ICHABOD, THE GLORY HAS DEPARTED - explores the Age of Apostasy, predicted in 2 Thessalonians 2:3, to attack Objective Faithless Justification, Church Growth Clowns, and their ringmasters. The antidote to these poisons is trusting the efficacious Word in the Means of Grace. John 16:8. Isaiah 55:8ff. Romans 10. Most readers are WELS, LCMS, ELS, or ELCA. This blog also covers the Roman Catholic Church, Eastern Orthodoxy, and the Left-wing, National Council of Churches denominations.
Martin Luther Sermons
Bethany Lutheran Hymnal Blog
Bethany Lutheran Church P.O. Box 6561 Springdale AR 72766 Reformation Seminary Lectures USA, Canada, Australia, Philippines 10 AM Central - Sunday Service
We use The Lutheran Hymnal and the King James Version
Luther's Sermons: Lenker Edition
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Saturday, December 18, 2010
SP Harrison Says Missouri and WELS
Work with ELCA via LWR.
WELS Says They Left LWR Several Years Ago.
Like WELS Closing Down Church and Change ?
Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "MotorSage: My Line in the Sand...":
NmL states, "One can also conclude that WELS and Missouri are in default fellowship with LWF through Thrivent."
The connection is even more direct than working through Thrivent as LCMS Pres Harrison clearly states below:
Pres. Harrison states, "What are these humanitarian activities? The range is very broad, but let me concentrate on just one. The LCMS is a partner with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) in Lutheran World Relief (LWR), based in Baltimore, Md.
LWR is NOT a mission agency; it is a humanitarian agency. LWR specializes in international aid and development. Through LCMS World Relief/Human Care, we provide $2 to $3 million a year for humanitarian purposes through LWR. LWR—through the LCMS, ELCA, WELS (Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod) and government support—carries out some $30 million in international aid projects yearly."
WELSians - Your Diaprax Is Ready To Be Served - By Church and Change
"Leadership - Fostering positive leadership through consensus and team ministry"
Jonathan Favorite | Director of Worship Arts | CrossWalk Luth. Ministries | Phoenix, AZ |
Crosswalk - wait I thought Buchholz wouldn't have them in his district?
Our 2011 officers are:
Chairman – Jonathan Favorite
Vice Chairman – Kyle Swogger
Secretary – Ben Carlovsky
Treasurer – Levi Nagel
Buchholz blames Church and Change on the Boomers, but he has a nest of them himself.
Wait - this just in - the DP is "working on it. Be patient. It takes time."
Buchholz blames Church and Change on the Boomers, but he has a nest of them himself.
Wait - this just in - the DP is "working on it. Be patient. It takes time."
Feed the Paranoia - That Is My Job
Roland, I finally caught up with my Facebook and saw your friend request. You're still the sua-vey and de bone er guy of yesteryear. I also saw that Greg Jackson was one of your friends. Are you the WELS mole that's been feeding him information :-).-- DK
MotorSage: My Line in the Sand...
MotorSage: My Line in the Sand...
Another exit from ELCA.
The only ones staying with ELCA are the LCMS, WELS, and the Little Sect on the Prairie.
Narrow-minded Lutheran has left a new comment on your post "MotorSage: My Line in the Sand...":
Yes, I was told that LCMS has to remain in endeavors with ELCA, right or wrong, because the convention voted for it; and I am wrong to fault the leadership. So WELS and Missouri can continue to badmouth ELCA while working with them through Thrivent and other endeavors. One can also conclude that WELS and Missouri are in default fellowship with LWF through Thrivent. But, I'm an extremist and sectarian (my personal favorite label).
GJ - At least you recognize the blackness of your soul, Narrow-minded. That is a good beginning - from their point of view.
This basic concept makes me chortle - If they did not BOHICA for ELCA, Thrivent, and the Daddy Warbucks, a modest increase in proportionate giving would make up for all the losses they fear.
However, they would rather get a pledge during supper at the posh Missouri Athletic Club from one Daddy Warbucks than do real stewardship work in flyover country.
The best management will always be - faithful stewardship of the mysteries of God--the revealed doctrine of the Scriptures.
God is telling WELS, Missouri, and the micro-minis: "I hate your false doctrine, your false teachers, your worship of the Golden Calf."
ELCA Task Force to Suggest Recommendations for Church's Future - News Releases -
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.
Your Diaprax Is Ready
ELCA Task Force to Suggest Recommendations for Church's Future - News Releases - Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Diaprax cat can study and fix anything, especially with a Thrivent grant.
December 17, 2010
ELCA Task Force to Suggest Recommendations for Church's Future
CHICAGO (ELCA) -- A task force of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), which has engaged the church's membership in an extensive conversation about the denomination's future, will soon begin preparing its report and recommendations to the ELCA Church Council. The council is expected to transmit to the 2011 ELCA Churchwide Assembly recommendations related to the task force's work.
Task force members will meet here January 28-29, 2011, a key face-to-face meeting prior to issuing their report and recommendations.
In November 2009 the ELCA Church Council approved the charter for the project, "Living into the Future Together: Renewing the Ecology of the ELCA" and appointed a task force. The project task force was asked to study social, economic and other environmental changes in the 20 years since the ELCA was formed and "evaluate the organization, governance and interrelationships among this church's expressions," according to the project charter.
The task force was asked to develop a report and recommendations "that will position this church for the future and explore new possibilities for participating in God's mission," the charter states. The report and recommendations are to be reviewed by the ELCA Conference of Bishops in March 2011 and presented for action to the Church Council, which meets in April 2011.
The task force, which met for the first time in January 2010, focused on two key questions as it gathered information from throughout the church, said the Rev. Diane "Dee" Pederson, St. Cloud, Minn., task force chair:
+ What is God calling this church to be and do in the future?
+ What changes are in order to help us respond most faithfully?
"The task force was committed to beginning a conversation that would invite engagement, ideas, imagination and wisdom from people across this church," she said in an interview. Task force members developed questions on topics such as Lutheran identity, ELCA membership and priorities for ministry, she said. Task force work teams focused on specific topics such as ELCA identity, opportunities, interrelationships, congregations, partnerships, financial resources, and structure and governance.
The task force posted questions online at http://www.ELCA.org/lift on the ELCA project website for response, and it invited responses through a blog at http://liftELCA.org on the Web, Pederson said.
More than 1,000 people responded to the online survey questions, and ELCA Research and Evaluation staff randomly sampled additional pastors and members. Many leadership groups commented to the task force, such as the ELCA Conference of Bishops, the ELCA Church Council, campus ministry staff, college and university presidents, multicultural organization leaders, global mission partners, and youth and young adults. Voting members at more than 40 synod assemblies offered input.
The task force also met with several consultants, held conference calls, and conducted focus groups and interviews. In August it brought together bishops, pastors, leaders from institutions of higher education, ecumenical partners and leaders from various partner agencies to consider mission capacity and funding, Pederson said.
Task force members learned that ELCA members have deep commitments "to our theology, our understanding of justification by grace through faith in Jesus Christ, to sharing the 'Good News,' to theological education and to lay leadership," Pederson said. Members are less clear about Lutheran identity or what it means to be an ELCA member, she said.
The task force invited comment on possible future scenarios for the EL
CA, she said. Its report will likely focus on the roles of congregations and synods, sustainability, mission support funding, and ELCA structure and governance, Pederson added.
While much information has been gathered, there is still time for members to comment to the task force through the website or the blog.
"I've described the process as something that was intended to engage as many people as possible," said the Rev. Richard H. Graham, bishop of the ELCA Metropolitan Washington, D.C., Synod, and task force member. "We want to hear from anyone who wants to give us information."
From his perspective, Graham said, members have expressed a desire to renew congregational life and mission, and "to help congregations understand themselves as places where mission has to take place."
December 17, 2010
ELCA Task Force to Suggest Recommendations for Church's Future
CHICAGO (ELCA) -- A task force of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), which has engaged the church's membership in an extensive conversation about the denomination's future, will soon begin preparing its report and recommendations to the ELCA Church Council. The council is expected to transmit to the 2011 ELCA Churchwide Assembly recommendations related to the task force's work.
Task force members will meet here January 28-29, 2011, a key face-to-face meeting prior to issuing their report and recommendations.
In November 2009 the ELCA Church Council approved the charter for the project, "Living into the Future Together: Renewing the Ecology of the ELCA" and appointed a task force. The project task force was asked to study social, economic and other environmental changes in the 20 years since the ELCA was formed and "evaluate the organization, governance and interrelationships among this church's expressions," according to the project charter.
The task force was asked to develop a report and recommendations "that will position this church for the future and explore new possibilities for participating in God's mission," the charter states. The report and recommendations are to be reviewed by the ELCA Conference of Bishops in March 2011 and presented for action to the Church Council, which meets in April 2011.
The task force, which met for the first time in January 2010, focused on two key questions as it gathered information from throughout the church, said the Rev. Diane "Dee" Pederson, St. Cloud, Minn., task force chair:
+ What is God calling this church to be and do in the future?
+ What changes are in order to help us respond most faithfully?
"The task force was committed to beginning a conversation that would invite engagement, ideas, imagination and wisdom from people across this church," she said in an interview. Task force members developed questions on topics such as Lutheran identity, ELCA membership and priorities for ministry, she said. Task force work teams focused on specific topics such as ELCA identity, opportunities, interrelationships, congregations, partnerships, financial resources, and structure and governance.
The task force posted questions online at http://www.ELCA.org/lift on the ELCA project website for response, and it invited responses through a blog at http://liftELCA.org on the Web, Pederson said.
More than 1,000 people responded to the online survey questions, and ELCA Research and Evaluation staff randomly sampled additional pastors and members. Many leadership groups commented to the task force, such as the ELCA Conference of Bishops, the ELCA Church Council, campus ministry staff, college and university presidents, multicultural organization leaders, global mission partners, and youth and young adults. Voting members at more than 40 synod assemblies offered input.
The task force also met with several consultants, held conference calls, and conducted focus groups and interviews. In August it brought together bishops, pastors, leaders from institutions of higher education, ecumenical partners and leaders from various partner agencies to consider mission capacity and funding, Pederson said.
Task force members learned that ELCA members have deep commitments "to our theology, our understanding of justification by grace through faith in Jesus Christ, to sharing the 'Good News,' to theological education and to lay leadership," Pederson said. Members are less clear about Lutheran identity or what it means to be an ELCA member, she said.
The task force invited comment on possible future scenarios for the EL
CA, she said. Its report will likely focus on the roles of congregations and synods, sustainability, mission support funding, and ELCA structure and governance, Pederson added.
While much information has been gathered, there is still time for members to comment to the task force through the website or the blog.
"I've described the process as something that was intended to engage as many people as possible," said the Rev. Richard H. Graham, bishop of the ELCA Metropolitan Washington, D.C., Synod, and task force member. "We want to hear from anyone who wants to give us information."
From his perspective, Graham said, members have expressed a desire to renew congregational life and mission, and "to help congregations understand themselves as places where mission has to take place."
ELCA; ELS; LCMS; Methodist
Composting Saves Money and Reduces Waste
Precious is a notorious food thief.
bruce-church (http://bruce-church.myopenid.com/) has left a new comment on your post "Roses, Suet, Birds, and Squirrels":
People without compost bins think its a big pain, but if you go to a search engine and type: compost "never fills up," there are a lot of results. People just keep filling the bin and it never seems to fill up, so that's hardly any work. One study says composting reduces is volume by 50 to 75 percent.
The reason compost bins fill up so slowly, is first, much of vegetable matter is water, and as compost breaks down, that is released to the ground and air. Second, a lot of the carbon is turned into CO2 and CH4 (methane) and is lost to the atmosphere! For manure composting, which has been studied most closely, 30% of the overall dry matter is lost due to 53% of the carbon being lost to CO2 and CH4 (94% and 6% by volume, respectively), and 42% of the nitrogen was lost to create nitrous oxide, a gas (N2O):
These correspond to 30.1% of initial DM, 52.8% of initial TC, and 41.6% of initial TN. For WBM, DM loss was 268 kg Mg(-1), TC loss was 154 kg Mg(-1), and TN loss was 1.40 kg Mg(-1), corresponding to 26.5, 34.5, and 11.8% of initial amounts. Most C was lost as CO2 with CH4 accounting for <6%.
Composting reduces yard waste volume by 50 to 75 percent.
GJ - I realized early that hauling away yard trash and buying chemicals to make the yard more fertile was foolish. Organic materials are the best soil amendments, and they arrive free of charge. Leaves, grass, and weeds all contribute to the humus content of any soil type. Healthy soil attracts more birds and insects, which work for free, in contrast to chemical spraying, which wipes out the insect population (most of it beneficial) and decreases the birds feeding on the insects.
Those who build compost find there is never enough, so they borrow leaves and grass from the neighbors. People stop laughing when they see the corn reach 9 feet tall, with pumpkins growing on bushes and under them.
Sassy Friends the Squirrels
Sassy, the wonder-dog, went along with me on errands yesterday. We often stop at the recycling center, which supports veterans and is run by veterans. That gets us near the Bella Vista post office, which has a waiting line of two people on a busy day.
Just before the recycling center is a neat little hardware store. When I walk in the door, someone meets me and helps me find whatever I want. This time I wanted a garbage can for bird seed and a squirrel feeder. The employee showed me the $10 feeder and found one for even less - "This one looks better too."
Sassy waited outside in the limousine, the Icha-boat. I always roll down the window for air, so she leans out and gives me a big yelp on my way into the store or post office. In spite of her missing back leg, she spends the whole trip watching me drive from between the seats, perched with that back leg on the rear seat, her powerful front legs on the arm rests.
Heading south on 71B means we are aiming at the Bentonville Bark Park, her favorite place. The barking begins early, because she would explode if she had to contain her joy. She is now quite famous as the ball snagger. The other owners depend on us to bring a spare ball, because Sassy gets the other dogs obsessed with her purple one. Tennis balls are always left in the grass, but Sassy is a fashion trend-setter with her special toy.
When we got home and finished our Dairy Queen, it was time to take care of the birds and squirrels.
The squirrel feeder is simple. Two cedar boards are joined, and a large screw comes up from the bottom for impaling an ear of field corn. I wanted to feed a squirrel close up, and this was easy to attach to the window sill. It came with two extra screws and holes in the right place. I actually found my cordless drill and got the job done in a few seconds. Sassy, who supervises all my outside work, was next door with Maynard and Homer, two enormous guard dogs with electronic collars.
Sassy and I also trimmed back the bush near the inexpensive
Sassy and I put the new ear of field corn on the feeder and added sunflower seeds to various feeding stations. I am sticking to sunflower seeds alone, because they are the best priced seed and they flow from the feeders better.
Chris enjoys talking to the other dog owners when we go together.
Monsignor Defrocked in N.Y. for Abusing Ex-Student - NYTimes.com
Monsignor Defrocked in N.Y. for Abusing Ex-Student - NYTimes.com
When will WELS, the Little Sect on the Prairie, and Thoughts of Faith do the same?
When will WELS, the Little Sect on the Prairie, and Thoughts of Faith do the same?
Friday, December 17, 2010
Silent Night - Do Not Watch This Or Hum Along If You Are WELS
Thy Strong Word - Printed Edition - Very Pleased
The printed version of Thy Strong Word arrived today. One follow-up editor will be getting his copy soon. I will send copies (free) to anyone who wants to review it for errors and/or comments I can publish. If you are interested, send me your name and mailing address, or begin with your email address.
I will NOT publish your information. And we all know why.
I can see some format changes to make already, but I am very pleased with the look and readability of the text.
I expect to send library copies out in late January.
The printed cost is around $28, very inexpensive for a printed, hardbound book (with a color slipcover). The PDF is free and will always be free, unless my estate (or creditors) demand a price.
To download Thy Strong Word, click here.
Some people decided to debate UOJ with me on Facebook. Here are some of the arguments:
1. Denying UOJ means agreeing with the Limited Atonement of Calvin.
2. UOJ is not in the Book of Concord, but the Trinity is not in the Bible either.
Lulu offer:



Thy Strong Word
High school hazing probe embroils Boise State football player | Reuters
LCMS Intellect - On UOJ
On a video Paul McCain was going on about his Book of Concord collection, ironic since he is such an Enthusiast for UOJ.
I posted, that I have not found UOJ in the Book of Concord. This followed
Guillaume Williams That's ok Gregory I haven't Trinity in the bible yet either.
15 minutes ago · LikeUnlike
Gregory L. Jackson Then you are ignorant, GW. The Trinity appears in Gen 1:1 and following. UOJ never appears. You are equivocating about the term "Trinity," which is not an argument.
Guillaume Williams @Gregory--sorry not ignorant, but your argument that UOJ isn't taught in the BOC or Holy Scripture demonstrates how your conscience is still seared.
Gregory L. Jackson Read the book.
I posted, that I have not found UOJ in the Book of Concord. This followed
Guillaume Williams That's ok Gregory I haven't Trinity in the bible yet either.
15 minutes ago · LikeUnlike
Gregory L. Jackson Then you are ignorant, GW. The Trinity appears in Gen 1:1 and following. UOJ never appears. You are equivocating about the term "Trinity," which is not an argument.
Guillaume Williams @Gregory--sorry not ignorant, but your argument that UOJ isn't taught in the BOC or Holy Scripture demonstrates how your conscience is still seared.
Gregory L. Jackson Read the book.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Indianapolis - Very Special WELS Church - Feel the Buzz
Kudu Don Patterson organized a grip to Exponential, for a bunch of WELS workers. Stelljes went to the Orlando fest, which is a way to promote all the worst ideas in Christendom, all at once. Church and Change hired Stetzer after that conference.
Here is the buzz from Exponential in 2011:
"God is up to something. A growing number of church leaders sense it. Could the church be on the verge of something big? What if the next great movement stands knocking at our door? Come find out more at the largest gathering of church planting leaders on the planet - the 2011 Exponential Conference. The Exponential Conference and the Verge Conference are joining forces to host this historic, international event, On the Verge, April 26 - 29, 2011 in Orlando, FL."
They merged with Verge, whatever that is. Perhaps they will merge next with Incremental and call their combined conference Excremental.
Pastor Stelljes does not have a council and the congregation does not have voters' meetings.
The finances are taken care of outside of the congregation, without a congregational treasurer.
When a WELS layman visited one Sunday, there was no sermon. Stelljes said he was all tired from working on a float for a parade. Instead of a sermon, there was a question and answer session.
Exponential is going back to the Apostolic Era (without the Sacraments, of course). Can anyone imagine the Apostles holding a Q and A instead of preaching the Gospel?
Here is one post on the hoax story.
Snopes has another version of the hoax.
Church and Changers are always borrowing sentimental mush. Parlow and Limmer actually cloned an entire email from their hero, Bill Hybels at Willow Creek Community Church.
Church and Change
How To Collapse A Marshmallow Roof - Metrodome in Minneapolis
From Norman Teigen:
"Meanwhile I am trying to figure out how the stadium dome collapsed.One report on TV was that the combined weight on the roof on Sunday morning was equal to four 747 airplanes. It wasn't just the weight of the snow that brought down the roof. It was the snow AND the hot water that was being used to wash away the accumulated snow. I need to follow up on this.
And the dilapidated roof of the dome continues to fall. Another panel has given way."
GJ - A physics major should have told them that massive amounts of snow will not be melted by hot water, unless one has the equivalent of a warm Niagara Falls and a good drainage system in place.
Has anyone tried to shovel a decent fall of wet snow? O, my aching back.
"Meanwhile I am trying to figure out how the stadium dome collapsed.One report on TV was that the combined weight on the roof on Sunday morning was equal to four 747 airplanes. It wasn't just the weight of the snow that brought down the roof. It was the snow AND the hot water that was being used to wash away the accumulated snow. I need to follow up on this.
And the dilapidated roof of the dome continues to fall. Another panel has given way."
GJ - A physics major should have told them that massive amounts of snow will not be melted by hot water, unless one has the equivalent of a warm Niagara Falls and a good drainage system in place.
Has anyone tried to shovel a decent fall of wet snow? O, my aching back.
Just Like Ski or Glende Getting a Call
To Teach the Book of Concord
Check out the new Lutheran Hour speaker below.
Confessional leaders are rocking Missouri and WELS.
Steadfast Lutherans:
It came to my attention not long ago that The Lutheran Hour has extended a call to Rev. Dr. Dean Nadasdy, the Senior Pastor of Woodbury Lutheran Church to be the next speaker (see here for proof). Dr. Nadasdy taught at CSL from 1997-2000. He served on the Board for Communication Services from 2001-2003. In 2004 he was elected 3rd VP of the Synod. In 2007 he was elected 4th VP of the Synod.
The Minnesota South District of the LCMS has an interesting situation that characterizes the conflict that has been brought about in our church through the laissez faire supervision of President Kieschnick. In the name of innovation and the pursuit of copying Bill Hybels’ popularized Christianity, the LCMS is allowing all sorts of funky churches to pop up that really do not look anything like church at all. In the Minnesota South District this trend has reached an interesting new low.
The Alley is a “church” sponsored by Pastor Dean Nadasdy and Woodbury Lutheran Church in the Twin Cities. Conspicuous by their absence are the words “Church” and “Lutheran” in the name of the “church.” This reflects the intentional mindset of establishing a “no-church church.” This is such a silly notion that it hardly needs critique. It is oxymoronic in the way of “lay minister.” (By definition you are either a laymen or a minister.) What we wish to point out here is something else that is missing from this “no-church church,” the new LCMS hymnal. Those of us who have been watching this silly nose dive away from the traditional liturgical church are not surprised by this. What is surprising is that according to the policy of the Minnesota South District, The Alley must use the LSB if it wants to receive mission funding from the District and be welcomed into the synod by the District. Before we get to that here is a little more on the naming of this “church.”
---Steadfast comment:
I knew I shouldn’t have bothered going to thealley.org because it would just frustrate me, but I did it anyway. Here is what they have planned for this Sunday:
“On Sunday December 19th we are canceling church as usual to BE the church.
We will be forgoing our typical Sunday plan to spend the day worshipping with our hearts and our hands.
More specifically we plan to spend our normal worship time working shoulder to shoulder in Jesus name and assembling sandwiches for the homeless.
Here are the details:
Sunday December 19th. Starting times will reflect our normal worship schedule and be at 9:00a and 10:45a in Cottage Grove and 6:30p in the Midway.
Our goal is make at least 5,000 sandwiches for the homeless. That’s 5,000 people fed!
To worship by serving together shoulder to shoulder in Jesus name. ”
Now forgive me for asking the most obvious question here, but WHY CAN’T THIS SERVICE TIME BE DONE AFTER THE “NORMAL” WORSHIP SERVICE!?
GJ - Does this remind anyone of The CORE crew taking off and having no church because they were busy learning from the false teachers they adore?
Or their video of a man hauling his baggage to The CORE, struggling through the doors, bringing it in, only to find it empty?
Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "Just Like Ski or Glende Getting a Call To Teach th...":
Thanksgiving Services
Wednesday, November 24, 7:30 p.m.
Ecumenical Worship at St. Ambrose Catholic Church
Corner of Bailey and County Road 19, Woodbury
Thursday, November 25, 9:00 a.m.
Woodbury Lutheran Worship, Main Sanctuary
Dean Nadasdy, Senior Pastor
Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "Just Like Ski or Glende Getting a Call To Teach th...":
(W)ELS is only a few years behind the LCMS in their journey into apostacy. Here's what the (W)ELS has to look forward to:
(left this comment on Extra Nos)
Brett Meyer said...
How about this (W)ELS quote:
"Long ago God already forgave every man his sin, believer and unbeliever alike. Nothing more remains to be done by the sinner himself before the anger of God is appeased. Therefore, a Christian can go to any man on earth and say to him, “Your sins are forgiven.”
The Absolution in the Theology and Practice of the Reformation
(W)ELS - Pastor Edwin Lehmann
Right now I'm picturing the Lutheran Synods telling the Antichrist, the Roman Catholic Pope - "Holy Father, your sins are forgiven."
Wait, I'm being told that the LCMS already greeted the Antichrist in the name of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod.
"I am grateful to be greeted by the Pope through my bishop. Most members of the LCMS are likewise proud to be acknowledged and recognized by the world’s most widely recognized Christian leader. With two billion Christians in the world, it would be easy for any Pope not to know that there is a Missouri Synod. After all, we are less than three million. There are more than a billion Roman Catholics. There are seventy million Lutherans, divided into more than a hundred separate bodies. It is something of an achievement for any non-American to know anything at all about the Missouri Synod. I wonder what Benedict does know about us.
Does he know, for instance, that we still have a few who insist that our 16th century Confessions attributed the pejorative “Anti-Christ” to all popes for all times. If Benedict does know that, then he is to be admired for obeying the Bible’s command, “Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.”
Oh, in these last few days of a mad old world the judgement has begun in the Lutheran Synods.
Friday, December 17, 2010 4:29:00 PM GMT+11:00
LP Cruz on the UOJ Straw Men
LPC has left a new comment on your post "UOJ Gems - Stoeckhardt":
"But faith is never presented as something necessary to complete a justification which God has only made possible."
A blatant STRAWMAN. Who is making that argument? Not the JBFA people of the Lutheran Confessions!
Rather, it is the UOJ - building as it were the arguments by JBFA Lutherans (when in fact it is not) then demolishes what he has already set up. Even the UOJ people by default accepted already the force of the strawman argument and hence, they are operating in that faith paradigm, when in fact the paradigm on faith is false.
Faith is produced by the Word (Law and Gospel), faith is never anything that has to be completed by man.
Those who accept UOJ eventually accept the false paradigm that faith is something to be completed by man. Proof, let us quote Walther here who said...
Only one thing remains on your part so that you also possess the gift. This one thing is—faith. And this brings me to the second part of today's Easter message, in which I now would show you that every man who wants to be saved must accept by faith the general absolution, pronounced 1800 years ago, as an absolution spoken individually to him.
I highlighted in bold to show how Walther and the Waltherians are operating in the false notion of faith as well.
GJ - Well done, LPC. The Walther quotation should remind people that JP Meyer's Decision Theology is simply a reflection of Walther's Decision Theology. The claim of UOJ is this - we will protect the Gospel from synergism.
But what does this Walther statement say? You must now do your part. That is synergism.
The proper understanding of justification is monergistic, not synergistic. God creates faith with the efficacious Word, so justification by faith is God's work - both in creating faith and in the declaration of forgiveness.
Walther's amalgamation of Pietism and Lutheran doctrine turned into a time-bomb that blew up the Synodical Conference.
The only solution is to identify and repudiate the false doctrine.
"But faith is never presented as something necessary to complete a justification which God has only made possible."
A blatant STRAWMAN. Who is making that argument? Not the JBFA people of the Lutheran Confessions!
Rather, it is the UOJ - building as it were the arguments by JBFA Lutherans (when in fact it is not) then demolishes what he has already set up. Even the UOJ people by default accepted already the force of the strawman argument and hence, they are operating in that faith paradigm, when in fact the paradigm on faith is false.
Faith is produced by the Word (Law and Gospel), faith is never anything that has to be completed by man.
Those who accept UOJ eventually accept the false paradigm that faith is something to be completed by man. Proof, let us quote Walther here who said...
Only one thing remains on your part so that you also possess the gift. This one thing is—faith. And this brings me to the second part of today's Easter message, in which I now would show you that every man who wants to be saved must accept by faith the general absolution, pronounced 1800 years ago, as an absolution spoken individually to him.
I highlighted in bold to show how Walther and the Waltherians are operating in the false notion of faith as well.
GJ - Well done, LPC. The Walther quotation should remind people that JP Meyer's Decision Theology is simply a reflection of Walther's Decision Theology. The claim of UOJ is this - we will protect the Gospel from synergism.
But what does this Walther statement say? You must now do your part. That is synergism.
The proper understanding of justification is monergistic, not synergistic. God creates faith with the efficacious Word, so justification by faith is God's work - both in creating faith and in the declaration of forgiveness.
Walther's amalgamation of Pietism and Lutheran doctrine turned into a time-bomb that blew up the Synodical Conference.
The only solution is to identify and repudiate the false doctrine.
Ethics: ‘It’s not a crime if you don’t get caught’ « Churchmous Campanologist.
And Not If the DP Supports Plagiarism
Ethics: ‘It’s not a crime if you don’t get caught’ « Churchmouse Campanologist
WELS Pastor Parlow (left) copied the Hybels email and signed it, with Limmer, as if they wrote it.
WELS Pastors Ski and Tim Blende are known for copying Groeschel and pawning off their plagiarism as original work. They even steal the graphics. They even steal my graphics!
WELS Pastor Paul Kelm has become synonymous with copying from false teachers without attribution.
The foxes of Fox Valley, WELS, are known for their thievery, which is excused by the DP,
but they also like their vixen
WELS Layman - 29a - Known Only as a Hexadecimal Number
I think one could say, beginning with the NIV and Kuske`s blue catechism, back in the early 80`s - that was the final blow to justification by faith in WELS.
I do not think the lay folk at the time realized what had happened. I still thought OR BELIEVED AND STILL DO in justification by FAITH. We now have over 30 years of this stuff being shoved down out throats either though bible classes or in the pulpits.
Look at what these two books(NIV, Kuske cat..) have sown. WELS has gone from over 420,000 members to less than 390,000 and continues to bleed members. I have not even mentioned CW or all the contemptary and or blended services that supposedly are going to bring the unchurched banging down the doors to join WELS if you will.
Please post this on Ichabod. I would like to read what folks send you about the above.
Panoply of False Doctrine in the Wisconsin Sect
Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "UOJ Gems - Stoeckhardt":
Additional quotes, only a few of the thousands, confirming UOJ as the foundation of all (W)ELS theology.
"Any and every denial of the blessed truth of objective, universal justification is a denial of the Gospel itself. Any impairment of it is an impairment of the Gospel."
The Ministry of the Keys with Special Emphasis on the Power of the Christian to Forgive and Retain Sins
by Wilbert R. Gawrisch
"Long ago God already forgave every man his sin, believer and unbeliever alike. Nothing more remains to be done by the sinner himself before the anger of God is appeased. Therefore, a Christian can go to any manon earth and say to him, “Your sins are forgiven.”
The Absolution in the Theology and Practice of the Reformation
By: Edwin Lehmann
"The forgiveness of sins is not a potential fact that becomes a reality only when it is proclaimed in the Gospel and accepted by faith. This ought to be crystal clear to all members of a church in which the doctrine of universal, objective justification has been so definitely and emphatically proclaimed as in the Wisconsin Synod."
"And faith, too, is a necessary part of the process, yet, again, it is not necessary to bring forgiveness into being. We need clearly to remember that the word of forgiveness both brings faith into existence and is accepted by faith. As an objective truth to be proclaimed to all men, saints and sinners, believers and unbelievers, forgiveness does not depend on faith. In our teaching we must guard against leaving the impression that forgiveness becomes a reality only for the believer."
"When we ask the penitent sinner whether he believes in Christ, we ought not to ask this as a condition that must be fulfilled before his sin can be forgiven but as a reminder that it is only by believing the message that the blessings offered there become his own. And if he does not believe it before the absolution is spoken, we hope and pray that he will believe it after the forgiveness is announced."
The Doctrine of Confession and Absolution
From the Papers of Siegbert W. Becker
"And God saw all his Son had done, and behold it was very good, and there was justice, and there was mercy—the Lord’s way. I forgive you, one and all, for my Son’s sake, God declares; believe it to your salvation, he invites. This is the gospel for the ages."
The Fragile Nature of the Public Ministry [Arizona-California District Convention, Mesa, Arizona, June 20-22, 1994]
by Nathan R. Pope
Appendix One: False Claims In Favor of UOJ
Halle University - Professor Knapp
From Knapp’s Lectures on Christian Theology, translated by Leonard Woods, Jr., New York, 1833. The LCMS was organized in 1847, the Stephan ships landing in 1839.
It is universal as the atonement itself; vid. § 111, II. If the atonement extends to the whole human race, justification must also be universal; i. e. all must be able to obtain the actual forgiveness of their sins and blessedness, on account of the atonement of Christ. But in order to obviate mistakes, some points may require explanation. Justification, then, is universal,
(1) In respect to the persons to be pardoned.
All men, according to the Bible, may partake of this benefit. It was designed for all; vid. especially Rom. 3: 23. 5: 15 (§ 111),
in opposition to Jewish exclusiveness. It is bestowed however conditionally ; certain conditions are prescribed which are indispensable. Those who do not comply with these conditions, are excluded from the enjoyment of the benefit. Justification and forgiveness are not, therefore, universal in effect (actu); and this solely through the fault of men.*
Another conclusion from the universality of justification is, that every one may be sure of his forgiveness. This certainty, however, must not be founded upon inward feelings, which are frequently deceptive ; but upon an actual compliance with the conditions on which God will forgive sins. If any one finds in himself the signs of true faith, of sincere love to God and Christ, of a renewed heart, and of a virtuous Christian disposition, he is justified. Rom. 8: 16, " The holy, Christian temper wrought in us by God, gives us the clearest and surest proof, that we are the children of God." 1 John 3: 7. 2 Pet. 1: 9, 10. This certainty is in the highest degree necessary to our tranquility and happiness. 1 Tim. 1: 16. ICor. 6: 11. 1 John 5: 18—20.
(2) In respect to sins and the punishment of sin.
(a) As to sins; the position that all sins, without exception, are forgiven for Christ's sake, is proved partly from the power and efficacy of the atonement of Christ, which is extended to all sins (vid. § 111, and the texts there cited) ; and partly from the texts which promise forgiveness of all sins, even the greatest and blackest, to those who comply with the prescribed conditions of pardon. Ezek. 18: 21, 22. Ps. 103: 3. 1 Cor. 6: 11. Ephes. 2: 5. 1 Tim. I: 15. The sin against the Holy Ghost cannot be regarded as an exception ; vid. § 84.
(6) As to the punishment of sin ; the answer to the question whether the pardoned are exempt from all the punishments of sin, whether therefore justification is plena et perfecta, may be learned from § 111, II. The natural and physical evils which result from past sins, indeed, remain ; but they are mitigated and rendered more tolerable, and are divested of the terror of punishment….
* [Translator - This is very conveniently expressed by the terms objective and subjective justification. Objective justification is the act of God, by which he proffers pardon to all through Christ; subjective, is the act of man, by which he accepts the pardon freely offered in the Gospel. The former is universal, the latter not.]
It is universal as the atonement itself; vid. § 111, II. If the atonement extends to the whole human race, justification must also be universal; i. e. all must be able to obtain the actual forgiveness of their sins and blessedness, on account of the atonement of Christ. But in order to obviate mistakes, some points may require explanation. Justification, then, is universal,
(1) In respect to the persons to be pardoned.
All men, according to the Bible, may partake of this benefit. It was designed for all; vid. especially Rom. 3: 23. 5: 15 (§ 111),
in opposition to Jewish exclusiveness. It is bestowed however conditionally ; certain conditions are prescribed which are indispensable. Those who do not comply with these conditions, are excluded from the enjoyment of the benefit. Justification and forgiveness are not, therefore, universal in effect (actu); and this solely through the fault of men.*
Another conclusion from the universality of justification is, that every one may be sure of his forgiveness. This certainty, however, must not be founded upon inward feelings, which are frequently deceptive ; but upon an actual compliance with the conditions on which God will forgive sins. If any one finds in himself the signs of true faith, of sincere love to God and Christ, of a renewed heart, and of a virtuous Christian disposition, he is justified. Rom. 8: 16, " The holy, Christian temper wrought in us by God, gives us the clearest and surest proof, that we are the children of God." 1 John 3: 7. 2 Pet. 1: 9, 10. This certainty is in the highest degree necessary to our tranquility and happiness. 1 Tim. 1: 16. ICor. 6: 11. 1 John 5: 18—20.
(2) In respect to sins and the punishment of sin.
(a) As to sins; the position that all sins, without exception, are forgiven for Christ's sake, is proved partly from the power and efficacy of the atonement of Christ, which is extended to all sins (vid. § 111, and the texts there cited) ; and partly from the texts which promise forgiveness of all sins, even the greatest and blackest, to those who comply with the prescribed conditions of pardon. Ezek. 18: 21, 22. Ps. 103: 3. 1 Cor. 6: 11. Ephes. 2: 5. 1 Tim. I: 15. The sin against the Holy Ghost cannot be regarded as an exception ; vid. § 84.
(6) As to the punishment of sin ; the answer to the question whether the pardoned are exempt from all the punishments of sin, whether therefore justification is plena et perfecta, may be learned from § 111, II. The natural and physical evils which result from past sins, indeed, remain ; but they are mitigated and rendered more tolerable, and are divested of the terror of punishment….
* [Translator - This is very conveniently expressed by the terms objective and subjective justification. Objective justification is the act of God, by which he proffers pardon to all through Christ; subjective, is the act of man, by which he accepts the pardon freely offered in the Gospel. The former is universal, the latter not.]
End of Knapp quotation
Jackson – This may be the first instance where the Atonement and justification were confused and intermingled. New terms often introduce concepts alien to the Word, such as creating a separate Holy Spirit baptism distinct from water baptism, elevating one while demeaning the other. Knapp’s book remains in print today, so the translator’s introduction of two justifications is significant for understanding the origin of this error. This particular selection, like so many discussions of two justifications, is lacking any emphasis upon the efficacy of the Word in the Means of Grace. To discuss forgiveness without the efficacy of the Word is a grave error that cannot be fixed with the elegant use of Latin terminology.
Eduard Preuss, Missouri Pastor Who Became Roman Catholic
"So, then, we are reconciled; however, not only we, but also Hindus, and Hottentots and Kafirs, yes, the world. 'Reconciled', says our translation; the Greek original says: 'placed in the right relation to God'. Because before the Fall we, together with the whole creation, were in the right relation to God, therefore Scripture teaches that Christ, through His death, restored all things to the former right relation to God."
- R. Eduard Preuss, 1834-1904, Die Rechtfertigung der Suender vor Gott. Cited in Rick Nicholas Curia, The Significant History of the Doctrine of Objective or Universal Justification, Alpine, California: California Pastoral Conference, WELS. January 24-25, 1983. p. 24.
Jackson – Luther and the Concordists always kept the Gospel message in harmony with the Scriptures, emphasizing both the universal Atonement of Christ and the necessity of faith in receiving God’s declaration of forgiveness. Preuss has been quoted many times to support the forgiveness of the world, without the Word, which is the fundamental error of the Brief Statement, 1932.
Cherney, WELS
“Not guilty—period. God’s court doesn’t work that way either. God, our judge, has pronounced his verdict over us: Not guilty—period. We’ve been declared innocent of the crime of sin, free from the penalty of eternal death, all because Jesus took our place under God’s justice and paid every penalty we ever owed. And to demonstrate his verdict just as dramatically and convincingly as possible, God raised Jesus from the dead. “He was raised to life for our justification,” (Romans 4:25). That means Jesus rose to prove we are justified. Acquitted. Not guilty.”
Pastor Ken Cherney (WELS), “The Surprising Verdict,” Northwestern Lutheran, August, 1998.
Jackson – Exegesis this poor should get someone removed from the ministry, but that is not true when UOJ is being defended. This claim is exactly the same as Universalism – everyone in the entire world is forgiven. Romans 4 teaches faith and Abraham as the father of faith. This article teaches forgiveness without faith.
Sig Becker, WELS
"The two terms are relatively modern. They are not used in the Lutheran Confessions. They are also not really synonymous. 'Universal justification' is a term denoting the doctrine that God has forgiven the sins of all men. Strictly speaking, the term objective justification expresses the thought that the sins of a man are forgiven by God whether he believes it or not. Objective justification is not necessarily universal, but if justification is universal it must of necessity be objective."
Siegbert Becker, "Objective Justification," Chicago Pastoral Conference, WELS, Elgin, Illinois, November 9, 1982, unpaginated.
Jackson – The terms are definitely modern, the first instance in English is dated in the 1830s (Woods translation of Knapp), where objective was contrasted with subjective justification. Universal seems to be even more recent, used in the last few decades and added to objective.
Hoenecke Citing Burk
And Ph. D. Burk (Rechtfertigung und Versicherung, p. 41) rightly said:
‘The difference between general justification and the more common usage of the term justification can be expressed as follows. The latter takes place precisely upon the appropriation of the former.’ (Cited in Hoenecke)
"For God has already forgiven you your sins 1800 years ago when He in Christ absolved all men by raising Him after He first had gone into bitter death for them. Only one thing remains on your part so that you also possess the gift. This one thing is—faith. And this brings me to the second part of today's Easter message, in which I now would show you that every man who wants to be saved must accept by faith the general absolution, pronounced 1800 years ago, as an absolution spoken individually to him."
C. F. W. Walther, The Word of His Grace, Sermon Selections, "Christ's Resurrection—The World's Absolution" Lake Mills: Graphic Publishing Company, 1978, p. 233. Mark 16:1-8.
F. Pieper
"Now, then, if the Father raised Christ from the dead, He, by this glorious resurrection act, declared that the sins of the whole world are fully expiated, or atoned for, and that all mankind is now regarded as righteous before His divine tribunal. This gracious reconciliation and justification is clearly taught in Romans 4:25: 'Who was delivered for our offenses and was raised again for our justification.' The term dikai,wsij (dikaiosis) here means the act of divine justification executed through God's act of raising Christ from the dead, and it is for this reason called the objective justification of all mankind. This truth Dr. Walther stressed anew in America. He taught that the resurrection of Christ from the dead is the actual absolution pronounced upon all sinners. (Evangelienpostille, p. 160ff.)…Calov, following Gerhard, rightly points out the relation of Christ's resurrection to our justification as follows: 'Christ's resurrection took place as an actual absolution from sin (respectu actualis a peccato absolutionis). As God punished our sins in Christ, upon whom He laid them and to whom He imputed them, as our Bondsman, so He also, by the very act of raising Him from the dead, absolved Him from our sins imputed to Him, and so He absolved also us in Him.'" [Bibl. Illust., ad Rom. 4:25]
Francis Pieper, Christian Dogmatics, 3 vols., St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House, 1951, II, p. 321. Romans 4:25.
"Scripture teaches the objective reconciliation. Nineteen hundred years ago Christ effected the reconciliation of all men with God. God does not wait for men to reconcile Him with themselves by means of any efforts of their own. He is already reconciled. The reconciliation is an accomplished fact, just like the creation of the world. Romans 5:10: 'We were reconciled to God by the death of His Son.' When Christ died, God became reconciled. As Christ's death lies in the past, so also our reconciliation is an accomplished fact. 2 Corinthians 5:19: 'God was in Christ, reconciling' (namely, when Christ lived and died on earth) 'the world unto Himself.' The katalla,ssein (katallassein) of Romans 5:10 and 2 Corinthians 5:19 does not refer—let this fact be noted—to any change that occurs in men, but describes an occurrence in the heart of God. It was God who laid His anger by on account of the ransom brought by Christ. It was God who at that time already had in His heart forgiven the sins of the whole world, for the statement: 'God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto Himself' means—and that is not our, but the Apostle's own interpretation—that God did 'not impute their trespasses unto them.' And 'not imputing trespasses' is, according to Scripture (Romans 4:6-8), synonymous with 'forgiving sins,' 'justifying' the sinner. "The resurrection of Christ is, as Holy Writ teaches, the actual absolution of the whole world of sinners. Romans 4:25: 'Who was raised again for our justification.' At that time we were objectively declared free from sin."
Francis Pieper, Christian Dogmatics, 3 vols., St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House, 1951, II, p. p 348. Romans 5:10; 2 Corinthians 5:19.
"This doctrine of general justification is the guarantee and warranty that the central article of justification by faith is being kept pure. Whoever holds firmly that God was reconciled to the world in Christ, and that to sinners in general their sin was forgiven, to him the justification which comes from faith remains a pure act of the grace of God. Whoever denies general justification is justly under suspicion that he is mixing his own work and merit into the grace of God.”
George Stoeckhardt, Concordia Theological Quarterly, April, 1978, p. 138. Cited by Pastor Vernon Harley "Synergism—Its Logical Association with General Justification," 511 Tilden, Fairmont, Minnesota 56031, August, 1984, p. 1.
Engelder, 1933
"The chief purpose, however, is to keep this article (general justification) before the people for its own sake. It cannot be presented and studied too often. Its vital relation to the subjective, personal justification by faith, cannot be stressed too strongly. It forms the basis of the justification by faith and keeps this article free from the leaven of Pelagianism. Unless the sinner knows that his justification is already an accomplished fact in the forum of God, he will imagine that it is his faith, his good conduct, which moves God to forgive him his sins. And unless he knows that God had him personally in mind in issuing the general pardon on Easter morning, he will have no assurance of his justification."
Theodore Engelder, Concordia Theological Monthly, July/August/September, 1933. Reissued by the seminary print-shop, Ft. Wayne, 1981. Cited by Pastor Vernon Harley, "Synergism—Its Logical Association with General Justification," 511 Tilden, Fairmont, Minnesota 56031, August, 1984, p. 1f.
"The entire Pauline doctrine of justification stands and falls with the special article of general justification. This establishes it beyond peradventure that justification is entirely independent of the conduct of man. And only in this way the individual can have the assurance of his justification. For it is the incontrovertible conclusion: Since God has already justified all men in Christ and forgiven them their sins, I, too, have a gracious God in Christ and forgiveness of all my sins."
Quoted with approval by Theodore Engelder, from George Stoeckhardt, Commentary on Romans, p. 264. Cited by Pastor Vernon Harley, "Synergism—Its Logical Association with General Justification," 511 Tilden, Fairmont, Minnesota 56031, August, 1984, p. 2.
Theodore Mueller, 1982
"The resurrection is God's public absolution of the entire world: 'Your sins are forgiven, all sins of all human beings; and there is no exception.' This is the meaning of the technical term 'objective justification.' The objective justification is central to the doctrine of salvation and derives logically from the facts that God's reconciliation, forgiveness, and declaration of 'not guilty' in no wise depend on the attitude or behaviour of human beings. If objective justification is denied, then it must follow that those who are declared righteous in some way have contributed to God's change of heart; justification is then no longer solely the result of God's grace."
Theodore Mueller, Concordia Theological Quarterly, January, 1982, p. 29. Cited by Pastor Vernon Harley, "Synergism—Its Logical Association with General Justification," 511 Tilden, Fairmont, Minnesota 56031, August, 1984, p. 3.
Theodore Brohm, 19th Century
"The fact of the redemption and reconciliation of the entire human race through Christ, and with it the forgiveness of all sins for all men on God's part—which, indeed, is precisely what the Gospel proclaims, presents and gives—can by no means become a lie through the unbelief of men...even when the unbelievers don't receive it, but reject it for themselves and for this reason—indeed, for this reason alone—are lost."
Walther's colleague, Theodore Brohm, 1808-1881. Cited in Rick Nicholas Curia, The Significant History of the Doctrine of Objective or Universal Justification, Alpine, California: California Pastoral Conference, WELS. January 24-25, 1983. p. 16.
Norwegian Synod, 19th Century
"The teaching of the Wisconsin Synod [of the old Norwegian Synod] is this, that in and with the universal reconciliation, which has occurred in Christ for the whole world—even Judas; the whole world—even Judas—has been justified and has received the forgiveness of sin. Therefore, according to Luther's clear words ("for where there is forgiveness of sins, there is also life and salvation"), the whole world (i.e. every person who is a part of the world—even Judas) has become a child of God and an heir of heaven."
Gottfried Fritschel, "Zur Lehre von der Rechtfertigung," Theologische Monatshefte, volume 4, 1871, (1-24), p. 7. Cited in Rick Nicholas Curia, The Significant History of the Doctrine of Objective or Universal Justification, Alpine, California: California Pastoral Conference, WELS. January 24-25, 1983. p. 2.
Missouri Synod Brief Statement, 1932
“Scripture teaches that God has already declared the whole world to be righteous in Christ, Romans 5:19; 2 Corinthians 5:18-21; Romans 4:25; that therefore not for the sake of their good works, but without the works of the Law, by grace, for Christ’s sake, he justifies, that is, accounts as righteous, all those who believe in Christ, that is, believe, accept, and rely on, the fact that for Christ’s sake their sins are forgiven.”
Brief Statement of the Doctrinal Position of the Missouri Synod, 1932, “Of Justification.”
J. P. Meyer, 1963
“About 300 years earlier Johann Gerhard expressed the same truth in these words: ‘By raising Christ from the dead God absolved Him from our sins, which had been imputed to Him, and accordingly He absolved us also in Him.’ Gerhard was professor of theology in Jena. He did not write a Brief Statement, but he did write a book on Lutheran dogmatics consisting of 20 volumes. He died in 1637.”
J. P. Meyer, “The Holy Spirit Creator,” The Northwestern Lutheran, September 24, 1950, p. 310.
Jackson – When this was published, people did not have access to Gerhard in English. This statement is a serious distortion of Gerhard, who agreed with the Concordists and published with Chemnitz.
First Kokomo Statement
I. "Objectively speaking, without any reference to an individual sinner's attitude toward Christ's sacrifice, purely on the basis of God's verdict, every sinner, whether he knows about it or not, whether he believes it or not, has received the status of a saint. What will be his reaction when he is informed about this turn of events? Will he accept, or will he decline?"
J. P. Meyer, Ministers of Christ, A Commentary on the Second Epistle of Paul to the Corinthians, Milwaukee: Northwestern Publishing House, 1963, p. 103f. 2 Corinthians 5:18-21.
Jackson – This is utter rubbish. In the New Testament, only believers are forgiven and given the status of saints.
Second Kokomo Statement
II. "Before Christ's intervention took place God regarded him as a guilt-laden, condemned culprit. After Christ's intervention and through Christ's intervention He regards him as a guilt-free saint."
J. P. Meyer, Ministers of Christ, A Commentary on the Second Epistle of Paul to the Corinthians, Milwaukee: Northwestern Publishing House, 1963, p. 107. 2 Corinthians 5:18-21.
Jackson – This is Enthusiasm, because the distribution through the Holy Spirit in the Means of Grace is omitted. Teaching this laid the groundwork for Fuller Enthusiasm and worse.
Third Kokomo Statement
III. "This applies to the whole world, to every individual sinner, whether he was living in the days of Christ, or had died centuries before His coming, or had not yet been born, perhaps has not been born to this day. It applies to the world as such, regardless of whether a particular sinner ever comes to faith or not."
J. P. Meyer, Ministers of Christ, A Commentary on the Second Epistle of Paul to the Corinthians, Milwaukee: Northwestern Publishing House, 1963, p. 109. 2 Corinthians 5:18-21.
Jackson – Meyer ignored Abraham, the father of faith, who believed “and it was reckoned as righteousness.”
Decision Theology
"Objectively speaking, without any reference to an individual sinner's attitude toward Christ's sacrifice, purely on the basis of God's verdict, every sinner, whether he knows about it or not, whether he believes it or not, has received the status of a saint. What will be his reaction when he is informed about this turn of events? Will he accept, or will he decline?"
J. P. Meyer, Ministers of Christ, A Commentary on the Second Epistle of Paul to the Corinthians, Milwaukee: Northwestern Publishing House, 1963, p. 103f. 2 Corinthians 5:18-21.
Jackson – The fatal attraction of WELS to various liberal Baptists is explained by this endorsement of Decision Theology.
WELS Conference of Presidents, 1954
“The Judge in heaven examines this evidence. He declares His verdict. It is one of acquittal. Man’s debt of sin is no longer charged against him. Sinful man is free!”
WELS Conference of Presidents, “Every Sinner Declared Righteous,” 1954 tract.
Jackson – This is another example of the Atonement confused with justification by faith, showing what happens when the Means of Grace are ignored and the efficacious Word is not trusted.
Excommunicated For Denying Kokomo UOJ Statements, 1979
“Faith Lutheran Church
3215 West Judson Road
Kokomo, Indiana 46901
August 30, 1979
Mr. and Mrs. David Hartman
R. R. #1, Box 90
Kokomo, Indiana 46901
Dear Mr. and Mrs. Hartman,
In response to your letter of August 18, 1979, it is our understanding that your ‘no’ vote on June 20th against supporting the biblical doctrine of the WELS was based at least in part, on your failure to accept the following statement – included in your letter – all of which are in agreement with the teachings of the WELS, namely that:
- ‘Objectively speaking, without any reference to an individual sinners’ [sic] attitude toward Christs’ [sic] sacrafice [sic], purely on the basis of God’s verdict, every sinner, whether he knows it or not, whether he believes it or not, has received the status of a saint.’
- ‘After Christs’ [sic] intervention and through Christs’ [sic] intervention, God regards all sinners as guilt-free saints.’
- ‘When God reconciled the world to Himself through Christ, He individually pronounced forgiveness to each individual sinner whether that sinner ever comes to faith or not.’
- ‘At the time of the resurrection of Christ God looked down in hell and declared Judas, the people destroyed in the flood, and all the ungodly, innocent, not guilty, and forgiven of all sin and gave unto them the status of saints.’
I trust this is the information you desire.
Jackson – WELS describes the Kokomo Statements as a caricature of justification written by the families involved. The first three were taken from J. P. Meyer’s Ministers of Christ. The fourth was from an earlier debate in Lutheranism. They did write them down, because their pastor was teaching that “caricature of justification.” Therefore, they were kicked out by WELS for disagreeing with these statements and blamed by WELS for writing down what WELS still teaches.
LCMS Theses on UOJ, 1983
"Thus objective justification or reconciliation is the forgiveness of sins both as it has been acquired for the entire human race by Christ's work of obedience in its stead and declared by His resurrection, and as it is seriously and efficaciously offered to all in the means of grace."
Commission on Theology and Church Relations "Theses on Justification" St. Louis: May, 1983, II. #5.
Jackson – Why did only a few LCMS pastors object to this nincompoopery? Like Kokomo, this is another step beyond the initial error of UOJ because it explicitly claims that forgiveness is acquired and declared for the human race – but on what grounds? A large number of people enjoy the Means of Grace, but not everyone does. This sentence is Universalism hidden under the guise of the Means of Grace.
"Subjective justification or reconciliation is this same forgiveness as it is received, appropriated by, and applied to the individual sinner through God-given faith alone (sola fide)."
Commission on Theology and Church Relations "Theses on Justification" St. Louis: May, 1983, II. #6.
Jackson – This is a second forgiveness, since the first forgiveness is universal, according to #5.
Jackson - The CTCR devoted section III to “The Nature of Justification (What Happens When the Sinner is Justified).” Theses 7 and 8 both speak of justification without mentioning faith. This error is compounded by another grand statement:
“It is contrary to Scripture and the pure Gospel to teach: That, although Christ by His work has earned forgiveness for all, there are still certain conditions which God demands of people before He will pronounce them righteous.”
Commission on Theology and Church Relations "Theses on Justification" St. Louis: May, 1983, III. #8.
Confessional statements should be precise and clear, but this formula introduces the Monster of Uncertainty. Is faith now a demand? What an odd term for faith. Or do they mean something else? Any Lutheran graduate of Theology 101 knows that the efficacious Gospel produces faith, that faith receives the Gospel promise of forgiveness.
Section III announces that forgiveness has been earned for all, that all sins are forgiven. This is followed by Section IV, “Man’s Need for Justification,” a Law section. Why would this noteworthy commission declare the Gospel first and then the Law? The method is common to Moravian Pietism and denounced by Luther. However, since justification itself has been confused already, the meaning of the Law section is especially troubling. Section IV by itself is adequately written. The runt of the litter seems pretty healthy when the rest are still-born.
Section V, “The Basis of Justification,” is another misbegotten effort. One can hardly imagine that Lutheran theologians with access to the Book of Concord, Luther, and Chemnitz, could write so poorly about justification. Once again, “It is contrary to Scripture and the pure Gospel…” Why is that peculiar formulation used? Is the pure Gospel something other than what God reveals to us in the Scripture? I suspect that the men involved followed Karl Barth’s distinction between the Scriptures and the Word.
The lupine teeth and claws come out from under the fleece in Section VI. “The Universal and Finished Results of Christ’s Work of Obedience.” Note well:
- “Christ is the Savior of all. This means that the whole world of sinners has been redeemed, forgiven, and reconciled to God in Him.”
Commission on Theology and Church Relations "Theses on Justification" St. Louis: May, 1983, VI. #19.
Jackson – This is Universalism.
- “God, by raising His Son from the dead, has justified Him, declared Him to be the Righteous One, and in Him (i.e., for the sake of His finished work of obedience and satisfaction) has declared (as proclaimed in the Gospel), or reckoned, the whole world to be righteous.”
Commission on Theology and Church Relations "Theses on Justification" St. Louis: May, 1983, VI. #22.
Jackson – This is perverted Universalism, because the language of justification by faith (reckoned or counted righteous) is employed to make justification by faith meaningless.
- “God has acquired the forgiveness of sins for all people by declaring that the world for Christ’s sake has been forgiven. The acquiring of forgiveness is the pronouncement of forgiveness.”
Commission on Theology and Church Relations "Theses on Justification" St. Louis: May, 1983, VI. #23.
After establishing a vague Universalism, the CTCR devotes the next section to “Justification by Faith,” although the main heading is “The Appropriation of Christ’s Righteousness.” The rest of the document does not merit additional comment, because the entire structure is wrong from the beginning, even if isolated statements are correct by themselves. The “Theses on Justification” are a leaning tower of logs, like the one that collapsed at Texas A and M University, built badly on a soft foundation. One statement alone condemns the entire work, which contains many other errors, confusions, and fraudulent statements:
“It is contrary to Scripture and the pure Gospel to teach:…That it is not Biblical to speak of ‘objective justification.’
Commission on Theology and Church Relations "Theses on Justification" St. Louis: May, 1983, VI. #23.
Jackson – This is pure popery, denouncing anyone who adheres to the Book of Concord and Luther as being “contrary to Scripture and the pure Gospel.”
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