Saturday, August 28, 2010

Church of the Augsburg Confession

Martin Chemnitz saw himself as a theologian of the Augsburg Confession.

People have asked me about Church of the Augsburg Confession. I used that term because Diablo thought Triglotta Lutheran was a bit awkward on my Facebook page.

I have nothing against the name Lutheran, so I am not in synch with the leading lights of apostasy. However, there are so many variations on Lutheran synodical names that some are being repeated, like Hollywood B movie titles - King Kong, Frankenstein, Dracula. The confusing term Augustana Ministerium has been revived, although it properly describes the pastors of the Augustana Synod.

Luther and Chemnitz called themselves theologians of the Augsburg Confession. I have to wonder about any Lutheran pastor who thinks the Book of Concord is boring, irrelevant, or out of date. The same people think Groeschel, Sweet, and Driscoll are relevant!

We do not have an Augie League for kids - so far. Our Altar Guild consists of ladies from three states who work on improving the chapel.