Tuesday, August 20, 2024

The Century of Regress


Everyone got all excited about the new century, known affectionately as Y2K,  or 2001 for the young'uns. I was hired to do some work with Cisco, a short-term project because they canned their own product, a home router. 

The change introduced me to teaching at Glendale Community College, connecting me with the University of Phoenix and giving me local courses on computers, writing, and the humanities. That led me into online teaching for UOP and then GCU. UOP was eventually merged into the State of Utah system, shrinking faster than wool socks in a dryer. GCU's physical campus grew exponentially and also online. 

Our country has gone into the gutter with dishonesty, deception, fraud, and crime. I listened to the speeches last night, a continuous roar of dishonesty and self-destruction. I wondered, "Do they really want to lead with the destruction of human life, as if that was virtue? Evil is good, and whatever is noble must be covered with their slime.

The best we can do is to rely on and absorb the two great treasures which are easily obtained and yet are scorned and vilified by the Great Ones. 

The King James Version

The treasures are first the King James Bible, which used the martyr William Tyndale and 50 great English scholars to produce a clear and precise masterpiece -

  • The Old Testament, ancient and preserved in infallible Hebrew.
  • The New Testament, early and precise in Koine Greek.

Martin Luther, Melanchthon, and Chemnitz -
The Reformation
By chance, if there is such a thing, Luther became a Biblical professor, translated the Bible with the help of other genius translators, and battled the Church of Rome. His life was always on the line.