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Note the lopsided Jeske smile. I spoke with ALC President David Preus at the Michigan Synod LCA meeting where he conceded the merger which would form the ELCA. The Seminex cluster manipulated the merger to have more than their share of power, but the Left wanted that. ELCA was formed out of the LCA, the ALC, and the radicalized LCMS Seminex called AELC. David was a cousin to Robert and Jack. Their grandpappy was the governor of Minnesota and an insurance magnate. Let us put to rest the deception that LCMS-WELS-ELS-CLC (sic) have major differences or that the ELCA is much different from them. The Big Five share the same blasphemy of Objective Faithless Justification. Just to show how untrustworthy they are, consider this: The Big Five teach that everyone is already forgiven, contrary to anything in the Bible (except the New NIV paraphrase). The Great Wayne Mueller told the kids at a WELS young convention that "Evangelism is easy. Just tell everyone they are already forgiven." I guess that applied to the WELS youth who dropped a bottle from the dorm and caused $700 damage to the car below. No one admitted it. The Big Five share in the confusion and conflicts of several types of Universalism. One is based erroneously on 1 Timothy 3:16 - Jesus was justified in the Spirit. His resurrection meant He was and is the Son of God, because ordinary humans die from being sinful. Jesus was not. He was the Angel of the Lord in the Burning Bush, foreshadowing the Two Natures of Christ, Exodus 3. So the Lutheran wise acres say, as the Calvinists do, "I was saved 2,000 years ago." The Big Five also rely on snip and clip in the Pauline literature. Often they emphasize grace without engaging "faith in Jesus Christ" as access to grace, Romans 5:1-2. The LCMS Brief Statement of 1932 was canonized for eternity, copyright Their Father Below. It reveals the OJ faction's duplicity, repeated endlessly by Rolf Preus - "raised again for our justification!" However, the complete sentence is the opposite of what Rolf was trying to promote. Romans 4:23 Now it was not written for his sake alone, that it was imputed to him; 24 But for us also, to whom it shall be imputed, if we believe on him that raised up Jesus our Lord from the dead; 25 Who was delivered for our offences, and was raised again for our justification. The ending of Romans 4 is clearly a transition to Romans 5. The ancients did not have chapter headings and the verse numbers, but they clearly revealed the clarity of God's Word, not wandering around and bewitching people as the modern seminary professors do. 5 Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ: 2 By whom also we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God. Therefore means Paul is summarizing Romans 4, a clarion proclamation of Justification by Faith, which gives us peace. The amazing grace people tend to forget faith in Jesus Christ in favor of feeling mellow, good, tingly. By whom also we have access by faith into this grace - access is a simple word. God drowns our sin in an ocean of His grace (Luther). That grace is not instant and universal, as the false teacher Eduard Preuss wrote. Missouri still eats that up, ignoring the fact that Preuss turned Roman Catholic and became prominent in promoting the Church of Rome. No access means no grace, so faith is the way by which we receive God's forgiveness, without works on our part, because Jesus has already paid the price. Some of the numbskulls still bray - "Do not make faith a work!" They scowl as they say this, as if their lupine teachers are manipulating them at that moment. Truly, the Big Five Conglomerate are anxious to slander faith. KJV John 6:28 Then said they unto him, What shall we do, that we might work the works of God? 29 Jesus answered and said unto them, This is the work of God, that ye believe on him whom he hath sent. John 6 is another reason for the apostates to hate the Fourth Gospel, with its emphasis on faith in Jesus Christ. Nevertheless, the pure Word of God teaches against Walther, and the Big Five - even ELCA - with his dogmatic ignorance. The Great Kidnapper and Thief, CFW Walther, taught:
The Big Five are in the same bed together, awkward but the best way to snap at the money given by Thrivent, not to mention irrevocable trusts they sell through Thrivent and their "giving counselors," a call from God. The Walther side pretends to be holier than thou because they keep mindlessly quoting the Great Walther instead of reading faithful Bibles. The obvious apostates occupy ELCA but also flourish in the other four sects, whose banner is the rainbow, not the Means of Grace. |