Saturday, February 26, 2011

WELS Member on the Ski, Glende, Bishop Katy Pilgrimage to Andy Stanley's Babtist-land Worship Conference

Ski supplied this photo where he posed with Andy Stanley hisself!
I saw it was still posted on his semi-hidden blog today.
This Drive conference is one of many Schwaermer training events
for the three of them. Yes, very expensive.

Ben Wink has left a new comment on your post "Drive ’08 - Pastor’s Conference - North Point":

I pored over the whole 5 days and looked at the pictures too and several thoughts immediately came to the surface.

1) Who paid for this excursion to Georgia? His congregation? Was it out of his own pocket? Seems like this was a pretty penny spent when you could probably just get a Andy Robbins book on tape for $12 and get the same results. [GJ - Good question. Who pays for The CORE?]

2) Judging by my reading, these guys were not just standing there quietly with hands clasped during these worship services. Firsthand accounts of worshiping with people of different faiths right there in print. Incredible. Being WELS, I remember having crises of conscious as to what I should do everytime the Lord's Prayer was being said at one of my Catholic relatives' weddings, but these guys are whooping it up with completely different sects of Christianity without an issue. And presumably they should know the Scriptures if they are going to have the title of pastor. [GJ - Ski said they worshiped with Stanley. About eight WELS workers were there, including Parlow.]

3) "To be trustworthy is to be worthy of trust": this was an insight from DRIVE '08 that was mentioned as being memorable. If incredible nuggets of insight like that are being absorbed by, listened to and paid for by supposedly educated pastors, then that's pretty sad. Frankly I should see if I can get into this conference business because I could probably come up with gems like that too. "Heart attacks attack the heart" or "Whopper Jrs are Junior Whoppers" or "Using a posthole digger will help you dig post holes" and many more!

4) The fact that Deutschlander didn't take his mug and throw it down in disgust is the most surprising item in the whole spiel. He at least was at a relevant WELS conference, being WELS and all. He should have said something along the lines of, "You didn't learn a thing in my classes did you?" and finish his beer and walk away. [GJ - Ski bragged and took a photo of Deutschlander.]

5) Finally taking ideas on how to present worship from people who is not of your faith whatsoever is bad enough, but when they steal their ideas from hackneyed 80s metal bands, that's crossing a line. Looking at these photos, I noticed that you could've told me that Poison was about to take the stage and I would've fully believed it. They are only platform boots and facepaint away from being a KISS show, which should make anyone gag with anticipation of mediocrity. Imagine all of the people Jesus touched by just speaking to them throughout Israel. Now just imagine how many more would've listened if he had a smoke machine, flashpots, and projection screens! Oh wait, He didn't need that. Apparently the Word was effective without the Weapons of Mass Distraction.

That I think is the point of all of this. There are ideas and concepts out there that might lend to a new approach in presenting law and gospel. But do they cheapen the message? Are they focused on solid doctrine and based on the solid foundation of God's Word? Ask yourself if you took away the flash and bangs and smoke machines and viewscreens and guitar straight from the Van Halen playbook, what's left? Precious little.

I occasionally watch Trinity Broadcast Network for no other reason than laughs because these people couldn't be more addicted to the old Bakker/Swaggart/Tilton methods of production if they tried. The pics that I saw looked like the mediocre watered down set dressings from the shows on TBN. That's sad more than anything else.


GJ - Ben, according to Bishop Katie's own Tweets, they went to two different Drive conferences, also to Catalyst (Stanley and Groeschel), also at Granger Community Church, Indiana - where they met former members of St. Marcus. Awkward! Katie went to something called Dirt! - about story-telling. Ski, Glende, and Katie went to Marc Driscoll, the cussin' pastor, in Seattle, where the crab photo was taken and broadcast.

Whether one, two, or three of them went to all the above is not in my records, because they began shutting down the open Tweets when I copied and posted them. I was truly astonished that they took off so much time for an extended period of time.

Ski, Glende, and Katie went together at some of these. Katie said eight WELS workers were at one of the Drive (Stanley) conferences.

Worshiping with false teachers is WELS practice. Kudo Don Patterson took a group of WELS workers to Exponential in Orlando, Florida. He gets a free vicar each year, thanks to WELS offering money subsidizing his 30 year old parish.

The Love Shack has used Trinity Divinity School in Deerfield so often that they were named twice in the Trinity academic catalogue. (Suckers list?)

It is sad to see many "conservative" Lutherans hanging out their tongues for this garbage. This is only the tip of the iceberg in WELS. All the DPs are guilty of promoting and covering up for this nonsense. Missouri, the Little Sect, and the CLC (sic) are no better.

Swallowing the Holy Ghost, Feathers and All

Bruce Becker did all the damage he could, then Jeske hired him.
Church and Change never changes.
Bruce was on the Chicanery board while running all the Perish Services in WELS.
How many chickens would pay a fox to guard the henhouse?

Narrow-minded Lutheran has left a new comment on your post "Church and Change, Purpose and History":

Now I see what Lutherans have done wrong for 500 years. The Holy Spirit can't "do His thing" without our innovations.

This funny photo illustrates what the Changers are trying to do.

ELCA Continues To Shatter:
The Folly of Trying To Control Information Today

Mrs. Ichabod posed with the last bishop of the LCA, James Crumley, a real Southern gentleman.
He and Dave Preus (ALC) now regret supporting the ELCA merger.
Too late, too late.
I opposed it in 1987, in private, in public, in print.

American Lutheran Publicity Bureau
I wonder what to make of the ELCA I-K synod's establishment of a "worshiping community" (I-K Synod Lutheran newsletter for February 2011-About your synod: "A new thing" in Elizabethtown KY).  The Elizabethtown KY Christ Episcopal Church's newsletter (26 Jan 2011) makes this arrangement sound more like these folks simply joined that church.  It was reported there that at a service at Christ Episcopal that I-K Synod Bishop Gafkjen: 
praised the Rev. Alice Nichols and the Christ Church congregation for their "deep and profound hospitality and partnership."  Christ Church, he said, has offered a "nesting place" for the "remnant" of ELCA Lutherans in Elizabethtown whose former church decided to disaffiliate with the ELCA. "You have given them a place to be and pray and talk together, even welcoming them into the choir," he said, gesturing to the Lutherans seated behind.

The Christ Episcopal newsletter added:
The Episcopal congregation and ELCA members began worshiping together last December after the House of Prayer Lutheran Church decided to disaffiliate with the ELCA in response to the denomination's decision in 2009 to allow clergy who were in publicly accountable, lifelong, monogamous, same-gender relationships.

I have no particular objection to the formal arrangement.   But it does look like the arrangement is being "spun" in different ways for different sets of readers.  I'd guess there is some thought that this sort of arrangement is "permanent."  If so does the ELCA consider this  arrangement to be a new start?

Paul O'Malley - NALC layman
George Erdner
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« Reply #5680 on: Today at 11:51:59 AM »

Some recently learned news:

St. John Lutheran Church, Kittanning, PA passed first vote January 30. This church hadn't been listed on any blogs until recently. They have 777 baptized members, making it one of the largest in the SWPA synod.

Reformation Lutheran Church, Westminster, CA, was on the list as "1st vote pending". That vote passed on Feb. 20, 97-0, 4 abstained. They have 240 baptized members.

Still nothing to report on new ELCA starts. Not only has the ELCA not responded to my attempts to contact anyone, but no one else has stepped forward with more than one or two mentions of a new congregation or "synodically authorized worship centers", or whatever ELCA-speak euphemism they use for "new start-up". I've mentioned the database file on several blogs, and I am getting increasing numbers of information updates from folks out there that I've never met before. Even with appeals in Lutheran blogs for information on ELCA starts and ELCA congregations whose votes failed, I'm not getting that information. But not a day goes by that I don't get a few e-mails, a few PM's from lurkers in here, or other contacts with more information about churches leaving the ELCA or starting non-ELCA congregations.


BTW, there are only II kinds of people in the world. Those who understand Roman Numerals and those who don't.
Rev. J. Thomas Shelley, STS
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« Reply #5681 on: Today at 03:13:40 PM »

I have been informed through a phone call from a member of Synod Council that the Lower Susquehanna Synod Council has voted uanimously to dismiss Zion (Shaffer's) United Lutheran Church, Seven Valleys.

Our departure brings to four the number of congregations which have left the LSS since August 2009, all four finding a new home in the LCMC, and three of the four Pastored by clergy who are members of the Society of the Holy Trinity.

Baptized, Confirmed, and Ordained United Methodist.
Became a Lutheran Pastor by God's grace and the beneficence of Lower Susquehanna Synod, ELCA Bishop Guy S. Edmiston on Reformation Day, 1989.
Charter member of the first chapter of the Society of the Holy Trinity.
Now serving in the LCMC.
ALPB Contribution Leader
Posts: 1541

Saved by Grace + Lutheran by Confession

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« Reply #5682 on: Today at 07:12:18 PM »

Care to share why not the NALC Tom ?  Is it about theology, practice, retention of property? The latter I understand can be a consideration because does not the NALC view property as belonging to the whole and not the congregation? This could be a factor if others  who are awaiting an Evangelical Catholic tradition to emerge.
Blessings to you and those you shepherd as the journey continues in faithfulness to the Gospel.

Church and Change, Purpose and History

WELS Church and Change, Purpose

Church and Change is a growing group of WELS Christians who desire to think and work like the Apostle Paul who said, "I have become all things to all men so that by all possible means I might save some."  The Church and Change group is interested in practicing and promoting innovation in ministry methods throughout the WELS especially at the "grass roots" level.

Some in WELS live and breathe music.  Some history.  Some church libraries, or mission festivals, or prison ministry, or limiting abortion.  Good! God uses all effort by his people to his glory.  Church and Change is group of committed WELS Christians who live and breathe innovation in ministry across all spectrums.  Church and Change folk are committed to Lutheran Theology as explained in the Lutheran Confessions.  However, they are thinking about, working with, and pioneering different ways to reach more people, more often, with the gospel so the Holy Spirit can do His thing.  [GJ - Just one question. What moron wrote this paragraph?]

Innovation in methodology is yesterday's news in the WELS.  Pastors, teachers, synod administrators, worker training leaders, home and world missionaries, worship leaders, computer buffs, and countless local laymen and laywomen, have been tweaking (and/or radically changing) ministry methods for years.  In every WELS generation God has raised up men and women, for reasons known only to Him, who are interested in pushing the envelope of "gospel delivery systems."  And this, long before concepts like "English" or "radio ministry" or "Parish Assistance," or "paradigm" or "long distance learning" entered WELS thinking or culture.

The goal of Church and Change is to provide a gathering point, a "home room" for WELS innovators.  Perhaps this is the same need felt by the WELS Church Librarians which led them to gather for support, encouragement, and well -- good old fashioned fellowship - one of the greatest assets in the WELS.  Do WELS administrators and WELS laypeople know about each other's efforts at innovation? The purpose of Church and Change includes inviting WELS innovators to communicate with one another, and work together where possible to avoid duplication of effort which wastes God's resources.

The world is changing rapidly.  Who are the innovators of today who will help us "make the leap from German to English" in this generation?  Hopefully, Church and Change can encourage the process of helping WELS ministries keep pace with our rapidly changing culture in America, and around the shrinking globe.

If you are currently serving as an innovator in your WELS ministry, please join us.  Encourage us.  Pray for us.  Let us know what you are learning these days.  We will happily do the same for you.

The Secret History of Church and Change: No Names Given

In 1995, a group of about 10-12 men [GJ - who?] gathered at Wisconsin Lutheran College to discuss current methods of sharing Jesus which were commonly being used in the WELS at that time.  Many at the first meeting felt that those methods of sharing Jesus were not “keeping up with” the rate of change in society.  The message of the Bible was not, therefore, penetrating society very well. [GJ - Cuz the Word cannot do it without Schwaermer help.]
In 1998 two men [GJ - who?] who had attended the first meeting planned a Church and Change conference in Green Bay, Wisconsin.  The next year there was a second conference in Green Bay.  About 20 people attended each year. [GJ - Witte and Parlow, doubtless, the rotten apples in Appleton]

In May 2001, WELS Parish Services applied for and received a Forward in Christ grant to conduct a three-year pilot program to address the issues surfaced by the previous two Church and Change conferences.  The three-year pilot program was designed to be a grassroots gathering of individuals who were pioneering new innovative methods of sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ with a changing culture. [GJ - You suckers paid to get Church and Change going, so they could network for synod, Thrivent, and foundation grants.]

Three annual conferences were planned and held beginning in 2001.  At the first conference, approximately 50 WELS members attended.  The attendance grew to 150 in the second year and 180 in the third year.  By the third year, the attendees included more than just individuals who were actively pioneering new and innovative methods for sharing Jesus.  Many in attendance wanted to learn about how to better share the gospel with the changing culture in which they served.  In addition to the three annual conferences a variety of other workshops and gatherings were held dealing with specific ministry issues such as leadership, worship, and women’s ministry.

At the final conference of the three-year pilot, held in November 2003, the conference participants enthusiastically encouraged the organizers to continue Church and Change.  A steering committee was subsequently formed from among the participants to address the future direction of Church and Change.

From November 2003 until the present the steering committee has met and drafted a proposal that addresses the future of Church and Change. 


Church and Change Board of Directors - Ski bailed out officially, but was on earlier

Pastor Ron Ash Chairman
Jeff Davis Vice Chairman
Barry Spencer Treasurer
Sarah Owens Secretary
Pastor John Huebner
Brian Arthur Lampe

GJ - Note how Jeske-centric this board is, with three staff members from St. Marcus - 1. Ski (formerly, taking Bishop Katie, also at St. Marcus, up to Appleton with him), 2. Barry Spencer, and 3. Brian Arthur Lampe, who is a self-appointed pastor with his own ministry business.

The board is also Appleton-based, with Ron Ash (formerly at St. Peter, Freedom) as chairman, Witte and Parlow as founders.

Tracing members and moolah is a good way to see where the power and influence are. At Willowcreek's Liberal College, three members of the board are from a non-WELS congregation - CrossWalk, Luveen, Arizona (Jeff Gunn, Church and Changer). When I published that fact, WLC changed it list of board members to hide parish affiliation. I never heard of a college having three members from the same church running the place.

DP Buchholz will someday discipline Jeff Gunn and kick CrossWalk out of WELS before it actually joins WELS. It part of a 30-year plan. Right now they are on double secret probation.


This Church Growth manual, and UOJ textbook, is required reading 
because no Lutheran can get through it without barfing.

LutherRocks has left a new comment on your post "Since Enthusiasts Do Not Trust the Efficacy of the...":

Now I get the beehive thing...ha ha...(tongue firmly in cheek)


GJ - Luther used two terms to describe the people who divorce the Holy Spirit and the Word: Enthusiasts and Schwaermer. The second term is more of a descriptive, funny nickname and refers to the buzzing of bees. How unloving!

Church and Change was set up by people like Jeske, John Lawrenz, Parlow, Steve Witte, Ron Roth (RIP), Aderman, Kelm, and Valleskey to ape the Enthusiasts.

The honey bee works hard, stings, and dies, leaving its stinger in the flesh of its target.

Thus the Schwaermer of WELS have successfully accomplished their Church and Change goals. They took over the management of WELS--without a fight--as well as the preps, colleges, seminary, and magazine.

It is rumored that Skull and Bones secretly manages Yale University. Church and Change openly runs the Wisconsin sect.

How can the Conference of Pussycats punish Ski and Jeske for what they have been doing for 30 years?

Since Enthusiasts Do Not Trust the Efficacy of the Word,
They Steal from Other Enthusiasts

Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "Drive ’08 - Pastor’s Conference - North Point":

What in the world is the (W)ELS teaching their kids?...

Things to remember when planning youth group activities:
Activities should vary covering these five areas: Recreation, Worship, Learning, Fellowship, Service.

Don't be afraid to beg, borrow and steal ideas that work from anyone!

Long weekend of rustic camping (no running water or amenities): your group will connect on an entirely new level (spiritually and socially).


Drive In movie in church parking lot.  Invite community.
Connect with congregations further away by agreeing to an acitivity  (sic) half-way between both

"Traveling lock-in": Go to restaurant for supper, go bowling, stop for ice-cream, have devotion at another location, go roller-skating, end up back at church for movies and lock-in.

Have a community open-gym with planned activities for all ages

"Youth & pie auction": Serve pie and ice-cream, sell pies.  Auction off kids for services like cleaning windows, garages, mowing lawns, raking, etc.

Free car wash (of course, donations are accepted)!
Sponsor a free concert on church grounds.  Inform the community through door hangers distributed by teens.

Host a booth at the county fair.

Get teens involved in weekly church services: assisting Sunday school teachers, child care during worship/communion, ushering, greeting, etc.

Host a soccer camps for community youth

Have a float in the parade and have teens handing out flyers about church's upcoming events.


GJ - When all else fails, try the Word of God, Lutherans. The Love Shack wants everyone busy doing something, no matter what. That happens when men are paid enormous salaries and benefits to look busy and cajole congregations into looking busy, so everyone can say, "Look at how busy we are!"


Are the feather-weights of Appleton allowed to sing Loy's hymn?

There is a God has left a new comment on your post "The Preaching Office (Predigamt) Has a Comment":

Quote of the day by Ambrose regarding the need for Holy Communion as referenced in the Augsburg Confession, Article 24: "Because I always sin, I am always bound to take the medicine."


Narrow-minded Lutheran has left a new comment on your post "Drive ’08 - Pastor’s Conference - North Point":

Two questions:

1. What is "...creating and maintaining awesome ministry environments?" I always thought the pastoral ministry was the preaching of the Word and the proper administration of the Sacraments.

2. Please define "awesome worship." Is this what we do or what our Triune God does for us?

They sure like that word "awesome." I think it's pretty awesome to receive Christ's actual Body and Blood every Sunday. I think it's pretty awesome that God can convert a soul with simple water and the Word. I think it's awesome that Christ Jesus fulfilled the Law perfectly. Nothing we do is awesome.


"An Awe-Full Mystery Is Here"
by Matthias Loy, 1828-1915

1. An awe-full mystery is here
To challenge faith and waken fear:
The Savior comes as food divine,
Concealed in earthly bread and wine.

2. This world is loveless, -- but above,
What wondrous boundlessness of love!
The king of Glory stoops to me
My spirit's life and strength to be.

3. In consecrated wine and bread
No eye perceives the mystery dread;
But Jesus' words are strong and clear:
"My body and My blood are here."

4. How dull are all the powers of sense
Employed on proofs of love immense!
The richest food remains unseen,
And highest gifts appear -- how mean!

5. But here we have no boon on earth,
And faith alone discerns its worth:
The Word, not sense, must be our guide,
And faith assure, since sight's denied.

6. Lord, show us still that Thou art good
And grant us evermore this food.
Give faith to every wavering soul
And make each wounded spirit whole.

Hymn #304
The Lutheran Hymnal
Text: 1 Cor. 11: 23-25
Author: Matthias Loy, 1880
Composer: George J. Elvey, 1862
Tune: St. Crispin


GJ - Note Loy's hymn. His parish was Delaware, Ohio, just north of Columbus now. That parish is now ELCA.

Drive ’08 - Pastor’s Conference - North Point

Drive ’08 - Pastor’s Conference - North Point

Pastor Ski - St. Marcus - Milwaukee
Pastor John Parlow - St. Mark - Depere

What is Drive ’08?  That’s a great question.  Drive is a two day conference for church leaders.  During these two days church leaders from the three North Point campuses will share what they have learned over the last twelve years about creating and maintaining awesome ministry environments.  The entire conference has been designed around questions from churches all over the world.  
Over the two days Andy Stanley (Lead Pastor at North Point) will address the attendees in three main sessions.  There will be five break-out sessions that will revolve around questions asked by the attendees.  These sessions allow those in attendance to get pretty specific on certain areas of ministry as well as get great feedback.  
I invite you to check out my blog while I’m gone.  I’ll try to  update the blog daily and share what I’ve learned.  Please feel free to share your comments.
I’ll see you all when I get back!

The final Main Session with Andy Stanley was just phenomenal.  We began with awesome worship.   

Does Attendance at Fuller Seminary Mean Discipline or Promotion in WELS/ELS/LCMS?

First Veep Huebner is one of many Fuller Seminary alumni in WELS.

"Ahem," clearing throat. "I have a casuistry question for the brothers."

"You have the floor, legalist."

"Thank you, DP Hategood. One pastor tagged a sidewalk, apologized, and paid all damages the next day.

A neighboring pastor attended Fuller Seminary and spent his career mocking the efficacy of the Word and spreading Church Growth false doctrine.

Which one should be disciplined?"

Cries of "Hang the tagger! Hang the tagger!"

DP Hategood, "Settle down. We will give the odious, ruthless tagger a fair trial before we hang him. Our wonderful glorious neighbor was working outside the framework of fellowship when he sought some practical advice from that school, which really should be ours - we spent so much synod money there. The Fuller man should be a synod consultant, a chairman of something or other, and First VP of the Synod, to replace our fallen comrade Wayne Mueller."

"Wayne resigned his position, sir."

"Our glorious fallen comrade. And the tagger should be hanged at noon, after a fair trial before ten kind, merciful, Trinity Deerfield graduates and fellow pastors."

"But, but."


Joel has left a new comment on your post "Does Attendance at Fuller Seminary Mean Discipline...":

Question: What do you mean by tagging a sidewalk? I've seen this referneced (sic) a couple of times, but I'm not familiar with this expression. Just curious.


GJ - Pastor Kevin Hastings, at historic St. John's, got peeved with another WELS congregation and sprayed a little paint on the sidewalk at that church. That is called "tagging," which really means putting a gang sign in spray-paint on a building. Kevin apologized and paid a fine or damages...immediately. WELS went after him hammer and tong, kicking out of the ministerium. His congregation left with him.

So there is discipline in WELS - but it is always messed up. There is more to the story about who felt he had to drive Kevin out, plus other despicable things, but I will leave it at that, which is on the public record.

Driving drunk does not get a WELS pastor kicked out. It may get him a call to Thoughts of Faith or a raise at The Sausage Factory.

"We Are Outside the Framework of Fellowship, Dudes" -
My Defense for Jeske and Ski

These are the false teachers idolized by WELS/ELS/LCMS and promoted by their leaders.

Homosexual Archbishop Weakland lectured at Wisconsin Lutheran College, with priests sharing in the lecture series. WELS lied about it.

WELS paid for its pastors to study at Willow Creek, under Hybels, who later confessed he was wrong about everything he was teaching at the time.

Groups of WELS church workers attend Baptist Andy Stanley's Drive conferences, where they all worship together. Has anyone been disciplined for it? Ski blogged about it and never took down the blog. He just removed the link from where I found it.

Here it is, folks, in case you missed it the first dozen times I linked it and discussed it.

Click on this link for Ski's wonderful trip to Stanley's Babtist worship fest.

Tain't no different to have Ski working with ELCA gay activists. I think the Missouri guys are more dangerous, because they are more successful in their plagiarism of false teachers.

The big photo of the white-haired dude? He is C. Peter Wagner, Number Two at Fuller Seminary for a long time. He is a Pentecostal Babtist, meaning you must be totally immersed in water to be saved, plus totally swallowing the Holy Ghost, feathers and all. WELS endorsed him in their odious publication TELL. Was anyone disciplined? This is WELS. No one is a false teacher in WELS - except those who write posts like this one. Those guys are legalists. And WELS is death on legalism, you know.

The hippy-looking guy who needs a shave and a hair cut? He is Leonard Sweet. Savor that name. Leonard Sweet. Ah. He is one of the most successful manure-spreaders in America today, especially coveted by WELS and Missouri. If you want all the doctrinal idiots to show up at a conference, make Sweet the keynote speaker and pay him a wad of cash.

WELS Church and Change invited Methodist New Ager Sweet to their conference. How bad was that? Even the Changers were upset over it. Did Paul Calvin Kelm budge? No. Like Ski and Jeske, Kelm did not even answer his fellow pastors, who begged him to cease and desist.

WELS came down hard on Kelm. He only had two or three calls after that, two at one time so he could choose. Nobody puts Kelm in the corner.

Tons of Fun is Ed Stetzer. He has lost a lot of weight and kept it off, so I should not make fun of that. But he is Babtist and a bad speller, so WELS adores him. This is a bit ominous for Jeske and Ski. The Conference of Pussycats actually asked Church and Change to dis-invite Stetzer, and the Changers did, thanks to lots of publicity from a certain un-named blog written by a legalist.

No One Takes My Advice:
Volunteer Criminal Defense Attorney

I remember a few WELS pastors being kicked out for unionism, perhaps 10 years ago. One was Marc Schroeder, son of Salty, MLC (nee DMLC).

I had a great defense strategy for them, because they were doing no more than the WELS leaders. I had quotations and citations to prove it.

The two most obvious examples are the Church Membership Initiative and the Snowbird Leadership meeting, where Carl Mischke (WELS) posed for a photograph with Ralph Bohlmann (LCMS) and Herb Chilstrom (ELCA). The photo in The Lutheran magazine was titled "Chiefs Confer."

I found some examples on the Net - all published by moi:

Joint Work : Wisconsin Synod, Missouri Synod, and ELCA

Unionism: WELS Definition

"Before God every activity of our faith is at the same time fellowship activity in the Communion of Saints."

Doctrinal Statements of the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod, Authorized by the Commission on Doctrinal Matters. p. 27.

"In selecting specific individuals or groups for a joint expression of faith we can do this only on the basis of their confession."

Doctrinal Statements of the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod, Authorized by the Commission on Doctrinal Matters. p. 29.

"Unionism is characterized by these marks: It fails to confess the whole truth of the divine Word; it fails to reject and denounce every opposing error; it assigns error equal right with truth and creates the impression of church fellowship and of unity of faith where they do not exist." (Wisconsin Synod, Prayer Fellowship, Tract No. 10, 1954)

Francis Pieper, The Difference Between Orthodox And Heterodox Churches, and Supplement, Coos Bay, Oregon: St. Paul's Lutheran Church, 1981, p. 64.
WELS Pan-Christian Worship Conference

“A Vision--a revelation, really—of what worship would be. What worship would be in heaven. Jesus offered it; St. John saw it..."

Rev. James P. Tiefel, WELS professor of worship, Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary, chairman of the WELS national worship conference at Carthage College (ELCA), 1996.

Conference Leaders Included

1 ELCA parish staffmember

1 Episcopalian staffmember

1 Roman Catholic buisnessman

1 Evangelical

0 Evangelical Lutheran Synod pastors

5 Missouri Synod pastors and professors check number

5 WELS women who taught men about worship and music

1 Future WELS seminary professor, David Valleskey, keynote speaker.

Recognition of Women’s Ordination by Missouri And WELS

"In 1970 there were 500,000 more baptized members of Lutheran congregations than was the case in 1990. The Church Membership Initiative project was undertaken to understand and address this decline... Contact:

Rev. Mary Ann Moller-Gunderson, Executive Director, Division for Congregational Ministries, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, 8765 W Higgins Road, Chicago, IL, 60631, 312-380-2570;

Rev. Lyle Muller, Executive Director, Board for Evangelism Services, The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, 1333 S Kirkwood Road, St. Louis, MO, 63122-7295, 314-965-9000;

Rev. Wayne Borgwardt, Administrator for Worker Training, Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod, 2929 N Mayfair Road, Milwaukee, WI, 53222, 414-256-3236; Mr. Douglas Olson, Aid Association for Lutherans, 4321 N Ballard Road, Appleton, WI, 54919, 414-734-5721."

Church Membership Initiative, Narrative Summary of Findings, 1993, Aid Association for Lutherans, 4321 N Ballard Road, Appleton, WI, 54919-0001, June 30, 1993.

Joint Religious Broadcast

"A new sacred classical music radio program soon will be available to radio stations across the country. The hour-long, weekly program, called ‘Joy,’ is an inter-Lutheran project of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, Lutheran Church Missouri Synod and the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod. ‘Joy’ will be produced by KFUO-FM in St. Louis and will be funded by Aid Association for Lutherans, a fraternal benefit society. 'I'm excited about being involved in this project which is the first joint venture into ministry that has ever been done by these three Lutheran churches,' said the Rev. Richard Jensen, a member of ELCA communications staff and the Joy Advisory Committee. 'Joy is a program of sacred music. The focus is on the classics of sacred Christian music...’"

ELCA Newsbriefs, Christian News, 12-9-91, p. 2.

"The article in Christian News to which you refer escaped my attention until one of our other pastors called it to my attention soon after it appeared. Initially I even had difficulty relating to it. After thinking about it for a time I remembered that I was asked about a year ago whether the WELS would endorse or be in sponsor of such a program. My answer then was 'No’ and still is. I have consistently taken the position with the fraternal benefits societies that 'pan-Lutheran' projects almost inevitably exclude us from participation because of our fellowship principles. The leadership of the fraternals has respected our position. So the statement by a member of the ELCA communications staff that this is the 'first joint venture into ministry' ever done by these three Lutheran churches is simply not factual. It has been called to the attention of those who made this statement."

President Carl H. Mischke (WELS Synodical President), Letter to Pastor James Sherod, 1-3-92. [WELS staffmember John Barber did attend the meetings, as a ‘consultant,’ according to the revised denial in The Northwestern Lutheran.)

WELS, ELCA, LCMS at Joint Leadership Conference, Snowbird

"CHIEFS CONFER: Waiting their turn to speak at a recent Lutheran leadership consultation are Dr. Carl Mischke, president of the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Church...Bohlmann...and ELCA Bishop Herbert W. Chilstrom. At the July 18-20 event in Snowbird, Utah, in the Wasatch Mountains, 130 Lutheran leaders gathered to articulate a 'vision of leadership' for their respective church bodies."

The Lutheran, (ELCA) September 4, 1991 p. 33.

Jointly Planned by ELCA, WELS, LCMS

"The Lutheran Leadership Consultation, facilitated by Lutheran Brotherhood in partnership with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), the Lutheran-Church Missouri Synod (LC-MS) and the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS), was the first meeting of this type that included the three major Lutheran Churches as planners and participants."

Lutheran Brotherhood, Bond, "Preparing the Church for the Next Century," Fall, 1991 68, p. 12.

ELCA Bible Study Leader

"Throughout the Consultation, Walter F. Taylor, Jr., Professor of New Testament at Trinity Lutheran Seminary in Columbus, Ohio, explored principles and examples of leadership in the Pauline epistles."

Lutheran Brotherhood, Bond, "Preparing the Church for the Next Century," Fall, 1991 68, p. 13.

Church Growth Loves Druckerism

"Four speakers prominent in the field of leadership research shared their perspectives. Frances Hesselbein of New York City, president and chief executive officer of the Peter F. Drucker Foundation for Nonprofit Management, spoke on 'The Challenge of Leadership.' She noted, 'The church shares the same bottom line with all voluntary and human service organizations: changed lives.'"

Lutheran Brotherhood, Bond, "Preparing the Church for the Next Century," Fall, 1991 68, p. 12.

Reformed Professor

"William McKinney, dean and professor of religion and society at Hartford (Connecticut) Seminary, disagreed with the popular view that conventional Protestant churches have moved from mainline to sideline."

Lutheran Brotherhood, Bond, "Preparing the Church for the Next Century," Fall, 1991 68, p. 12.

"George Barna of Glendale, Calif., president of the Barna Research Group, a marketing firm specializing in research for Christian churches and parachurch organizations, laid out 'The Context for Leadership' with rather challenging facts about the society the church faces today."

Lutheran Brotherhood, Bond, "Preparing the Church for the Next Century," Fall, 1991 68, p. 12.

WELS Money for LWR and C.A.R.E (United Nations)

"$60,000 General world relief (through C.A.R.E. and Lutheran World Relief).”

Rev. Kennth Strack, chairman WELS Reports and Memorials for the Fifty-fourth Biennial Convention, Milwaukee: WELS, 1997. p. 165.

One of Many LCMS Congregations in the Reformed Willow Creek Association

Saint John's Lutheran Church
15808 Manchester Road
City, State, Zip:
Ellisville, MO 63011
(314) 394-4100

A Troubled Conscience

"We find this attitude of tolerance quite frequently among unionists. It is often used to assuage a troubled conscience, one's own as well as that of others; for the unionist declares that every one may continue to hold his own private convictions and merely needs to respect and tolerate those of another. This attitude is totally wrong, for it disregards two important factors: (a) in tolerating divergent doctrines one either denies the perspicuity and clarity of the Scriptures, or one grants to error the right to exist alongside of truth, or one evidences indifference over against Biblical truth by surrendering its absolute validity; and (b) in allowing two opposite views concerning one doctrine to exist side by side, one has entered upon an inclined plane which of necessity leads ever further into complete doctrinal indifference, as may plainly be seen from the most calamitous case on record, viz., the Prussian Union."
M. Reu, In the Interest of Lutheran Unity, Columbus: The Lutheran Book Concern, 1940, p. 20.

The so-called Church of the Lutheran Confession does the same thing, and they condemn WELS for being unionistic!

WELS Pastor Tim Glende denounces my scholarly use of Lutheran sources, while he plagiarizes Groeschel and denies it.

With me as the attorney for Jeske and Ski, WELS would be laughed out of court.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Yale Classmate Downsized at ELCA Headquarters,
Gets Gig as President of Failing Seminary.
Raised on a "Diary" Farm

Stan Header

Degree Programs
GRAPHIC - Rounded Corner Bottom Left
Saturday, April 2, 2011
The Rev. Stanley N. Olson, PhD
Thirteenth President of Wartburg Theological Seminary

10:00  AM
St. Joseph The Worker Catholic Church
Presiding Bishop, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Presiding and Preaching

12:30  PM
Grande Ballroom, Hotel Julien Dubuque
Please click here  to RSVP for the Celebration Luncheon
RSVP by March 18, 2011

2:30  PM
Loehe Chapel, Wartburg Seminary
“Gathered, Sent, Learning”


The Executive Director

The Rev. Dr. Stanley N. Olson

The Rev. Dr. Stanley N. Olson
Pastor Stan Olson has served since November 2005 as executive director for the Vocation and Education Unit of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA).

From 2002 to 2005, Olson was executive director for the Division for Ministry of the ELCA. Previously, from 1994 to 2002 he served as the bishop of the ELCA’s Southwestern Minnesota Synod. Olson was senior pastor of Our Savior’s Lutheran Church in New Ulm, Minnesota, 1987-1994, and associate pastor of First Lutheran Church in Duluth, Minnesota, 1976-1983. In the years between those Because of Christ, THE WORLD. Because of the world, VOCATION. Because of vocation, EDUCATION.two parish calls, he was a professor of New Testament at Luther Seminary in St. Paul, Minnesota.

Olson was raised on an Iowa diary (sic) farm. He is a graduate of two ELCA colleges (Waldorf and St. Olaf) and of Luther Seminary. He holds a doctorate from Yale University where he wrote a dissertation on the rhetorical uses of hope and confidence in New Testament and other ancient letters. He is the author of many articles and of Christian education resources for children, youth and adults.


GJ - Policies pursued and affirmed by Olson have downsized ELCA many times now. He was a division executive, but that position was eliminated. This last position was apparently eliminated as well. I imagine they no longer pay a website developer, because the same mistake has been there for over a year, and he has been gone from this job for months.

John C. Zimdars, Jeske, Seibert Foundation:
Why You Are Lint in the Toes of the Synod's Big Boot

Standing astride three synods at once, cuz the ELS don't matter at all,
Mark Jeske defies ecclesiastical authority
and the murmurs of the hoi polloi.

The Intrepids are intrepidly waiting for an answer. The WELS Conference of Pussycats (not to be confused with the Missouri Council of Pussycats) has begged, pleaded, or cajoled Jeske and Ski to withdraw from the Seibert Foundation shindig the boys helped plan.

A total of twelve (12!) WELS pastors have signed the letter against this event. That is prit-near 1% of the entire WELS ministerium. In other words, 99% do not care.

Jeske is the biggest gasbag of the bunch, so he is the main speaker.

Ski is valued for his ability to copy and paste Groeschel sermons, download Groeschel graphics, and dance to Groeschel's music. Except for Tim Glende, no one has attended more religious conferences of more denominations than Ski.

If I did not have pressing duties, like ironing my alb, I would be there to listen to both of them.

Let me see what else this opportunity affords.

A Missouri Synod pastor, Jeff Meyer says on the brochure (not making this up, mind you):

"It is my personal vision to become the Lord's master fire-starter."

No, that is not a mistake. The same claim can be found on his blog.

Also from Pastor Jeff:

My daily focus is to:
Fix my eyes on Jesus,
Ignite a passion for Jesus,
Renew hearts and lives, &
Empower each person to be a healthy, productive leader.

He digs Visioneering, by Andy Stanley, closet Babtist.

Plenty of diligent research will uncover the fact that it is a Missouri Synod church.

the Church is a ministry associated with the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod. We are firmly committed to the mission of connecting people to life in Jesus. As we do, Jesus is transforming us into people who are living a connecting lifestyle. What is a connecting lifestyle? It is a life that is lived on purpose, attempting to connect others to life in Jesus by sharing the love of God and the message of Jesus Christ. It’s not a program or event, it’s a way of life!

Rev. Jeff Dorth has this illiterate paragraph on his beliefs page:

Holy Spirit
We believe the Holy Spirit is active among us today bringing conviction when a person has done wrong and creates the desire for ones (sic) forgiveness in Jesus Christ. He regenerates their (our?) heart and lives within them. His ongoing work is to guide, instruct and empower the believer (another change of person) to Godly (sic) living.

The same confusion can be found at another LCMS church here. Verbatim! Whom copied whom, as they say in Mequon. Neither congregation shows a whiff of Lutheran doctrinal knowledge. Both are feathered with Schwaermer language.

Line Up for Gay Marriage
Since Thrivent is involved, ELCA was not neglected. Rev. Ken Wheeler has an urban congregation in Milwaukee, Cross Lutheran. I wonder how they announce "The Cross Lutheran Ladies will meet on Tuesday" etc.

Cross is a Reconciling in Christ congregation.

The stated purpose of this all-synod (except the ELS) conference is - to rescue Lutheran congregations from catastrophic decline. Thrivent did the same thing 18 years ago with the lavishly funded Membership Initiative, which also involved all three synods.

This reminds me of a passage in Hitchhiker's Guide, where the use of the Babelfish allowed all civilizations to understand perfectly what the others were saying. That unleashed the bloodiest war in galactic history.

Likewise, all three synods declined even faster after the last Thrivent rescue attempt.

Can you envision  anything here except massive egos, false doctrine, and begging for grant money?

The "conservative" Lutheran congregations are now so bankrupt that they have to steal members from the Enthusiasts by being Enthusiasts, hiding the Word and Sacraments, driving away the last remaining confessional members.

Most of the clergy do not give a rip, because their own leaders have been in on this scam for about 40 years.

John C. Zimdars is a very big deal in insurance, estate planning, and investments. He is involved with Wisconsin Lutheran College and Time of Generic Grace. In other words, it takes big bucks to be on these boards. Zimdars is also on the Seibert Foundation board.

Here I am, doing your homework, finding the links.

The Mariology Dossier — complete set of links « Churchmouse Campanologist

The Mariology Dossier — complete set of links « Churchmouse Campanologist

Pope John Paul II is bowing before a statue of Mary.

Pope John Paul II is bowing before the Fatima statue of Mary.

Over the past few days, I have seen several searches for my Mariology dossier from November 2010.  No one has found all of them, so to make things easier, here are links to the entire set.
Informative and educational, these will no doubt answer a number of questions you might have about how Mary is viewed within Christianity:

GJ - Traditional Roman Catholicism is Mariolatry.

CM's post on the Monster of Calcutta is one of the favorites of the readers. I appreciate his effort in finding out the truth and publishing it.