Friday, July 30, 2010

Happy Birthday, Bethany and Erin Joy

Bethany Joan Marie at four months.

Erin Joy loved her swing.

A cluster of birthdays includes Mrs. Ichabod, Alicia Meyer, the sainted Walter Boeckler, Bethany and Erin Joy, all within a few days.

Bethany and Erin Joy are the stars of Angel Joy, the title based on their nicknames. Nurses always called Bethany "Angel" for her curly blond locks. Erin was so full of joy that the nurses called her "Joy," surprised at seeing it was her middle name. We used to say "Where's the Party?" was her middle name.

Look at my daughter's faces. I baptized both of them. The fake blogger used the death of both girls to attack me for questioning UOJ, Church Growth, and clergy adultery in WELS. I am pointing that out so the readers understand the criminal nature of WELS leadership. Nothing is too low for them.

Criminal actions have consequences. If the perps escape the noose in this life, they still have the next life to answer for their actions. Matthew 7:15ff comes to mind.

When you hear a WELS apostate talk about the Eighth Commandment, remember the helpless children they use as a smokescreen for their evil.

Remember the late Mrs. Al Just, murdered in her own bed.

Remember Mrs. William Tabor, shot to death in her own home by her husband's mistress.


Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "Happy Birthday, Bethany and Erin Joy":

Angel Joy is a wonderful book that is a testament to the supreme efficacy of the Word and the everlasting grace, abundant mercy and loving kindness of God the Father, Son and Holy Ghost.

The Lord's will be done,
In Christ,
Brett Meyer