Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "Jimmy James on Thrivent Headquarters in Appleton, ...":
Per my comment above - here is a fresh example from the singular semi-soft confessional voice of the (W)ELS, the Intrepid Lutherans:
I will say this: the concerns we had were answered by the district presidium in a written response. There was a time for discussion, but it did little to bring the two sides closer to a real agreement on the issues before us. Nevertheless, there is a desire to keep talking...
The Intrepid Lutherans’ hope has always been for an open, honest discussion on the matters of doctrine and practice that threaten to divide our synod. We still hope for that, instead of silence.
Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "Jimmy James on Thrivent Headquarters in Appleton, ...":
Yet, out of a deep and ardent love for the lost they are willing to use Thrivent as a clearing house for thier filthy lucre which, completely outside of their control, happens to also finance the bloody slaughter of innocent babies.
One would think that if President Schroeder, District President Buchholz, President Matt Harrison and the entire Lutheran horde could hear the agonized screams of the little babies as they are torn apart in the wombs of the ELCA called workers, they would immediately and publicly demand a prohibition against any Thrivent support, cease and desist with their ongoing work with the ELCA.
This won't happen since President Schroeder by his own admission has no control over church discipline - that responsibility ends at the district president level - for all of his personal grace and composure he does nothing (like the beautiful hood ornaments on Jaguar cars), DP Buchholz was instrumental in structuring a $1.3M debt for Holy Trinity in a "Let the Children Come" initiative - yet God didn't accept the challenge and they were forced to take money from the restricted fund to support the children's education in order to support the church and it's suffocating debt (fortunately, he was rewarded with a call and subsequent DP position in Arizona), Pres. Matt Harrison is up to his substantial mustache in the blood of innocents through his ongoing support for Lutheran World Relief which provides financial support for the carnage the United Nations wreaks upon the world in their lust for depopulizing the globe and ushering in the reign of the Antichrist and the New World Order, the clergy will not do anything since their priorities begin with avoiding offending their fellow clergy members while they ignore their other position as supposed members of the Priesthood of all Believers and the responsibility to teach, promote and defend Christ's doctrines at all costs - to them and those they should be publicly and privately speaking to. They treat their fellow clergy as frail flowers that cannot bear the shock of hearing God's Word clearly spoken and the Confessions clearly articulated in rebuke of false doctrine spoken or written either willfully or innocently.
Due to the self inflicted limitations the clergy have placed upon themselves or have allowed to be placed on them, they will not be the source of resolution to the false doctrine and practice in their synods. The very fact that they do not deal decisively with the birthplace of such error, the synodical schools and seminaries, they will be ineffective in curbing the juggernaut of apostacy gripping each synod.
The Lord's will be done.
LutherRocks has left a new comment on your post "Banned in Bay View.This Woulda Killed the Reformat...":
Hmm...the Triumvirate two years in a row...of course this is meaningless...look on the bright side; more alms for the blind. (Jackson's books)
Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "Banned in Bay View.This Woulda Killed the Reformat...":
From my email conversation with the Board they want to increase traffic to the Emmaus website in order to increase awareness of next years conference.
The 2012 Emmaus Conference details were announced just prior to the round table discussions. LCMS President Harrison will give the keynote address and WELS President Schroeder and ELS President Moldstad will be the reactors.
Scott E. Jungen has left a new comment on your post "Emmaus Photograph":
"Hey, guys, I always like it best when Jackson uses those cute Photoshop kitties over on Ichabod, don't you?"
"I heard Brett Meyer really likes them!"
Scott E. Jungen
Scott E. Jungen has left a new comment on your post "Jimmy James on Thrivent Headquarters in Appleton, ...":
Using the king of Tyre's gifts to King David is a terrible analogy to the WELS and Thrivent. The king of Tyre had no religious connections. Thrivent is supposed to be "for Lutherans".
Pardon me being slightly crude her, but a better way to think about this comes from the study of STDs. When you have intercourse with a non-virgin, you have intercourse with everyone else with whom they have had intercourse. You end up connected with a whole host of people you do not know, which is certainly a scary thought!
Therefore, you take Thrivent money, you are connected with everyone to whom Thrivent gives money. Suddenly, you are connected with the LCMS, ELCA, ELS, and the Salvation Army and people who slaughter innocent babies in the womb. It might not be a "direct relationship", but it is a relationship.
Let President Harrison have all his Thrivent millions. The WELS should cut any and all ties with Thrivent as soon as possible.
Scott E. Jungen
Jimmy James has left a new comment on your post "Jimmy James on Thrivent Headquarters in Appleton, ...":
Oh, what the heck. I will divulge a few paragraphs in an e-mail exchange I had with Schroeder back in mid-2009.
I could pick apart each sentence, piece-by-piece. However, it would be much more fun for you all to do that.
So....on to the excerpts of one Mark Schroeder!
Thank you for your email expressing concern about Thrivent.
WELS has no direct relationship with Thrivent whatsoever. We have no direct influence
over their organization, although we have at times (including recently) expressed serious
concerns about some of their programs and activities.
The only connection is an annual grant that Thrivent provides. We are free to use this
grant in keeping with our own plans and priorities, with only the responsibility to
describe to Thrivent how the grant was used. Other than that, there are no strings
attached and no commitments made by WELS. We would regard this grant as similar to any
other gift provided to WELS in which the faith and motivation of the giver is beyond our
ability to determine. That remains between the giver and God.
I suppose a similar situation would be when King David received generous gifts for the
construction of the temple in Jerusalem from the unbelieving king of Tyre. Materials
provided from that source were used for the construction of the temple in Jerusalem
without any compromise of David's faith and without detracting from what that temple
would represent.
The fact remains that any confessional Lutheran should be concerned about some of the
programs and policies of Thrivent. WELS certainly does not support some of the things
that Thrivent supports. We will continue to monitor this and will continue to consider
whether the acceptance of Thrivent grant money can be done without compromising our
Catechesis has left a new comment on your post "Banned in Bay View.This Woulda Killed the Reformat...":
"...they want to increase traffic to the Emmaus website in order to increase awareness of next years conference."
First of all: LAME
Second of all: If they think protecting it on their web site will increase awareness, they are not aware of marketing 101: "Even bad publicity (on Ichabod) is good publicity."
Again I ask, where were all the people for such an historic event? Next year will be different? Will the gymnasium be packed with vendors next year if they keep the papers on their web site?
And finally, I'll bite: What was the "question asked by a (W)ELS pastor that caused the WELS synod president to do a four-finger face palm."?
Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "Jimmy James on Thrivent Headquarters in Appleton, ...":
President Matt Harrison, of the LCMS, noted during the conference that he was certainly happy to have received $50 - 60 Million from Thrivent in the past year.
His statement came from an initial question asked of the Presidential panel regarding their work with Thrivent Financial for Lutherans.
GJ - Our financial researchers should figure out the percentage of the budgets that Thrivent is propping up. Amazing how Missouri could get so much insurance loot and charge Yale Divinity rates for an MDiv that is not even valued in the LCMS - as in no call.
My inspiration.