Sunday, September 23, 2007

What I Found On My Scavenger Hunt for Blogs

St. Peter (WELS) Lutheran Church Blog

Sermon for May 7, 20064 May 2006 by Saint Peter Evangelical Lutheran Church
I believe in the Holy Christian Church, but I do not believe in the Wisconsin Ev. Lutheran Synod. God’s Church cannot fail because … well, because it is God’s church. The Wisconsin Synod can fail because it is a human institution. ...

I picked that up from the link on Google, but the page no longer exists. Once again, I ask, Who says WELS has no doctrinal discipline?

Bloggers know that pages can be kept online for a long time. Deletion has to be deliberate and pre-meditated. This pastor stopped drinking the Kool-Aid. I am sure he has returned to his Holy Mother WELS mode now.