Monday, November 30, 2009

Is There Hope for the Appleton Dumbling Gang?

Here I stand, batter up.

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Here Is the Dirt on The Dirt Conference":

I was a visitor at St. Paul in Appleton (becoming known as the "AntiCore" among the locals)for Reformation services, and heard one of the finest sermons I have ever heard. What do you think? Is there still hope for Appleton as long as St. Paul is there? Some people there see it as the last hope for Lutheranism in the city.

The link:


GJ - I read the sermon, mindful that the Lutheran confessions not only affirm the positive but also denounce false doctrine. I have heard reports of WELS pastors in the area not sharing a pulpit with Parlow or the recentedly departed Witte (both men having anti-Lutheran DMins in Church Growth).

Appleton reminds me of Luther's statement about one point of doctrine leading to a whole country being lost. Schwaermer doctrine needs to be identified and denounced for what it is - anti-Christian, anti-Biblical, and definitely anti-Lutheran. Doctrinal Pussycat Engelbrecht is the human shield for Shrinkers in Fox Valley, just as Rutschow is the human shield for Jeske, Inc.

One only needs to read Katie's Tweets to know The CORE's doctrine. Now the disorder has spread so widely that no one knows where to start and where to end. A year from now, many Enthusiasts will be feeling the hurt for a lot of reasons. Nevertheless, the real beginning has to be Confessional education at all levels. I suggest colloquy for the DPs, to see if any of them agree with the Book of Concord on the evil nature of Enthusiasm and the essentials of justification by faith alone.