Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Google "Church and Change" and This Article Poops Up

The triangles going up to the fish's mouth represent offering money
devoured by Church and Change buddies
(free vicars for Patterson, grant for Doebler, etc).
The triangles leaving the fish's rear end
symbolize Church and Change pooping on the synod
at every opportunity, fouling the water.

Center For Church Growth
P.O. Box 691006
Houston, Texas 77269-1006

Six Secrets for Introducing Successful Change in Your Church:

Six Secrets for Introducing Successful Change in Your Church: Part 2: ©
by Charles Arn
Church Growth Magazine 14 (July-September, 1999): 3-4.

"People, by nature, tend to resist change. Consequently, how you introduce a new idea in your church will greatly affect whether it is eventually adopted. Do not assume that the idea will be naturally accepted on its obvious merits. It will not. In fact, you are much safer (and more likely to be correct) in assuming that the idea will be resisted. People are allergic to change."


People, by nature, tend to resist change. Consequently, how you introduce a new idea in your church will greatly affect whether it is eventually adopted. Do not assume that the idea will be naturally accepted on its obvious merits. It will not. In fact, you are much safer (and more likely to be correct) in assuming that the idea will be resisted. People are allergic to change.
In a national study on churches' responsiveness to change, Paul Mundey, director of the Andrew Center (Elgin, IL), asked ministers the question: What is the most difficult change you have attempted to make in the church?

"Overwhelmingly," he reports, "respondents listed something connected with the worship or the Sunday morning schedule as the most difficult, including:

-the addition of a worship service, especially a contemporary one;

-a change in time for the existing worship service;

-a change in time for Sunday School;

-an attempt to introduce more contemporary elements into an existing worship service:"1
Here are six guidelines for successfully introducing change which will be helpful anytime a new idea is presented in your church and others must be convinced.

1. Introduce the idea as a way to reach an agreed upon goal. One of the best reasons for a church to spend time developing and adopting a mission statement is when it is time for change. If there has been previous thought, discussion, and prayer put into a mission statement, and if the congregation has adopted this statement of purpose, then subsequent change ideas are more likely to be supported if they are "positioned" as a step toward that previously agreed upon goal. In a bulletin insert several years ago, a congregation included a "Question-Answer" insert prior to launching a new worship service. The first question read:

Question: Why are two worship service options being studied?

Answer. Our Mission Statement states that we intend for ministry to be offered with a "diversity of options." This means any options offered take into consideration the needs of our church family and those of our community. Both experience and research indicate that a seeker-sensitive worship would allow us to have a significant impact on local people not now a part of our church fellowship, nor of any other church fellowship..."

2. Introduce the idea as an addition, not a replacement. Most people resist change not for fear of discovering the future, but for fear of discarding the past. If you were to present a new idea of a new worship service, for example, members should be assured that the present service will not be changed. The goal is to offer more options so that more people have the opportunity to be a part of the Body of Christ. You will have much more freedom to initiate a new service, and try new approaches, if those who attend the present service - and enjoy it - are not asked to give up "their service" as a result.

3. Introduce the idea as a short-term experiment, not a long-term commitment. Members who question whether the change is an appropriate or wise move for the church will be more open to accepting a "trial period" in which the new idea is implemented and then evaluated. Agree on a date when the new idea will be reviewed. At that time, collectively evaluate whether or not it is accomplishing its goals. If the "experiment" is, in fact, a successful step in the pursuit of the church's mission, it will be far easier at that time to obtain permission for a longer-term commitment. If it is not accomplishing its goals, it is to everyone's advantage to re-evaluate.

Another benefit of an initial "short-term" view toward the new idea is that we, as humans, are more tolerant of change if it is seen as a temporary condition. Then often we discover that the change is not as distasteful as we had feared and, in fact, is often more desirable than the past.

"Respondent after respondent," reports Mundey, "shared that the strategy of a 'trial period' had made it much easier to introduce change. People knew that the change was not permanent and that there would be opportunity to evaluate what had been done. That greatly increases the openness of a congregation to experimentation. This strategy also helps those seeking the change because they don't have their necks stuck out so far! If the experiment doesn't work, no one has lost great dignity or reputation because of it"2

4. Encourage enhancements to create ownership. Good goals are my goals; bad goals are your goals. If a member feels like the new idea is something in which he/she has a personal identity, that member will be more likely to support the idea and work for its success. Goal ownership comes through helping to formulate or refine the goal. Ask others for their suggestions on how the new idea can be most effective. In all likelihood their ideas will enhance the result as well as broaden goal ownership.

5. Sow seeds of creative discontent. Here is a principle of change that applies to all of life, including the church: "Voluntary change only occurs when there is sufficient discontent with the status quo." For many, the primary comfort of the church is its predictability. Things seem to be the same today as they have been for years. And it is that very stability which causes them to resist change in the church. "The solution," says Malphurs, "is to help those people and their churches discover that everything is not all right"3 In generating support for your new idea, seek to whet members' appetite for the greater ministry God desires and the more people he wants to reach through the church. Point out that to simply continue the present course will not, in all likelihood, realize such a dream.

There is a difference between destructive discontent and constructive discontent. Destructive discontent is a desire to leave the present for a more appealing past. Constructive discontent is a desire to leave the present for a more appealing future.

6. Start with the leaders. "A wise leader," observes Doug Murren, "will subscribe to a basic 3-step process in presenting new directions to the church: 1) explain the idea to the core group, 2) collaborate with the committed workers, and 3) share with the entire congregation,"4

As you begin to integrate these six principles of change into your methodology, you will find that many more of your proposals will be met with positive response, and your church will move forward in creative and effective new ways.


1Paul Mundey, Change and the Established Congregation. Elgin, IL: The Andrew Center, 1994; P. 33.

2 Mundey. Ibid. P. 36

3 Aubrey Malphurs. Pouring New Wine Into Old Wineskins. Grand Rapids: Baker Books, 1993, p. 80.

3 Doug Murren. "The Process of Change" in WORSHIP LEADER, Nashville: CCM Communications, Sept/Oct, 1995; P. 30.


1 Charles Arn is president of Church Growth, Inc. in Monrovia, California. His latest book is How to Start a New Service (Baker Books, 1997).


Center for Church Growth
P. O. Box 691006
Houston TX 77269-1006
(281) 894-4391


Center for Church Growth © 1999
Send comments and suggestions to: webmaster@4churchgrowth.com


GJ - This is the blueprint followed by Church and Change, as well as their servants, The Love Shack's Perish Assistants. The Perish Assistants kill off Lutheran doctrine and worship by promoting contemporary services, and they charge big money for it, too. The Church Shrinkers also like to promote feminist causes, women ushers, to be followed by women lectors, to be followed by women teaching men and usurping authority.

WELS was the first Lutheran sect to turn the Creeds into feminist screeds. There were high fives at The Love Shack when that happened.