Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Ed Stetzer, WELS Church and Change Keynote Speaker, Southern Babtist Convention Speaker

Save $140 per ticket and spare yourself the embarrassment of being seen with WELS Schwaermer.
Watch Stetzer in the privacy of your home.
Actual quote: "Coming to the SBC every year makes me feel young and thin."

Let's go over the dates again:

  1. Stetzer twittered his date with WELS Church and Change July, 2008.
  2. Stetzer blogged about Lutherans, putting them down, August, 2008, bragging about his dates with Missouri and WELS. Do they kiss on the first date?
  3. Stetzer put the Church and Change date on his calendar - November, 2009.
  4. The WELS COP discussed this Church and Change invite.
  5. I blogged about this, and Church and Change began denying and lying. Such brave leaders!
  6. On their website, Church and Change did not even admit to having a conference in 2009, certainly not one with Stetzer speaking. Such honesty! Such candor!
  7. Now Church and Change admits to a conference, but not to the Stetzer invite! Transparency? Thy name is not Church and Change.

    Conference 09
    Nov 5th - 7th
    Wyndham Milwaukee Airport Hotel and Convention Center

    C&C events are a great place to network with people who have similar ministries, situations and problems. Come, learn and benefit from everyone's experience!

    More information is coming soon!

Ah, but there is a pre-history to all this.

VP Don Patterson took a group to the Exponential Conference, where Ed Stetzer was one of the featured speakers.

Ski went went another group of WELS leaders to Drive 08, to hear Babtist Andy Stanley.

Oh, what a tangled web we weave,
When using Babtists to deceive.