Tuesday, December 22, 2009

More Humor from Joe Krohn (Patterson's Buddy) and Tim Felt-Needs (Joe's Buddy)

Joe Krohn is Luther Rocks (Beethoven picture)

Tim Felt-Needs often assumes his Icha-slang nickname, instead of Niedfeldt or Niedermeyer.

I had a long conversation with a pastor. He said Ichabod often makes him upset, but people chimed in with their comments and proved I was right after all. The pastor and I agree about most things.

Joe Krohn started a new blog again, with his LutherRocks name on it. To defend the photos of WELS pastors Glende and Ski, one of them did a bad PhotoShop with my head on Ski's overfed body. They had to add their puerile remarks, too.

I am glad that the defenders of Patterson, Ski, and Glende work so hard to prove the banality and deceit of Church and Change. Oh no-o-o. They are not Chicaneries. Neither is Patterson, who flew up to the November Chicanery conference, all the way from Texas.

Joe Krohn wants everyone to boycott this blog, but that will be hard to do since the only ones on his blog are Joe and I. And Joe is a follower of Ichabod. He will boycott Ichabod "when the time comes, " he claims. I hope everyone pays attention to Joe Do-As-I-Say, Not-As-I-Do. The servers will break down from all the bandwidth use here.

Joe often hides his identity when commenting. But get on his blog and try to make a comment. He demands an identity before a comment can be posted.  Joe Do-As-I-Say, Not-As-I-Do.

Tim is busy back-pedaling on his tedious blog, trying to excuse his digital bed-wetting.

Did I say the Chicaneries are copy-cats, like their mentors Paul Calvin Kelm and John Parlow? Twice these two adolescents have tried to counter my carefully researched work and clever art (much of it donated by WELS laity) by imitating my blog, by stealing the very graphics they weep over. And they say copying is a crime. But it is not a crime when they do it, because...they are punishing me for making a statement with PhotoShops and actual evidence.

The trouble with amateurs is their lack of persistence, lack of patience, and lack of humor. Both of them are quitters. They get steamed up fast, just as Shakespeare wrote - "A little pot is soon hot." They feel the sting of satire, because everyone is laughing at their cause. But they are incapable of satire, mistaking their dishonest buffoonery for a counter-argument.

Have they made a doctrinal statement excusing Reformed doctrine and methods? Pietistic posturing in the mode of "You are a bad person" is their best gambit.

Tim likes to boast about his movie theater church (copied from the Schwaermer, of course). A respected Lutheran writer visited Tim's church and just about hurled, shocking WELS members with a precise depiction of this Babylon for the Boobacracy. Grab a snack while walking into church. We are trying to live up to Ski's high standards.

Tim is prolific with websites. So why not help out Doebler's poor one-pager? His Church From Scratch is facing Christmas with just a map on the websty, yet Max und Moritz waste their time with fakery.

Joe Krohn was so full of his Rock and Roll Church that he began--and quit a blog--to promote it. His modesty, a candle to his merit, prevented him from using his own name or his photo. "This little light of mine, I'm going to let it shine, when the time comes." WELS has lavished funds on Doebler's church, but no one wants to come. They canned Krohn as Kapellmeister, but that didn't help either. Still,  Joe has appointed himself as a musical and doctrinal expert. Why not devote all that energy to showing us how, Joe Do-As-I-Say, Not-As-I-Do?

The church you love to mock has followers all over the world, Joe. God has accomplished that with the Word alone - without synod subsidies, foundation grants, or Thrivent bribes.

Please keep confirming that my perception is accurate. Who can prove the overabundance of false doctrine better than the adherents themselves?


Irony alert - The Niedermeyer actor, Mark Metcalf, now owns a restaurant in Mequon, where teens were cited for an out-of-control toga party.