Left-click the picture for enlightenment.
Church and Change did the same in Love's Park, Illinois.
bruce-church (https://bruce-church.myopenid.com/) has left a new comment on your post "Holy Word WELS, Austin, Going Multi-Site":
I bet the multi-site is attractive to the CGers because then all those people who don't want communion but once a year, or never, could watch the service on-screen (like they watch TV in a sports bar), and no one around them takes communion. If they are in the main church, though, they'd feel uncomfortable if they stayed in the pews while others file up and down the rows.
maahes (http://maahes.myopenid.com/) has left a new comment on your post "Spread the False Doctrine! Holy Word WELS, Austin,...":
Here's another example of the WELS numbers game. Gurgel says Pflugerville has grown 200% to 300% in the last ten years in the target area, and "That's a lot of opportunities to SPREAD the WORD!"
That means getting out and talking to people about Christ – not starting another church and waiting for people to invite themselves. Look at Christ’s examples for ideas instead relying upon the puny, selfish interests of “trained pastors.”
If they really cared, they would leave their citadels of false doctrine, and make contact with the lost.
GJ - There are several good reasons for locating in Round Rock.
1. It is closer to Patterson's posh home.
2. Gurgle cannot spell Pflugerville.
3. They already have a group of WELS members worshiping in Round Rock.

Borrowin' some sheep,
We'll go on safari,
Borrowin' some sheep.