Monday, December 28, 2009

Church and Chicanry on Security Lock-Down!
DefCon 5! Batten Down the Hatches!
The Power of the Word

Patterson sponsored a pagan Easter egg hunt at his church.
I am sure he was not the Easter bunny. PETA would never allow it.

WELS pastors used to worry about Parcher posting in Christian News, but that was a limited audience, and few people keep their copies for long. Now they get Ichabod every time they Google anything about WELS. That is also true for hundreds of pictures and graphics. Try that at home, fellow students. Someone said, "It's incredible the power your blog has throughout the WELS."
  1. Doebler dismantled his website on orders from Patterson and Gurgle. 
  2. Patterson has locked down his Facebook so that his safari adventures aren't exposed. 
  3. Patterson's church website announcements haven't been updated in several months either. 
  4. The Southern Babtist Central District will no longer post their minutes/reports on the district site. 
  5. Names of key Chicaneries are being dropped from board listings. 
  6. The Changers are finally recognizing that the Internet postings and sites reveal a clear picture of their pan-denominational Rock and Roll church agenda.
Joe, Tim, Larry, Moe, Curly - I thought no one read Ichabod.

Gurgle is definitely mentoring Patterson as his campaign for South Central DP gets underway.
This is an obvious PhotoShop because Patterson will not post of photo of them working together.

Who sent you? Ichabod? Get away!