Wednesday, March 10, 2010

ELCA - The Only Religion Left Is Green

I was speaking to a Jewish engineer once, and he said, "The only religion left is green." That was 20 years ago.

He might have said, "The only Left religion is green."

ELCA has proven that concept.

Lent and Easter, according to ELCA, are all about the environment!

Welcome to the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America's Lenten e-mail series, Living Earth: A 40-day Reflection on our Relationship with God's Creation. This year’s theme, “Joining the Hymn of All Creation” reminds us that our relationship with our neighbors, our world, and all creatures, great and small, is a gift of communion given us by God from creation’s beginning. In Genesis we hear the call to “tend and keep” the earth (Genesis 2:15), but in our sin we have turned our backs on the call to be God’s stewards and have rejected the gift of living as part of one whole, healthy earth community. As Lutheran ethicist Larry Rasmussen notes “[w]e are most ourselves when we are most intimate with the rivers, mountains, forests, meadows, sun, moon, stars, air, soil, rocks, otherkind, and humankind.”[1]

ELCA has been unusually concerned with otherkind lately. And yet they overlook the nature-based argument against their latest policy change. They should spend more time down to the farm.