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Pastor Zip has left a new comment on your post "WELS Pastor in ELCA-LCMS Feminist Holy Communion S...":
His blog.
Since you've asked, Pastor Jackson, permit me to correct an impression that seems to be at the center of this particular post. The pastors who have subscribed to the Rule of the Society, and thus (to use your phrasing) joined that ministerium, serve in several different Lutheran churches in North American and Australia. Thus far, no WELS pastor has subscribed to the Rule. The conclusion to your post is not accurate.
Retreats of the Society are open to all -- Lutheran or other church, clergy and lay -- and include time for common theological study and reflection. Because of that, it is not unusual for someone to attend in order to avail himself of that opportunity -- and not participate in all retreat activities. While I have met WELS pastors at Society events, we neither expect nor encourage any attendee to act contrary to the discipline of his church.
The Rev. Steven P. Tibbetts, STS
Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church, Peoria, Ill.
GJ - Finally, a pastor who signs his name and lists his blog. I like that. Laity sign their names all the time, phone, and email me.
I find a bit of a conflict here. The Society is rather Roman in nature, but recognizes women's ordination at the same time. The Concordia, Ft. Wayne debacle seems to have involved a fair amount of deception. Either the STS deceived the seminary president, or the seminary president deceived the public.
Subscription to the Rule of the Society is not really the issue. If a WELS pastor communed, he expressed common cause with this pan-Lutheran feminist Romanizing group.
My Methodist advisor at Notre Dame attended Mass daily. The Roman Catholic students explained it in two words: "Ritual starved." I imagine WELS pastors feel ritual starved too. Some must crave the Church of Rome. They have a pope at GA. They are infallible when in agreement with the Synodical Pope. Etc.