Saturday, April 10, 2010

That Other Core - ELCA's Dissenting Group

Stan Olson, with a PhD in New Testament,
is leading ELCA's transition to a lavender ministerium.
This is part of a larger photo from the 2009 convention.

One ELCA blogger was gloating over his synod having two separate escape routes:
1. LCMC, which overlaps the Word Alone Network, and
2. Lutheran Core, which was quite visible at the 2009 convention and started on the path of creating another denomination, hosted by two former ELCA bishops. After poisoning the food for decades, the geezer bishops want to be the new chefs!

In fact, there was already established, some years ago, the equivalent of LCMC, called the
Lutheran Ministerium and Synod - USA.

They are meeting next week. They would never get into WELS, because the theme this year is The Means of Grace - For You. Meanwhile, Patterson's district is beating the dead horse of UOJ shortly after.

There are other groups, too, created from congregations leaving ELCA.

Every day is a new story on a congregation leaving ELCA or congregations being kicked out of associating with LCMC. If you look over the LCMC site, their congregations are very large and well established. I recall from LCA days that almost all the synod income came from the big churches with their low debt and low overhead (cost per member). In California, too, the big congregations are leaving fast.

ELCA will continue, but rejoicing over a variety of exit strategies will not get them the vitality they threw away with such gusto in 2009.


Professor Paul Hinlickey, ELCA:

Word on the street confirms the appeal of Nestigen’s argument. Receipts to the ELCA are said to be down by 30+%; more than one ELCA seminary is in imminent danger of bankruptcy. In my own synod, under the leadership of a sound bishop who thanklessly sought a unity-saving compromise in August, not only was there a significant 2009 shortfall, but proportionate giving to the ELCA has now been cut from 50.6% to 36% (among other budget slashing moves locally) for the coming year. Congregational pledges to the Virginia Synod for 2010 in turn are down a half a million dollars, something like 25%. In an astonishing two-page letter from the Synod appealing for help, the name “ELCA” was named only once, in a curious paragraph telling the long history of the Virginia Synod through its various predecessor bodies. The pitch: no love lost with the ELCA, but that is not really who we are here, locally, anyway. A similar story is being repeated in many other synods. In statu embarassmentionis.

Also for those who support the ELCA’s heterodoxy. They also now choose to designate their benevolence accordingly. The trust is just gone. So we are all, like it or not, in this de facto situation now of congregationalism. Consequently, in statu embarassmentionis.

As I mentioned, my own embarrassment is that I am not voluntarily going to leave the ELCA. But neither will I in any way cooperate in “Churchwide’s” dysfunction any longer, and my non-cooperation will be a matter of the public witness of an ordained servant of the Word. I will insist upon my rights after 30+ years of service, and I will gladly continue in my congregation and other local ministries, but I will never again contribute a solitary dime, one volunteer hour, a prayer (except in the manner of praying for one’s enemies), or act of good will on behalf of this theological and moral bankruptcy. Thus I am going to act on my “bound conscience” in this de facto debacle of congregationalism that has been thrust upon us. I will work actively in Lutheran CORE for the new configuration of American Lutheranism that will someday emerge from these ruins.

Seminex role in ELCA decline.


Jungkuntz moved from WELS' itty-bitty college
to Missouri's Springfield seminary
to Provost of an ALC university.
Apostasy pays,
while orthodoxy prays.

Satan's Sex Ed - Groeschel Program at WELS' The CORE

This is from Groeschel's free program,
available here. <==Mequon graduates,
left click on the link.

Satan's Sex Ed
View this series. Series ID: 90
4 week series
"Do you ever wonder what really makes the difference between good sex, bad sex, and great sex? And what about those awkward topics that few people discuss openly? We've come a long way since the days when TV couples like Ward and June Cleaver slept in separate beds... and today's kids aren't nearly as innnocent (sic) as Wally and the Beaver. Sometimes it's the things you have to unlearn about sex that help you understand what great sex really is.
Click below to explore this series."

Groeschel cannot spell either, so that must make him doubly attractive to WELS.

Ski downloaded the graphic and added the misspelled promo.

If the WELS pastors were not so lazy, they would study all of Groeschel's programs and shut these things down.

But no, they only shun those who tell the truth.

What denomination is Groeschel?

What does he teach about the efficacy of the Word and the Means of Grace?

Where does Ski get the money to spend $250,000 to channel Groeschel?

Are the DPs afraid of offending a few big-money liberals, the Jeske stable of donors? If so, they have exchanged their heritage for very thin soup indeed.

God is using these false teachers to punish WELS, Missouri, and the ELS. Instead of pointing at ELCA and tongue-clucking, these leaders should be saying, "We are one decade away from being exactly like ELCA."

But why listen to someone who has a real education and has seen it all happen?


bruce-church ( has left a new comment on your post "Satan's Sex Ed - Groeschel Program at WELS' The CO...":

It's a strange juxtaposition to have Ski handing out pictures of himself next to scantily clad youth culture icons, and then talking about sex ed in church. That's not something husbands should do if they want to stay married.


wildcard ( has left a new comment on your post "Satan's Sex Ed - Groeschel Program at WELS' The CO...":

Ski's actions show just how intellectually bankrupt he is.


rhs ( has left a new comment on your post "Satan's Sex Ed - Groeschel Program at WELS' The CO...":

I have been wondering, too. Did Glende and Ski ever graduate?


GJ - WELS is consistent in having its self-described College of Ministry broadcast a plagiarized gay video with a stolen soundtrack. Meanwhile, one of their graduates promotes a plagiarized sex ed program.

The Party-in-the-MLC videographers faked repentance while uploading their video to Facebook. They minced to the beat of a different drummer, but they forgave those troglodytes who misunderstood them.

Ski may go and do likewise. One cannot but notice his genius in opposing all the doctrines of his synod--except UOJ--while enjoying a full-time female assistant to do his work and attend Schwaermer conferences with him.


Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "Satan's Sex Ed - Groeschel Program at WELS' The CO...":

Important to see that these are symptoms and not the disease itself. Departure from God's Word is the disease which is systemic in the Lutheran Synods. Ski/Glende and The Core, MLC gay culture/secret culture, financing abortion through Thrivent, financing murder globaly through Thrivent dispersing money to LWR (Lutheran World Relief), perversion of the Gospel with the new gospel of UOJ, apathetic laity and milktoast synod administration are all a symptom of the disease.


GJ - UOJ gives WELS its Antinomian, lawless character. Everyone knows - anything goes. The affectation shown to the outside world is one of morbid Pietism, such as warning people away from watching Lawrence Welk because they sing religious songs - hence watching that show is unionism. I am not kidding! The same future pastor who warned people away from Welk was shown to be a pathological liar while serving as a flack for a sex offender.

The CLC (sic) is an experiment in seeing how far morbid Pietism can go (American Legion? Unionism!) while condoning adultery, incest, and a rat's nest of false doctrine.

All the UOJ advocates are long on deceit and sanctimony while short on the basics of Christian doctrine.

Freddy Finkelstein Has Returned

His disappearance was more mysterious than Joe Bonano's, but at least he is filling us in about it, unlike Joe:

Friday, April 9, 2010

Blushing Bride Katy Perry To Marry Potty-Mouth Russell Brand at the Taj Mahal.
Foward (sic) Ski's Newsletter

WELS Pastor Tim Glende posed with Katy Perry ("Ur So Gay")
at another venue.

Katy Perry and WELS Pastor Ski. The what if's...


Foward? Too much rap in the earphones?
Or too much WELS education?

Wedding Bells Are Breaking Up That Old Gang of Mine

April 8, 2010

ELCA Wartburg Seminary President Duane Larson Resigns Effective July 1

[Click for larger image] The Rev. Duane H. Larson (photo provided  by Wartburg Seminary) DUBUQUE, Iowa (ELCA) -- The board of directors of Wartburg Theological Seminary here accepted the resignation of the Rev. Duane H. Larson, the seminary's president, effective July 1, the seminary announced in an April 6 news release.

Wartburg is one of eight seminaries of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA). Larson has served as president of Wartburg Seminary since 1999.

"God is calling me to do something new in my pastoral and teaching vocation, alongside the welcome new personal life I will begin with my wedding this spring. It will be good and right for me to be able to give full attention to the gift of marriage, as well as to enjoy some sabbatical, before moving to whatever God has in mind for the next period of my professional ministry," said Larson.


GJ - This dude is a bit old to be getting married. His bio is strangely silent on marriage and family. I suspected that marriage was not something new to him and found this:


May 17, 1999


CHICAGO (ELCA) -- The Rev. Duane H. Larson, 46, was named to become president of Wartburg Theological Seminary, Dubuque, Iowa, on July 15. Wartburg is one of eight seminaries of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA).

The board of Wartburg Seminary announced May 4 that Larson will succeed the Rev. Roger W. Fjeld, who is expected to retire on July 14, the day after his 66th birthday. Fjeld was inaugurated the seminary's 11th president in February 1984. "'We knew that finding an individual to succeed this leader in theological education would be no simple task," said Dr. Janet S. Philipp, the seminary's board chair.

"We were blessed with an excellent field of potential candidates, a strong testament to Wartburg Seminary's heritage and mission," said Dr. Lynn C. Smith, a board member and chair of the presidential search committee. "Dr. Larson has the vision, knowledge, skills and strong spiritual foundation to lead Wartburg Seminary into the 21st century."

Larson has been a professor of systematic theology at the Lutheran Theological Seminary at Gettysburg, Pa., since 1993. A graduate of Pacific Lutheran University, Tacoma, Wash., he earned a master's of divinity degree from Luther Northwestern Seminary (now Luther Seminary), St. Paul, Minn., and a doctorate from the Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley, Calif.

Ordained in 1979, Larson served as pastor of St. Andrew Lutheran Church, San Diego, Christ the Victor Lutheran Church, Fairfax, and St. Andrew Lutheran Church, San Mateo, all in California. He and his wife, Kathy Lane Larson, are the parents of two adult sons.

Wartburg Seminary was founded in 1854. Currently 2,200 graduates serve across the United States and in 40 foreign countries."


So he has been there 10 years and has a few months to get out of Dodge, even though he is jobless at the moment. I think some details are missing. I enjoy comparing the gushy introductory news releases with the terse retirement announcements.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

ELCA Campus Pastor, RIP

April 9, 2010

Valparaiso University ELCA Pastor Darlene Grega Dies

[Click for larger image] The Rev. Darlene E. Grega, 1954-2010

CHICAGO (ELCA) -- The Rev. Darlene E. Grega, an Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) pastor serving at Valparaiso (Ind.) University was a "beloved member" of the Valparaiso family, said the university's president, Mark A. Heckler, in an April 7 message announcing her death.
The Porter (Ind.) County Coroner ruled Grega's death as a suicide, the Merrillville (Ind.) Post-Tribune reported April 9.

Grega, 55, joined the staff of the university's Chapel of the Resurrection in August 2008. She was the first ELCA pastor called to serve on the chapel staff of Valparaiso University, an independent Lutheran higher education institution. She served on a staff that included two Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod pastors, the Rev. Joseph R. Cunningham and the Rev. James A. Wetzstein.
"We mourn the loss of someone who cared deeply for the members of this community. Our sympathy and prayers are with Pastor Grega's son, Nathan, her extended family, and her many friends here at Valpo and beyond," Heckler wrote in his announcement to the university community.

University faculty, staff and students paid tribute to Grega at an evening prayer service April 7 and at a morning prayer service April 8. The university will continue evening prayer services in Grega's memory through April 16, according to a Valparaiso spokesperson. A funeral or memorial service for Grega has not yet been announced.

"Pastor Grega has been a friend to many, and generously served our campus community since joining our chapel staff less than two years ago," Heckler wrote. "In particular she provided significant counsel and support to women on our campus and built relationships with our international students to help them feel welcomed here."

"We just lost a very fine colleague and are so saddened," Cunningham said in an interview with the ELCA News Service.

Grega presided at the April 4 Easter celebration at the chapel, a first for an ELCA pastor. "She had a great presence and was overjoyed. She did great, and we all commended her. That's why this is so shocking," Cunningham said.

Cunningham said Grega extended hospitality and care to many in the university community, including international students, women and Alliance, a community of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender students.

"My last image of her is the joy of the post-Easter celebration, and seeing her smile," he said. "As a professional, my last memory of her is her deep care and concern for others. It's just such a tremendous loss."

Grega's bishop was the Rev. James R. Stuck, ELCA Indiana-Kentucky Synod, Indianapolis. "My reaction was one of shock and sadness that this has happened," he said in an interview. "Her presence was very much appreciated by a lot of people. For her, it was a very rich ministry, and she would express that quite often. She provided a door for a lot of people in the community. It was a good and vibrant ministry for her."

Stuck recalled that Heckler's predecessor, the Rev. Alan F. Harre, led an effort to raise funds for an endowment for an ELCA pastor to serve on the Chapel of the Resurrection staff. Stuck said he fully expects the university will continue to have an ELCA pastor on the chapel staff in the future.

On behalf of the ELCA, the Rev. Mark S. Hanson, ELCA presiding bishop, extended condolences and sympathy for Grega's death to Heckler and the university community.

"Darlene's call to serve as the first ELCA pastor on the staff of the Chapel of the Resurrection has been the occasion for renewing and deepening our relationships with the University and its extended family of alumni and friends," Hanson wrote in an April 9 letter. "We have rejoiced in the strength of her service as university pastor with students, faculty and staff -- a ministry marked by her distinctive gifts of warm hospitality, gregarious compassion for the suffering and tenderhearted, and tenacious advocacy for those who have often been kept at the margins of Christian community and public life."

"Although the news of her death comes as a deep shock and disappointment, we entrust her to the mercy of God shown in Jesus Christ and share with you our hope in the promise of Christ's Resurrection," Hanson wrote.

Grega was born in Cleveland and graduated from Valparaiso University and the Lutheran Deaconess Program housed on campus. She earned a master of arts degree in theology from Duke University, Durham, N.C.; a master of arts degree in counseling from the University of North Dakota, Grand Forks; and a master of divinity degree from Luther Seminary, St. Paul, Minn.

Grega brought more than 25 years of experience in higher education to Valparaiso. She was director of international students at St. Cloud (Minn.) State University and director of the international center at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, Va. She also had nine years' experience in campus ministry at colleges and universities in North Carolina, Minnesota and Texas.

Information about Valparaiso University and the Chapel of the Resurrection is at on the Web.


Rev. Darlene Grega, first female campus pastor at Valpo, has died of an apparent suicide. Her last official duties including celebrating Easter at the Chapel of the Resurrection. May she rest in peace.


A changing tide at Valparaiso

©Pretty Good Lutherans

Over the summer, the Rev. Darlene Grega purchased a condo and transformed its garish pink decor into calming shades of beige. She’s putting down roots in northwestern Indiana, where she took a job a year ago.

Pastor GregaGrega accepted a post at her alma mater, Valparaiso University, that no woman or pastor in her denomination had ever held in the school’s 150-year history. Valparaiso is somewhat of an anomaly among Lutheran schools because of its independence.

For more, see the link to Pretty Good Lutherans. They will be happy to sell the story to you.


Pr. Darlene

University Pastor Darlene E. Grega
Phone: 219-464-5099
Cell phone: 219 395-4952
Fax: 219-464-5049
AIM: vupastordarlene

Pastor Darlene Grega is the mentor for Fellowship House and the Residential Ministers (a.k.a. Piece Core). She leads the planning for the Chapel’s discernment retreats and has an abiding commitment to the spiritual needs of international students on our campus having worked, before ordination in 2006, over 20 years primarily with international students. She loves reconnecting at VU with the international community and offering them hospitality and helping others learn from them. A Valpo grad herself, she remembers the spiritual formation she received here and looks forward to being a new face in a crowd that is welcoming and committed to walking with you during your tenure here. By the way, you will also find her walking her Cavalier King Charles spaniel, Muffin, around campus, and keeping up with her son Nathan, a senior at the college of William and Mary who is studying neuroscience.


Date Thu, 14 Aug 2008 12:14:49 -0500

>ELCA News Blog

>August 14, 2008

ELCA Pastor Darlene Grega appointed to Valparaiso Chapel staff

>by Frank Imhoff, ELCA News Service

Valparaiso (Ind.) University appointed the Rev. Darlene
E. Grega, Trinity Lutheran Church, Canton, Ohio, to serve
as an associate pastor of its Chapel of the Resurrection
beginning Aug. 23. She joins the Rev. Joseph R. Cunningham,
university pastor and dean of the Chapel, and the Rev. James
A. Wetzstein, university associate pastor and associate dean
of the Chapel. Cunningham and Wetzstein are pastors of the
Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod (LCMS). Grega, a pastor of
the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), is the
first non-LCMS pastor on the Chapel staff. Valparaiso
University is an independent Lutheran institution.

Grega, 53, was born in Cleveland and graduated from Valparaiso
University and the Lutheran Deaconess Program housed on
campus. She earned a master of arts degree in theology
from Duke University, Durham, N.C.; a master of arts degree
in counseling from the University of North Dakota, Grand
Forks; and a master of divinity degree from Luther Seminary,
St. Paul, Minn. Grega brings 25 years of experience in higher
education to Valparaiso. She was director of international
students at St. Cloud (Minn.) State University and director
of the international center at Virginia Polytechnic Institute
and State University, Blacksburg, Va. She also has nine
years of experience in campus ministry at colleges and
universities in North Carolina, Minnesota and Texas.

"We are delighted that Rev. Grega has accepted the call to
join the ministry team at the Chapel of the Resurrection,"
Cunningham said in a Valparaiso news release. "The ministry
of the chapel benefits from the presence of a pastor from
the ELCA. There are many areas of campus ministry where
Pastor Wetzstein and I are looking forward to cooperating
with Pastor Grega within the guidelines of our respective
church bodies." Cunningham said Grega will play a significant
role in residential ministry and will be encouraged to develop
new initiatives for international students at the university
while collaborating with chapel staff associated with the LCMS
in meeting the spiritual needs of the university community.

Schwan Song - Mary Lou College Dedicates $7 million Chapel in Time To Close the School

Mary Lou College is famous for obnoxious student videos.

The ruminations of one Mary Lou College student is a good reminder of a WELS tradition - finish a new building and close the school.

WELS is good at closing schools. They added a $500,000 music building at Prairie and closed it. Now Prairie is a prison with a world-class music building. I can picture the inmates singing "Prisoner of Love" as they rehearse their next musical.

President Voss was working on a new library at NWC when it was closed (merged) with DMLC. WELS turned about 1200 students from two colleges into 600 students at one college - for a mere $30 million. The financial genius behind this and MilCraft was ex-SP Gurgle.

Michigan Lutheran Seminary has spent millions while the school has declined in enrollment. MLS will be the first to go, followed by Luther Prep and Mary Lou. The Sausage Factory is not immune to closing.

WELS did not need a chapel when Mary Lou College was much larger. Now that the school is teetering on insolvency, they are drumming up enthusiasm for their new chapel. The money was given so it had to be spent. Huzzah. I suspect that a big chunk of money came from the Schwan Foundation. The assets had been frozen too long and had to be delivered.

The students could not learn proper worship at the former chapel, which I thought was quite pleasant and attractive. If Kelm and Olson had graduated from Mary Lou, I could understand the synod's haste in building a fancy chapel. However, the school is going to teach Reformed doctrine and methods in a $7 million chapel. Awkward.

As I was saying--before I digressed with the facts--MLC has no reason to exist anymore, according to its own star blogger. The students voted for wide-open dorms, just like the state universities. The school, headed by a Law and Gospel guy, we are led to believe, has handed the place over to minors who have a record of immature behavior, bad spelling, worse grammar, and academic dishonesty.

Some schools have adopted co-ed rooms, not just co-ed dorms or co-ed floors. MLC is not far behind the secular norms. Their plagiarized, but widely supported video, is ambiguous. On one hand, the video is the equivalent of a Black face skit where students carry watermelons and fried chicken. On the other hand, the fan-page students think they are quite camp in loving the frame-by-frame copy of Party in the Fire Island Pines. No college student seems to blush at the illegal use of the Miley Cyrus music (protected by law) or by the student video stars lies about not knowing what they were doing.

MLC teaches against Lutheran doctrine and does not support the most basic standards of student conduct. The school will close in time, but more importantly, the college should close. Ted Hartwig has accomplished his work. It is finished.

Spring in New Ulm.


Blake has left a new comment on your post "Schwan Song - Mary Lou College Dedicates $7 millio...":

Haha, yeah. I also felt that the video was equivalent to a blackface skit. For example, Party in the MLC was racist, hateful, and marginalized and mocked an entire group of people simply for the color of their skin.


GJ - Do they teach reading comprehension in WELS? I doubt it.


KFax has left a new comment on your post "Schwan Song - Mary Lou College Dedicates $7 millio...":

GJ - Do they teach reading comprehension in WELS? I doubt it.

You're hardly one to critique a person's reading comprehension, Jack.

The students voted for wide-open dorms, just like the state universities.

Wrong. "The policy was changed in the second semester and now members of the opposite sex were allowed every day of the week within a certain time limit."

Before I delve into further details that you didn't even bother to research or ask Mr. Heise about, certain time limit should not automatically equal "wide-open dorms" for you. "Certain time limit" includes from 7pm to 10pm on school nights, and the usual extension to midnight on both Friday and Saturday. The door must remain open enough for the advisers to be able to peak in, and the opposite gender signing in must leave their student ID along with whose room they're staying in, what time they signed in, and what time they signed out. There is also a $1 per minute fine for anyone who stays past the marked time of 10pm. It is hardly unreasonable, and hardly a reason for you to call it "just like the state universities."


GJ - I love to read the sophomoric reactions from Mary Lou College fans. The blog cited made the point about the lowered standards, voted by the students! That reminds me of pass/fail being the rage in the 1960s, because students wanted it.

WELS discipline is legendary - in the breech.

About 20 years ago, one WELS pastor told me about MLC summer school being one big sex party among the teachers there for summer courses. They were all married, but not to each other. But I am sure they have tightened standards since then.


KFax has left a new comment on your post "They Keep Posting about Their Precious Gay Video -...":

MLC is a religious institution run amok. What Jesus would say or would do only comes as an afterthought, if at all. Only individual feelings and opinions really matter.

Yep, because you're the authority, you know every last student, and you're certainly not basing this bold claim of yours off of a biased, ill-researched blog. Looks like even OpenID can't keep the trolls away for long.


GJ - I thought this was a dead issue. If I were trying to keep MLC afloat, I would silence the yipping Yorkie terriers of Mary Lou College. They are only making my points for me, as they did before.

Almost a thousand readers per day are longing for the wisdom of uneducated, unpublished, unskilled teens, who know good research when they copy it from Wikipedia for their student essays! Kelm beams at them from afar.

I have read the published eructations of MLC students. I need the Rosetta Stone to translate them into English.


KFax has left a new comment on your post "Schwan Song - Mary Lou College Dedicates $7 millio...":

So what are your standards then? A monastery? Tell me what you think the dorm rules and situation should be like.


GJ - A false dilemma? What do they teach today! Choose between Peyton Place and a monastery.

To quote my favorite movie, The Music Man, "It's a well-known principle that if you keep the flint in one drawer and the steel in the other, you'll never strike much of a fire."

The traditional concept is to keep the steel and flint in different drawers. There is no Constitutional right for men to be in women's dorms and vice versa.

The rules and fines are so much piffle. Everyone knows that the WELSians rules are for the plebes and not for the inbred nobility. A Chicanery kid or synod official (about the same thing) can do no wrong.

The rules will be changed, as they were mid-semester, and they were wrong anyway.

WELS needs more members but that does not mean the college should foster a passel of illegitimate children to go with their illegitimate doctrine.

They Keep Posting about Their Precious Gay Video - Continued

The Rider on the White Horse

Thursday, January 14, 2010

¿Can We Stop Partying?

"We put no stumbling block in anyone's path, so that our ministry will not be discredited. Rather, as servants of God we commend ourselves in every way: in great endurance; in troubles, hardships and distresses; in beatings, imprisonments and riots; in hard work, sleepless nights and hunger; in purity, understanding, patience and kindness; in the Holy Spirit and in sincere love; in truthful speech and in the power of God; with weapons of righteousness in the right hand and in the left; 8through glory and dishonor, bad report and good report; genuine, yet regarded as impostors; known, yet regarded as unknown; dying, and yet we live on; beaten, and yet not killed; sorrowful, yet always rejoicing; poor, yet making many rich; having nothing, and yet possessing everything."

My friends I go to Martin Luther College and I think that it's a great place. The reasons I like it are because it isn't like a normal college. MLC is a college very intrinsically specialized to produce pastors and teachers. It is a college where we focus on Christ and make him first. I feel at home in the dorms surrounded by my brothers. I enjoy going to chapel twice a day and eating in a cafeteria with a great selection of food. I even enjoy having a place to study and develop the diligence and discipline I'll need to be a pastor. My dorm isn't large, but I sit and think that neither was Martin Luther's. My professors are men I admire and my friends are respectable. This is a good edifying place.

Yet, there are some things that I feel less than enthused about here. There are things that I know need to stop, some things that I shudder to put into my BLOG. Can I write about a few of these? Will critics come back to haunt me? Maybe, but so be it. You see, I don't want MLC to be a regular college. So often this is the main argument for something new here on campus or changing some policy. Yet, since when do we get anywhere good by imitating the world and pagans? This goes beyond just being an abnormal college, it means having an abnormal life (or lives assuming more than one person reads this BLOG; here's to hoping).

"Son of man, speak to your countrymen and say to them: 'When I bring the sword against a land, and the people of the land choose one of their men and make him their watchman, and he sees the sword coming against the land and blows the trumpet to warn the people, then if anyone hears the trumpet but does not take warning and the sword comes and takes his life, his blood will be on his own head. Since he heard the sound of the trumpet but did not take warning, his blood will be on his own head. If he had taken warning, he would have saved himself. But if the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet to warn the people and the sword comes and takes the life of one of them, that man will be taken away because of his sin, but I will hold the watchman accountable for his blood.'"

There are two events I want to speak about that are mostly dead and gone. This is fine, I'm not advocating change, nor am I vindicating them, but they serve as good examples. As I arrived here for my first semester last year, the first hot issue was that of open dorms. The former policy was that girls and guys were allowed to enter the dorms of the opposite sex on the weekends. The policy was changed in the second semester and now members of the opposite sex were allowed every day of the week within a certain time limit. The plan was that at the end of the semester there would be a survey and then it would be official. The survey came back and the results were about 320 for open dorms and 20 against. I have a friend who at the time told us he knew that every night sex happened on the MLC campus. Granted it was usually the same people, but now there was very little to stop it. Doors are easy to close, lights can stay off, roommates go away. I don't like the thought that here, someone in my home someone could be having sex. I don't even like the possibility of it. Yet, the student body voted for it. In light of passages that plead the contrary, they said, "Adiophora," and so here we are now. Open dorms was a decision made so that we could be like every other college. Those propagators of it could no support it Biblically. There argument was that it was simply not talked about in the Bible and so we have freedom to do what we want. My friends, this is not so. "But among you there must not be even a hint of sexual immorality, or of any kind of impurity, or of greed, because these are improper for God's holy people." I think that the opportunity for more time within a dorm of the opposite sex means we take away this "not even a hint" principle. It comes down to meaning we cannot in any way let the possibility of sexual be in our lives. (Honestly, this also includes the couples who think they are invisible making out in the lobby three floors below me.) "Now the overseer must be above reproach, the husband of but one wife, temperate, self-controlled, respectable, hospitable, able to teach, not given to drunkenness, not violent but gentle, not quarrelsome, not a lover of money." Can I leave it at that? I have another example.

This year the first matter of importance came with Homecoming and the so-called "Party in the MLC" video. The video caused an eruption of propaganda and such, and it was completely blown out of proportion, but I think that there is something that needs to be looked at here, that is, the attitude that went along with the video's reaction. Can MLC students have fun? Yes. Can we make fun of ourselves? We probably should. But, here at school we have a specialized subculture and this needs to stay here. I don't think that makers of the video are gay or the like (nor do I think that most of Greg Jackson's assertions are true either), but the situation takes a turn when these men go out to student teach. Their students watch the videos and then the problem takes on a new character. Students should not see that about their teachers. This is a serious problem, I wish it were not so.

My friends, if you are wanting MLC to be like a normal college, please leave. Don't change us. You can point and scream Christian free all you want and I will still respond saying that adiophora is a label not an excuse. I have a quote from Prof. Fredrich saying, "Our Christian freedom is a matter of nobility like the knights of old." This he said when talking about Gal. 5:1, "It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery." Since we have been freed from both sin and Law why must we put ourselves under them again by being foolish? Friends, in the coming years let us watch our actions far more closely. Let us use the Word wisely. One thing I worry about is that a similar video may occur during Winter Carnival this year, please hold yourselves back. Let this go and make something we can laugh at and enjoy without having to shield our eyes at parts.

Pax Tecum.


TShinnick said...
This post has been removed by the author.
TShinnick said...

Oh, Justin...where to start? I guess that the best place for me to start is by asking that you not take offense to what I write. I don't mean to discourage you from questioning whether or not we're doing things the right way. I simply see things differently. I'd like to highlight to you where I see things differently than you do, so that perhaps we can both come out of this dialogue stronger (Proverbs 27:17).

I believe that your reasoning for opposing open dorms is a little bit of a non sequitur. Closing doors and having sex are against the rules even in this new policy. Therefore, if people are having sex (which I do not deny, but I believe that the amount suggested by your friend is exaggerated), it's still done outside of the rules. People do not have sex because of a lack of rules. They have sex because of a lack of respect for the rules, whether those rules are man's or God's (oh, and also probably because they want to.) To put it another way, a law never causes people to obey itself. On the contrary, law causes rebellion (Romans 7:7). Rather, it's a desire to follow laws that causes people to obey them. Therefore, instead of imposing another rule onto an already agitated conscience, we should instead seek to provide motivation to follow the rules that do exist.

Out of the theoretical and into the practical...Did people never have sex before last year? People can have sex on the weekends. People can have sex in places not their dorm rooms (as a member of campus security, I realize that it would be nearly impossible for us to find people who are earnestly trying to dodge us...but don't take advantage of that). People can have sex in places off campus. Where do we stop policing the behavior of our fellow Christians through legislation? The Bible doesn't talk about that. What the Bible does talk about is being concerned from your brothers and sisters in the faith and addressing that on a personal level. If you and your friend are so sure that sex is taking place on campus, you're probably aware of the people that are doing it. You should probably talk to them rather than attempt to place one small road block in their way that penalizes the rest of them that use this privilege appropriately.

I have plenty of thoughts about your second section, but I'll save those until I hear some clarification on one point that you didn't provide support for. You say that, "students should not see that (Party in the MLC) about their teachers. This is a serious problem". I'd like to hear what about this is a serious problem. Then, perhaps, I'll share some more thoughts.

There's more to be said about your comments about Christian freedom and the thought of MLC being a "normal" college, but I'll save that for another comment or perhaps my own blog post. There's been plenty said in this comment that should provide some grounds to continue this discussion.

Vandenberg said...

Justin and Tyler, as someone who as you know doesn't go to MLC it is interesting to read all of these remarks. Tyler, I do agree with you in the fact that people will continue to have sex whether or not there is a rule prohibiting it, but Justin brings up a very valid point. Just because they can doesn't mean that we should give the picture that it is easier for them to now. It may be that laws cause rebellion but they can also form lines. I would assume that while the "closed dorm" policy was in place it influence people not to have sex. Whereas, giving a launching point for sin by allowing the opposite sex into the dorm throughout the week, does not seem like something our pastors and teachers should be in support of.

As to the video. Perhaps what Justin is saying is that it was fine to show it in the midst of friends, but to open it to the public where it can cause a negative perspective may have been taking it a little to far. Personally, I thought the video was hilarious, but the entire time in the back of my head I kept thinking, "these are the examples my children are going to have in there churches and schools?" I know that even pastors and teachers are full of their own faults, just as I am full of my own personal ones. However, giving such a negative view of teachers to future students is something as a lay person I will not want my children to be apart of. If it means that I need to not be in support of WELS teachers because they do not provide a proper example well then home schooling is the way I will go. I don't want you to be perfect, just understand and contemplate the image those students put out there for the world to see.

Vandenberg said...

Kath and I have been discussing this for over an hour and a half. We can't seem to come to a conclusion and this is all very confusing. What we are wondering is if there are boundaries set for example, do doors need to stay open during the floor hours? We feel like practice should be had for many MLC students. I feel, not so much kath, however, that for the students too immature to handle these circumstances it seems like a sketchy situation. It certainly is a tough topic and maybe it will only take time to discern whether this decision was God pleasing or not.
In Christian Love
Kath and Stephen

Justin Heise said...

Dear Friends,

If and when you get back to this I hope you find what I'm going to say enlightening. My point with open dorms is that when Paul says we must not have even a hint of sexuality, then we must take that as what it means. Now then, this doesn't signify that there will not be any sex between the student body, but at the least, at the very least, we cannot permit it on the campus. Not that it is better anywhere else, or at all, but that if a Christian life is not supposed to have a speck of sexual immorality then also this college must not have that sort of reputation. Previously, did it happen on the weekends? Certainly, but there are two thoughts that I have about this: first, that the RA's are far more likely to check in upstairs if their rounds come only so often and sitting in the cage downstairs is less of boring routine; second, for the students daring enough to come to these extremes having more opportunities to assimilate to a common environment for sex is now easier. What I mean is that before on weekends it was harder to get comfortable with hiding in someone's room trying to make out when you didn't know schedules of friends or roommates or when an RA would pop in. Now, it's terribly easy to feel the routines and avoid other people. Now, two more things, I'm not ignorant enough to think that this wouldn't just happen elsewhere on campus, but I don't want the feeling that someone on my floor right now could be having sex. I just don't like that. Also, I think there's something to be said about those people who can be trusted here on campus, there are many stalwart (great word or what?) students who would not even do such a thing. Yet, it must also be acknowledged that these dorms are homes for all of us who lives here, and though there are certain freedoms that go along with this, there also needs to be respect. I know that here in Concord this isn't always the case.

Justin Heise said...

As to the video, it should never have been put on YouTube. It should not be on Facebook right now, and I'm appalled at the group that wants it back. Not because I think that we're not allowed to have fun, but because in light of future ministry children will see that video and it will change the image of their teacher. I merely want us all to be above reproach. There is already a comment on the Facebook group by a student that I feel a little sore about. There's something to be said about having fun and the subculture of MLC, but we cannot hope that everyone out there will understand us. To some it's funny, and that's fine, but to a parent who watches the video and sees their child's teacher, it could cause a problem. I'd like that to be prevented. I think this is all, sorry for the late response. Pax.

TShinnick said...

"Just because they can doesn't mean that we should give the picture that it is easier for them to now." I think this is a valid concern and that we could all agree that if our policies communicate a lax attitude towards sex or that we're making it easier for people to do it, that it'd be a bad policy. However, I do not believe that this is the case with this policy. My support for this relies on the fact that open dorms during the week does not greatly differ than open dorms on the weekend.

First of all, the enforcement of the rules is exactly the same on the weekends as it is during the weeks. This neither communicates a lax attitude nor does it facilitate sexual immorality. You can argue that the enforcement isn't good enough, but that's a matter of enforcement, not policy. To distinguish between times is not founded.

Second, I'm nothing short of perplexed as to how you arrived at the conclusion that sex is easier to plan during the weeks than on the weekends. I find that during the week it can be hard enough to plan a nap because of roommates' study or video game plans. I can't imagine trying to plan a little 7:30-10 delight. However, I know that on weekends that jobs, sports, visits home and evening plans provide ample opportunity for this rampant sex to occur.

Justin opened his comment by saying, "when Paul says we must not have even a hint of sexuality, then we must take that as what it means." I couldn't agree more. However, I believe that I've sufficiently shown that this policy doesn't communicate to anyone that the college encourages promiscuity. The hints of sexual immorality that are present are present on an individual, not institutional level. Again, this should not be a matter of policy, but of individual concern, both on the parts of fellow students and the dorm staff.

Justin, someone on your floor could be having sex. this could happen regardless of what the policies were. We could provide anecdotes supporting this, but it's beside the point. The people living in your dorms are sinful. If you're looking for a place where you know that no sin is happening, you'll have a very disappointing life.

Above reproach is a term that's thrown around a lot, but it usually carries very little meaning. In order to clearly define our terms, we need to once again get out of the theoretical and into the real. This is how it's defined in my mind:

(I expect that if someone still wishes to make the claim that this video causes its stars to lose their above reproach status that you'll either argue with my definition or provide concrete examples of how my fellow Summitites no longer measure up to it)

A person is no longer above reproach if his actions prevent him from effectively ministering to someone struggling with anyone.

For example, if a person regularly drinks in public and ends up drunk, this would cause problems for him in an attempt to minister to someone with a drinking problem. If a person was unfaithful in a relationship, this would cause problems for him in marriage counseling or in confronting someone about breaking his or her marital vow.

So, even if the video was seen by every student or parishioner that will ever be served by the men in that video, what would be the perceivable area in which they could be reproached?

TShinnick said...

*"...someone struggling with anything."

I apologize for my lack of proofreading. I generally figure that my composition is impeccable, but I often find that my sausage like fingers can't quite keep up with the speed of my mind. Ok, or maybe I just messed up.

Justin Heise said...


I have a couple thoughts that I think will tie the entire matter together, because I think that when we are talking about this video and about open dorms it is the same thing. We are saying there must not be even a hint of sexuality, and why? So that they may be above reproach. I think that while the school doesn't say in its policy it advocates sex, it must take into consideration that sex will and does occur. Thus, maybe there must be some sort of policy enforcing stricter rules or patrolling or such. All so that not only the school, but also, the student may be above reproach. My point about it being easier to have sex during the week is easily shown. When you enter a new environment you must warm up to it. Then, even when you are completely comfortable there, possibly some things you may not do. I think that it is the same thing here, if you become accustomed to being in your room and progressing further and further through this sexual crescendo then eventually nothing in that environment holds you back. If it were only weekends, getting comfortable happens less fast. Also, you argue that there is you cannot perceive the difference between planning sex during the week as in contrast to the weekend. I argue that on the weekends it would be much harder because RA's would feel more inclined to make rounds and you become comfortable there less fast. On the week nights, it is easier to find the time when your roommate is going to be gone or busy and you can have the room to yourself. I mean that you learn more quickly and are able to replicate everything faster having week nights as an option. Once again so that we may be above reproach. All of us. The students in the "Party in the MLC" video also.

I think that first, I must define being above reproach. Paul says in 1 Tim. 3:2, "Now the overseer must be above reproach...." Now, Luther says about this: "that he may not be a fornicator, an adulterer, a greedy man, a foul-mouthed person, a drunkard, a gambler, a slanderer." (I sort of feel like Greg Jackson right now, but I'm coming to a good point.) Two more things I think that are important to keep in my before we clearly lay this down is the word ἀνέγκλητος which is used in Titus 1:6-7 and is translated "Blameless." Lastly, “We put no stumbling block in anyone's path, so that our ministry will not be discredited” (1 Corinthians 6:3). Now then I want to work a definition of this ministerial qualification. We can see that a minister must blameless, not before God, but transparent before men. There can be nothing evident in his life that could hinder someone's faith. To be above reproach is more than just not being able to minister to one group. It means we must be conscious of every group and able to always minister to them. Now then, we must find that matter of how they here may have forfeited this (I don't think they really did, but it's close in the public eye). Can we say insensitivity? How about being a poor role model? How about causing offense to those of weak faith? How about the image of MLC? To me, there is something very disgusting to see men acting like that, it wasn't funny to me. Now then, I think that this is what needs to be said about this. The part I despise most about this is that on the FaceBook group there is a student of Krause who has seen this video. They thought it was funny, but how much does it make that student feel like it would be okay to copy him. I think that as students we can do better, as future ministers we can be more, and that all in all our actions need to be more monitored.

(One last thing, I'm not Greg Jackson, I advocate having fun in a good setting, but how are we to have fun when we're imitating sin? We can do better. In light of MLC, the video went over well, I just think that nothing like it should be made again, nor do I think it should be on Facebook. I'm sure the train has left the station on this matter though.)



J. W. Heise

About Me

"Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light."

They Keep Posting about Their Precious Gay Video - But Nobody Cares

Baby Bee discovered something
about himself when he started laughing at the wrong videos
and volunteering for the altar guild.

KFax has left a new comment on your post "WELS Still Defending Their Gay, Illegal Video":

Nobody cares anymore.


GJ - That is why people stop to get an OpenID and post, because they do not care anymore.

Diablo emailed me, "Keep reminding them."

Keep clucking your tongues at ELCA, WELS, and go on telling the members, "Thank God we are not like them."

Violating the Eighth Commandment To Defend the Pope

WELS Church and Change is just another face of apostasy.

The global network of spin-doctors for the Vatican has engaged itself in the latest effort to defend the pope.

I mentioned a Missouri Synod effort not long ago. Now George Neumayr (of Catholic World Report) is adding his perspective.

Their counter-attack explains that the modern, secular world does not like traditional Roman Catholicism. Lapsed Catholics are especially vindictive.

The defensive efforts are irrelevant. The Vatican is in trouble because the entire Roman Catholic apparatus has covered up its crimes for several decades, hoping everyone would forget, punishing anyone who became serious about reform. The scandals in America go back much earlier. Goodbye, Good Men traces some of the early scandals and the massive cover-ups of the time.

Starting in the 1980s, the Roman process of moving criminal priests to new locations became public. After 20 years of coverage, the latest examples are in Europe, Ireland in particular.

The best defense for the Vatican would be to discipline the criminals and those who have covered up for them. Will that happen? In the old LCA, one bishop went bonkers to such an extent that he retreated to his basement and made musical instruments, instead of working. His last report was read by many as the wackiest thing ever put into print. I read it - wow. They gave him one of the largest congregations in the LCA, where he could collect a huge salary before retiring. That is how the system doles out discipline, even when the issue is obvious and rather harmless. An ineffective LCA bishop probably saved many souls just by being mentally incompetent.

I keep reading about these bad priests and teachers being a minority and just a local problem. That hardly seems likely, given the extent of the reports and the countries involved. Their seminaries and teaching orders became highly refined recruiting centers.

Does anyone wonder what will happen to ELCA, now that the older liberals are quitting in disgust, thanks to the gay lib ordination vote in 2009? Consider these restrictions for enrollment and ordination:

  1. Opposition to women's ordination has been impossible for decades.
  2. Support of the Confessions would be miraculous, because most ELCA seminarians hardly know the Catechism, let alone the Book of Concord.
  3. Defining marriage as the union of one man and one woman would be viewed as Stone Age, bigoted, and anti-Gospel.
  4. The men and women disciplined mildly in the past would be paraded as heroes for the future.
  5. Only the politics of the Extreme Left would be normal.

What kind of ordinands will emerge from those ELCA hotbeds? They settled a $40 million lawsuit years ago, thanks to the new thinking about ordination.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

UOJ Alert: A Little Faith Is Good

ELCA Seems Polarized, Thanks To Bishop Hanson

Albert Lea Tribune | Revisionist theologies are one in the same

Revisionist theologies are one in the same

Published Wednesday, April 7, 2010
I was born and raised in Waseca County. My ancestral roots are in Freeborn and Waseca counties. I request that you print the following letter in your newspaper. It addresses some of the “fairy tales” coming from some Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Synod pastors and from many of the ELCA Synod bishops. The laity needs to wake up and challenge the false teachings coming from some of these church leaders!
“A God without wrath brought men without sin into a kingdom without judgment through the ministrations of a Christ without a cross.” This quotation came from “The Kingdom of God in America,” published in 1937. The author was professor Dr. Helmut Richard Niebuhr, of Yale Divinity School. In his book, he criticized the “liberal social gospel”; he tried to warn America about this movement. In the 2009 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Churchwide Assembly in Minneapolis, this revisionist theology took over the ELCA Synod.
Dr. Niebuhr’s quotation describes completely the “theology of divine acceptance” that the Rev. Scott Grorud of Hutchinson, and others, have been telling us about for the past three or four years. These revisionist theologies are one and the same.
The huge, overwhelming issue here is that this revisionist theology is not Christian! There is no “original sin”; there is no “Law”; there is no need for “repentance” and “redemption”; therefore, there is no need for a Savior (i.e. Christ) to die on the cross. The deception by most of the leaders of the ELCA and many of its pastors in keeping these facts submerged from view is absolutely unbelievable to me! How can ELCA pastors and bishops, who carry the title, “Christian,” participate in this deception, in good conscience?”
Stephen L. Langlie
Chisago City


Pastor Anita Hill<==Mequon graduates: Left-click for The Lutheran article.

Gay clergy: A partner’s journey

Janelle Bussert is the committed partner of Pastor Anita Hill of St. Paul-Reformation Lutheran Church in St. Paul, Minn.

(Note to readers: In 2001, St. Paul Reformation Church in St. Paul, Minn., ordained Pastor Anita Hill. She’s not been allowed on the official ELCA roster because of her committed relationship to Janelle Bussert. The ELCA is expected soon to implement policies that no longer ban partnered gays and lesbians from the clergy roster. Bussert agreed to a request to describe what this journey has been like for her as the partner of a pastor waiting for this moment in the church.)

By Janelle Bussert
St. Paul, Minn.

All in all, life with Anita Hill for the past 17 years has been great. Her ordination service was a life-time high that will never be matched. Our commitment service in 1996 was a phenomenal experience of love and acceptance. Watching the changes in the ELCA has and continues to be breathtaking.

Being partnered with Anita has not been about church politics, nor has it been about sex, but about love. Through it I’ve learned lessons about God’s grace, truth-telling, beloved community, and justice-making, but the foundation is love. Praise God for the presence of love in our lives.

I’ve always bristled at the phrase “The Gay Agenda.” What is it, anyway? The right to love someone, to be in a committed, partnered relationship for a lifetime? I’m all for that. But many think we’re out for a sexual revolution of some sort. I don’t want to be a part of it if that’s what the Gay Agenda is all about. As a Christian, I’m quite conservative in my views on sexual ethics.


Anita Hill & Janelle Bussert

The pain of rejection from the church has been at times both bewildering and gut-wrenching. But we’ve realized with a deep certainty that the church is not God. We have found through our own spiritual journey that God is faithful, even when we don’t have the imprimatur of the church. If I have to choose between the church’s blessing and God’s blessing, I will always choose God’s blessing. We are incredibly blessed.

Janelle Bussert celebrates Gay Pride Day with members of St. Paul-Reformation Lutheran Church

Still there have been more than a few challenges along the way. First, it was necessary for me to come out to my father — a Missouri-Synod Lutheran pastor — before I was ready. I was closeted from him for 18 years. But a video about Anita was in the making, and I was included in the film, which could possibly be broadcast in Iowa where he lived. I didn’t want him to discover this truth about me on TV.

At the time, I was 38 years old, pretty much out of the closet with other family, friends and community. I drove down to my father’s house in Iowa with Anita by my side. As we pulled into his driveway, I was shaking in the pit of my stomach, and feeling light-headed. I turned to Anita laughing and said, “You tell him. I’ll just wait for you in the car.” Somehow I found the courage to go inside. At the end of my family coming out event — which actually went quite well — Anita closed our conversation with a pastoral prayer.

Second, there have been issues around my identity. I have always deplored the word “lesbian,” which seems to me to have an overly sexualized focus. The first time I heard the word “lesbian” was in junior high when one of the boys in the lunchroom passed around a Playboy magazine depicting two women together. I felt dirty just holding the magazine and passed it on very quickly. I decided I wouldn’t associate with the group that thought it was funny.

Pastor Anita Hill

I am first a child of God and then a whole host of things: Lutheran pastor’s daughter, seminary graduate turned adjunct religion professor, music therapist, jazz pianist (wanna-be), sister, aunt, menopause survivor and now, a pastor’s partner.

The lesbian identity never felt comfortable to me. Being Anita’s partner meant that I was in situations where I wished I could just be myself and not be seen as an activist. I can remember several situations where had a voice inside me screaming, “I’m not an activist! I’m a goody two shoes pastor’s daughter who hates conflict! I am not a rebel.”

I want to be known for an identity apart from my orientation.

Even so, it has been a privilege to be partnered with Anita through the years of struggle that have brought us to this point in the history of the church. The social and theological changes for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered people have been huge, and we sometimes lose sight of them at times in our impatience for justice. I would describe my life with Anita as very rich, sometimes painful, and always growth producing.

Janelle Bussert is a Hospice Music Therapist and an adjunct professor in Religion and Women’s Studies at Augsburg College in Minneapolis, Minn.

More information


Someone noted:

At the ordination (sic) of the homosexual pastorette (sic), their congregation sang this hymn text, as follows:

O Praise the gracious Power that tumbles walls of fear
And gathers in one house of faith all strangers far and near.
We praise you, Christ! Your cross has made us one!
O praise inclusive one!
O praise inclusive love, encircling every race;
Oblivious to gender, wealth, to social rank or place;
We praise you, Christ! Your cross has made us one.

Can we see how doctrine and practice are intertwined and inseparable?

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Thrivent Is So Pro-Choice

Left-click for the secret message to Lutherans from Thrivent.

Your Thrivent choices are:

1. ELCA, non sola scriptura
3. LCMS w/ kudos to Pr. Matt Harrison
4. ELCA, non sola scriptura
5. ELCA, non sola scriptura
8. secular
9. pan-denom guilt trip
10. Jimmy Carter's guilt trip
11. Thrivent the moneychanger divides the crumbs

Begin forwarded message:

From: Thrivent Financial for Lutherans <>
Date: April 6, 2010 11:33:09 AM CDT
Subject: Thrivent Choice Update - April
Reply-To: Thrivent Financial for Lutherans <>

If this message is not displaying correctly, view it in your browser.
April Thrivent ChoiceSM Information Update
Thrivent Choice Information Update - Thrivent Builds wall raisingTouch Lives, Warm Hearts, Your Way

Welcome to your April update, featuring timely information as Thrivent Choice prepares for a Voting Event beginning on April 19 and the launch of Choice DollarsSM during the summer of 2010. This is the sixth issue in a series of monthly emails, all available online.

What is Thrivent Choice?
Thrivent Choice is a new program that lets members help choose where Thrivent Financial gives back. The program will get more members involved in helping determine how Thrivent Financial distributes its charitable funds. Thrivent Choice also supports Lutheran organizations and congregations that are important to our members.

Thrivent Choice VotingSM Launches April 19
It's quick. It's easy. And it can make a big difference. On April 19, Thrivent Choice launches with our first Voting Event. Members across the country get to help choose where Thrivent Financial for Lutherans gives back by choosing their favorite charity among 10 nationwide organizations. The Voting Event will be featured in the Spring issue of Thrivent® magazine as well as online at

Thrivent Financial will proportionally distribute $1 million among the participating charities, based on the percentage of votes received. If you're a member, we want to hear from you – vote for the cause you care about most! If more than 350,000 members vote (15% of membership), Thrivent Financial will double the contribution and distribute a bonus $1 million to these national organizations.

Voting Event Highlights
For the spring 2010 Voting Event, the 10 Lutheran and non-Lutheran charities were pre-selected by Thrivent Financial, based on input from Lutheran church bodies and members. For each subsequent event, a short-list of organizations will be selected by Thrivent chapters, based on input from Lutheran church bodies and members.

The choices for the April Voting Event are:
  1. ELCA World Hunger
  2. LCMS World Mission
  3. LCMS World Relief and Human Care
  4. Lutheran Disaster Response
  5. Lutheran Malaria Initiative
  6. WELS Committee on Relief
  7. WELS Humanitarian Aid Committee
  8. American Heart Association
  9. Feed My Starving Children
  10. Habitat for Humanity
  11. Thrivent Financial Should Select – If a member can't decide, Thrivent Financial will distribute the funds between the 10 participating organizations.
How to Vote
Associate and benefit members (age 16+) can vote in one of two ways between April 19 to May 21:
  • Vote online at
  • Return the business reply card in the Spring issue of Thrivent® magazine. (The business reply card will allow all members in the household to vote via one card.)

Stay Tuned
The Choice Dollars part of Thrivent Choice launches this summer. Your May Thrivent Choice Information Update will include more details about the Choice Dollars part of the Thrivent Choice program, which will allow eligible members to help Thrivent Financial distribute charitable funds to thousands of Lutheran organizations, including local congregations.

Note: Directing Choice Dollars and voting in Voting Events are subject to the Terms and Conditions of the Thrivent Choice Program.

Organizations & Congregations May Still Apply to Enroll
If your organization or congregation missed the March 31 deadline, you can still apply for enrollment for Choice DollarsSM funding. Those applying late may not be in the catalog when the program launches, but they will be added as soon as possible. Apply Online.

To apply for enrollment, you will need to know your organization's unique ID, which can be found in the letter the organization received from Thrivent Financial. You will also want to have your congregation's Federal Tax ID number and bank information for the account where funds are to be deposited in front of you. You may also call 800-THRIVENT (800-847-4836) for assistance.