Tuesday, November 16, 2010

– Findings | StanwoodOSLC.org

– Findings | StanwoodOSLC.org

Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church
of Stanwood, WA
Supporting documentation from the OSLC Task Force
The following 34 pages documents the research and analysis conducted by the nine member Task Force over the past 5 months. You are encouraged to read the overview and characteristics for the 14 parameters evaluated in depth. In addition, please use the provided web links that will further expand on those passages quoted and referenced. It has always been the goal and desire of the Task Force to simply provide the materials that each member of the congregation can then use to better inform themselves before the vote on June 13th.. Ultimately it is only through your prayers and thoughtful consideration that we will arrive at a decision that is best for the congregation of Our Saviour’s.

Regardless of which position individual OSLC members have, the Task Force recognizes that these positions are heartfelt and no person should attribute evil to or condemn those who have a position different than their own. The members of the Task Force all care deeply for each and every member of Our Saviour’s congregation and for each and every member and non-member who worships, studies, prays, and serves with us. The Task Force believes that there are many other important subjects that unite us as a congregational family that are central to our ministry of bringing people into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ. After the vote Our Saviour’s will need to refocus on its mission of “encountering God, encouraging believers, extending the Kingdom”, rather than being distracted by divisive political and social issues which were dropped into our lap and do not go to the heart of our faith.

It is our hope that this document will be carefully read and that readers will use the listed websites to go to the sources of the documentation.

In Christ’s name,
OSLC Task Force