Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Sending a Zoom Link to Everyone on the List - Tomorrow - Need More Time


This is a beautiful graphic for our first trial Zoom. It will take place TOMORROW and be casual. Zoom will create a video, which I will try to post here and also on the Reformation Lectures page.

I will play some organ music so people can see if Zoom compares favorably with Vimeo. We have members and friends who are working on what we need for audio.

I expect to send out links Thursday and Friday, so feel free to respond. Send me an email at

When Christina created a chapel in the little hallway in Phoenix, and Brett Meyer sent a video camera, all this started, with increasing complexity and quality. Thank you all for the encouragement. The efficacious Word of God accomplishes God's will.

 Luther and Melanchthon taught Martin Chemnitz.
These three are the heart and soul of the Reformation.