available here. <==Mequon graduates,
left click on the link.

Click below to explore this series."
Groeschel cannot spell either, so that must make him doubly attractive to WELS.
If the WELS pastors were not so lazy, they would study all of Groeschel's programs and shut these things down.
But no, they only shun those who tell the truth.
What denomination is Groeschel?
What does he teach about the efficacy of the Word and the Means of Grace?
Where does Ski get the money to spend $250,000 to channel Groeschel?
Are the DPs afraid of offending a few big-money liberals, the Jeske stable of donors? If so, they have exchanged their heritage for very thin soup indeed.
God is using these false teachers to punish WELS, Missouri, and the ELS. Instead of pointing at ELCA and tongue-clucking, these leaders should be saying, "We are one decade away from being exactly like ELCA."
But why listen to someone who has a real education and has seen it all happen?
bruce-church (https://bruce-church.myopenid.com/) has left a new comment on your post "Satan's Sex Ed - Groeschel Program at WELS' The CO...":
It's a strange juxtaposition to have Ski handing out pictures of himself next to scantily clad youth culture icons, and then talking about sex ed in church. That's not something husbands should do if they want to stay married.
wildcard (http://wildcard.myopenid.com/) has left a new comment on your post "Satan's Sex Ed - Groeschel Program at WELS' The CO...":
Ski's actions show just how intellectually bankrupt he is.
rhs (http://rhs.myopenid.com/) has left a new comment on your post "Satan's Sex Ed - Groeschel Program at WELS' The CO...":
I have been wondering, too. Did Glende and Ski ever graduate?
GJ - WELS is consistent in having its self-described College of Ministry broadcast a plagiarized gay video with a stolen soundtrack. Meanwhile, one of their graduates promotes a plagiarized sex ed program.
The Party-in-the-MLC videographers faked repentance while uploading their video to Facebook. They minced to the beat of a different drummer, but they forgave those troglodytes who misunderstood them.
Ski may go and do likewise. One cannot but notice his genius in opposing all the doctrines of his synod--except UOJ--while enjoying a full-time female assistant to do his work and attend Schwaermer conferences with him.
Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "Satan's Sex Ed - Groeschel Program at WELS' The CO...":
Important to see that these are symptoms and not the disease itself. Departure from God's Word is the disease which is systemic in the Lutheran Synods. Ski/Glende and The Core, MLC gay culture/secret culture, financing abortion through Thrivent, financing murder globaly through Thrivent dispersing money to LWR (Lutheran World Relief), perversion of the Gospel with the new gospel of UOJ, apathetic laity and milktoast synod administration are all a symptom of the disease.
GJ - UOJ gives WELS its Antinomian, lawless character. Everyone knows - anything goes. The affectation shown to the outside world is one of morbid Pietism, such as warning people away from watching Lawrence Welk because they sing religious songs - hence watching that show is unionism. I am not kidding! The same future pastor who warned people away from Welk was shown to be a pathological liar while serving as a flack for a sex offender.
The CLC (sic) is an experiment in seeing how far morbid Pietism can go (American Legion? Unionism!) while condoning adultery, incest, and a rat's nest of false doctrine.
All the UOJ advocates are long on deceit and sanctimony while short on the basics of Christian doctrine.