Sunday, June 27, 2010

Church and Money Changers Feminist Conference

Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "Holy Word WELS, Austin, Going Multi-Site":

And while the (W)ELS is sleeping their women are preparing to lead as equal partners in the ministry:

National WELS Women's
Leadership Conference
Leading with a Christ-like attitude

Keynote Address

Leading with a Christ-like Attitude: Kathie Wendland
We all envision ourselves being led by a Christ-like leader. After all, wouldn't that be the best situation possible? Do we fully comprehend though what it means to BE the Christ-like leader? Philippians 2 is a treasure chest of practical guidances for Christian leaders. The keynote will be holding the "attitude" of Christ as the example to encourage each of us as women Christian leaders to "conduct (ourselves) in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ," as we "shine like stars in the universe as (we) hold out the word of life," for those around us.

Group Presentations

Because You Are My God...Whatever: Valerie Johnson

Lord, I Shall Seek Your Face: Prof. Richard Gurgel

Break Out Sessions

Christian Leadership in the Secular World – Marilyn Sievert
Our faith doesn’t stop at the church doors, it follows us out into the world. We are a “royal priesthood, a chosen people.” We are meant to stand out and use our gifts to God’s glory and in His service. What does that mean for those gifted to be leaders? Let Christ be our guide. Explore the differences/similarities in the world’s ideas of leadership compared to following Christ as our guide.

Defining Your Leadership Style – Dr. Stacy Hoehl
Just as everybody has different gifts or callings, some gifts can be used differently. Leadership can take on many forms and strengths. It can lead in a variety of ways. Evaluate your strengths and style in order to make the most of your leadership opportunities.

Evaluating Bible Studies – President Paul Wendland
As Solomon said, “of making many books there is no end.” The same can be said for doctrinal materials and Bible studies. But which materials are valuable for building up faith and encouraging spiritual growth? Learn how to distinguish the quality study materials from the rest.

Overcoming Conflict in Service – Marilyn Miller
Although conflict can be an opportunity for growth, we may find that conflict is not always gracious. It doesn’t kindly remain outside when Christians are working together. As we serve our Lord faithfully, disagreements and discontent can creep in. We can address these issues in a loving way, remembering that we serve the same Lord and the same blood has redeemed us all.

Powerful Prayer – Ellen Cook
As in breathing, faith-filled Christians take in God’s grace and love through scripture and exhale to Him our praise and thanks through prayer. Examine the intimacy and power of prayer, trusting fully as we confidently pray, “Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening.”


Reaching Women in the Church – Sally Valleskey
How is your women’s ministry wrapped? Still on the shelf, not yet chosen? Carefully planned, opened and being used to the full? Or all tied up in knots? Whatever your situation, we’ll open the gift of women’s ministry. We’ll look at how to reach various groups of women— some easy and some not so easy but still vital to the life of the congregation. Come with your challenges; come with ideas!

Sharing With a Servant's Heart– Sarah Owens
As Christian female leaders, we desire to serve Jesus, and well. We know He wants us to share His love everywhere we go. Jesus’ words that tell us to go and share with others may at times feel like a requirement we are not able to sufficiently accomplish, a task we cannot do perfectly. In this breakout session, we will hear Jesus’ assurances, turning His commission from a burden to an awesome privilege in which we are able to walk on holy ground, sharing His love.

Too Young To Serve?– Dr. Cynthia Whaley
Are you wondering whether you're ready to serve in your church? Do you feel like you have God-given gifts but you're not sure how to use them to further God's kingdom? Sometimes young people may doubt their value in the church, but God has a plan for you. Attend this session to help discover your God-given gifts and how to use them to His glory here on earth

Women's Ministry Committee Members

Pastoral Advisors
Pastor Dave Kehl - Church and Change
Professor Rich Gurgel - Church and Change

Executive Team:
Marilyn Miller*
Kathie Wendland
Linda Buxa
Carolyn Sachs
Naomi Schmidt

Publications Team:
Linda Buxa*
Amanda Maresh
Melissa Bock
Franceska Wendland

Congregational Ministry Team:
Sally Valleskey*
Su Hanson
Edie Hintz
Jane Eddinger

National Conference Team:
Amanda Bourman*
Val Johnson
Laurie Starr
Vera-Ellen Cook
Sarah Owens
Mary Clemons

Web page Team:
Naomi Schmidt*


To contact the Women's Ministry Committee, please email