Wednesday, January 27, 2010

God's Will Is To Use His Word, The Double-Edged Sword

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Fans of the Video on Facebook":

I am a little clearly want WELS, ELS, LCMS, etc, members to leave their synods for whatever reasons, but what would you like them to do? Do you have a church that you'd like them to join instead, or would you rather them be unchurched and risk falling from their saving faith, which despite what you say is still sown and nurtured for the most part in said synods?


GJ - Luther's approach was to apply the Word and let God do the work. That remains the only answer.

KJV Hebrews 4:12 For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. 13 Neither is there any creature that is not manifest in his sight: but all things are naked and opened unto the eyes of him with whom we have to do.

The Pietists want to motion people over to their pure church body. I respect the confessional Lutherans who are applying the Word and using the Book of Concord where they are right now. I have contacts in most of the synods.

I like being independent. I don't have to deceive people about where I went to school - not that I would. I teach more WELS Lutherans daily than the faculty of the Sausage Factory. The difference is - I am a Lutheran.

The irony is this - the best way to teach WELS is from the outside. The Shrinker tentacles reach around every institution in the synod, as the graduation photos show. This blog provides a useful forum where people can discuss ideas and report news.

I get news, information, URLs, photos, and more from laity and pastors. The best photos come from those sources. I keep confidences, so I have a lot of sources. 

Fans of the Video on Facebook

Gushing Comments from Fans

Party in the MLC Fan Page on Facebook




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Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "Fans of the Video on Facebook":

The homoerotic video parity and it's defense and support by WELS clergy and laity is a symptom of their doctrine and practice.

In my opinion this blog is beneficial for the following things:

1. Preaching the Word in both Law and Gospel. Strengthening the faith of those who are in Christ and hardening the hearts of those who oppose Him, all by the working of the Holy Ghost through the Word.
2. Promote the fact that God's Word is supremely efficacious, to the point that in matters of Law and Gospel nothing else is.
3. Promote the fact that the Lutheran Confessions are the correct explanation of the chief doctrines of the Christian faith and should be used as such.
4. To expose the pure teaching and right practice of the Lutheran churches.
5. To expose the false teaching and false practice of the Lutheran, the heterodox and pagan churches.
6. To show by current and past examples the effects of both pure and false doctrine and faithful and false teachers.

The MLC homecoming video is an example, as are both it's defense and promotion, of the effects of false doctrine and false teachers. It is entirely relevant to any discussion about the spiritual health and orthodoxy of the WELS and ELS.


GJ - The supposed cure is for me to ignore this, which I would rather do. The video and the supporters bring shame to all Lutherans and to the Christian faith.

The video posts are still current because the fans brought the video back, along with the Fire Island original they were shocked to find out was "gay." Who knew? Pink boas. Mincing around. Etc.

The video has spread to the WELS high schools and to other schools. The athletes should be proud of themselves. I am sure they are. The Shrinker colleges have shown that they might as well sell themselves to ELCA - they have the same ideology.