Friday, July 30, 2010

Scott Makes Some Valid Points

Scott E. Jungen has left a new comment on your post "Disgusted, Not Bored":


I second Brett's "Hear, hear." My only question is this: If I would shake the dust off my feet and "blow town", to where should I go? ELCA?,LCMS?

To me, the WELS on my personal congregational level is still the place I want to be as a Lutheran, even in the Northern Wisconsin District!

I joined Intrepid Lutherans because I finally found a group who was at least willing to admit there is a problem. Would I like to see names called out and people held accountable for their false teaching? Of course I would! Will it happen right away? I doubt it.

Remember, the WELS has been in the spiritual cancer of the Church Growth Movement for over thirty years. This type of deep rooted problem does not go away in a day or a year. Keep speaking, praying, and the powerful Word will do what the Lord intends it to do on His timetable, not ours.

Crawling out from under the bus,



GJ - Scott has made some good points. The chief one is that turning to Confessional Lutheran doctrine will take time - if it happens at all. I trace the Shrinker Movement to 1977, when the odious TELL magazine began, with the approval of SP Naumann.

For that to happen, pastors had to be working on a palace revolution before that time. Now the two colleges and the seminary are subsidiaries of Fuller, Willow Creek, and Mars Hill. The Love Shack and FICL (pronounced Fickle!) are vessels of dishonor.

From Luther's death to the Book of Concord took 24 years, from meltown to publication. Luther's approach was to apply God's Word and let His will take effect. Luther was excommunicated, so the Evangelical Lutheran Church was born.

We have the advantage of knowing Luther's doctrine - if we do - and possessing the Book of Concord - if we study it. I cannot say what the best approach is for each individual. I have confessional friends everywhere.

The foundational issue is applying the Word. Faith makes us bold.