of the Christian Religion," and walked themselves back into Objective Faithless Justification. One pastor was very clever and managed to secure calls at a Lutheran Masonic church and congregations belonging to the Anything Goes United Church of Christ. I found his last location in the obituaries. 

Another pastor divided his congregation and became an atheist, mocking his family whenever they went to church. The mission board chair had been hotter than Georgia asphalt for that pastor to come to Ohio.

One bishop promoted Objective Faithless Justification and knowingly formed alliances with  OJ Lutheran clergy. He stated on film lately that he was shocked, shocked - just recently learning about OJ! The same person sat next to me years before and was appalled that the speaker denied OJ.

KJV James 1:8 A double minded man is unstable in all his ways.

Whatever we claim to be, the only source of truth is the Scriptures, which teaches faith in Jesus Christ, our Good Shepherd. Those who pretend to be pastors are wolves in sheep's clothing, using dogma to set the trap and destroy the faith they hate so much. Or - maybe they just enjoy lying. The Wisconsin Sect has a cluster of declining schools where they teach verbal and physical abuse. Their key initiation rite upon entering the seminary is to wade in sewage water, undress outdoors, and smirk about the fun of using contradictory statements - GA. Lying and shunning are the two sacraments of WELS.