Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Lutheran Is Not a Holy Word

Not exactly related to the post, but one of my better Photoshops.

LutherRocks has left a new comment on your post "Holy Word (sic) Changes the Name of Their School":

The decision...and I kid you not...was based on the observation of the school principal being at various education fairs. He noticed that even though he had a well designed display booth from WELS, the booths that had way more 'traffic' were the ones who had 'christian' in their name. Didn't you know the most effective scientific conclusions are based on a feeling? What's the matter with you? Did you forget to take your diaprax today?

Another Step Downward

AC V has left a new comment on your post "Why All the "Christian Academies" Popping Up in WE...":

This is what happens when LESs and LHSs become "outreach" oriented. True story: Because area LCMS high school has enrollment of 40% non-denom students, the High School Association of  LCMS congregations is considering admitting to the Ass. the non-denom church with greatest number of students enrolled in said LCMS-HS in order to give policy voting rights.

'nother factoid: Students required to attend religion classes. So as not to offend non-denom students, test questions are worded thus-ly:

"Agree or Disagree: Re the Lord's Supper, the Lutheran tradition teaches the Real Presence." (There is a conscious effort to avoid saying "The Bible teaches...." so as not to put sacrament-denying, non-denom tuition-paying students on the spot.)


GJ - With UOJ, none of this matters, and that is why it has happened.

Floyd Luther Stolzenburg had the WELS laity calling this "Christian-bashing." Yes, any talk about false doctrine or heterodoxy was Christian-bashing.

Bruce Church Defends Hypocrisy in the Missouri Synod

LutherRocks has left a new comment on your post "Bruce Church Defends Hypocrisy in the Missouri Syn...":

I prefer the pensive photo earlier in the post than the photoshop...it is more contrived...

bruce-church (http://bruce-church.myopenid.com/) has left a new comment on your post "Lutheran Seminary Fraud: Students Are Bankrupting ...":

Grumpy, I can make an educated guess as to what's happening. If a MLC graduate doesn't make the cut for a call right out of college, he or she can prove his or her dedication to the WELS by taking an overseas call, but that might be (often is) just teaching ESL for a year. At least that maintains a person's spot in the call pool. If he or she didn't do that, or find another teaching job, their position in the call pool would erode, and eventually they'd be out of the pool altogether. Then they'd have to take a few classes as refresher to get back in the pool, I suspect.

I know in the Missouri synod seminary students can't opt to take off a year or two after graduation and expect to come back and receive a call. A person can only receive CRM status after being in the ministry for a while--how long I don't know. Maybe it at the discretion of the DP. They even do that for sem students too--no breaks in seminary schooling or can't get back into the system. Unfortunately, they encourage a student to come to seminary even though he might want to put it off a year or two or three until he's really ready. THEN, once he's in they tell him he can't leave and expect to get back in! It's insane. If he knew that going in, he would have chosen to wait to start until his situation was optimal and he built up his motivation.

About the CRM status. To keep on it one must preach now and then or he drops off the clergy roster altogether. Ironically, Dr. Jackson gets on Paul McCain's case for wearing a collar and calling himself Rev. However, I think that pastors who work as professors, execs, speakers, editors or writers at Synod HQ, CPH or the LLL (Lutheran Laymen League) or LHF (Lutheran Heritage Foundation, e.g., Good News Journal), or Issues Etc, and such, must preach and administer sacraments now and then at a church or churches or else they lose their CRM or clergy status and the Rev. title to boot. So McCain isn't doing anything out of the ordinary, and he's doing what's expected of him.

McCain, Paul, Rev.
Position: Synod Executive Staff


GJ - Bruce, thanks for mentioning one of Lutherdom's most obnoxious promoters of Universalism, in the name of UOJ - Paul McCain, MDiv. I find it amusing that McCain's theological support comes from Jack Kilcrease, who was born in a WELS parsonage, went to Luther (ELCA) Seminary, and teaches at a Roman Catholic school. That roughly parallels McCain's diverse and polychrome doctrinal opinions.

Missouri claims that the congregation is the only form of the church, so church executives pretend to be parish pastors. Seminary professors pretend to take parish calls. McCain has served a parish for only three (3) years, and that was a platform so he could campaign for Al Barry becoming Synod President.

McCain could wear papal robes if he taught justification by faith properly, but he does not.

Why All the "Christian Academies" Popping Up in WELS?

AC V has left a new comment on your post "Holy Word (sic) Changes the Name of Their School":

"They deny however that this is in any way marketing."

Then why? Tell me! Why? Give me the surveys, statistics, and expert opinion that "Christian Academy" is an improvement over "Lutheran School."

What's the agenda? Give it to me in plain English.


GJ - John Lawrenz, a Church and Changer, must have touched the Blarney Stone, because he has the gift of blarney. He said in 1987 that Missouri had degenerated to recruiting anyone for their schools, while WELS could keep their own as parochial schools.

The Christian Academy idea comes from the WELS consultants. They demand thousands of dollars from the parish to advise the congregation to adopt Fuller marketing methods. The idea, AC V, is to open up the school to everyone, to make it a generic private school, with a sentimental attachment to the Christian faith, so no one is offended by Lutheran doctrine.

"Rev. Figwhistle, if I enroll Buffy and Sparky in your school, will you force them to learn Lutheran doctrine?"

Obviously, the Lutheran name is a terrible burden, truly a cross to bear.

School is a bit annoying, too, implying lessons to be learned. Academy is more like Plato's Academy and has a nice ring to it.

The LCA had very few parochial schools. In fact, I never knew of one, and I was in many of their congregations. The ALC had some parochial schools. Missouri was known for its school system.

Long ago, every WELS congregation seemed to have a school attached, from the start. It may have been tiny, but it was there. The church sign said, "Salem Lutheran Church and School. WELS," the only variation being the name of the church.

Robert Schuller advocated dropping the denominational label on churches. His Garden Grove Community Church is bankrupt.

Paul Kuske, Roger Zehms, and Floyd Luther Stolzenburg started Pilgrim Community Church in Grove City, Ohio. Attendance was three (3) on one Sunday, and the folly collapsed to the sound of laughter all over the Michigan District. Paul, Roger, and Floyd were the experts in Church Growth in the district.


Scott E. Jungen has left a new comment on your post "Holy Word (sic) Changes the Name of Their School":

My experience says that "Christian Academy" means taking in anybody from anywhere also long as their tuition checks don't bounce. Usually it's done because "if we didn't do it we couldn't keep the school open". So much for Lutheran education.

Scott E. Jungen

Does WELS Already Have Women Pastors? Unionism? Hypocrisy?

One Eponymous Archon (https://me.yahoo.com/oneeponymousarchon) has left a new comment on your post "We Do Not Know If This Is True Until WELS Denies I...":

Hello Dr. Jackson,

I've had my computer off for a while. Just getting caught up on the carziness going on in the Wisconsin SIN-Nod.

I know it is very politically incorrect, but I believe Mr. Kipling had it right -

"Take up the white man's burden -
Send forth the best ye breed -
Go bind your sons to exile
To serve your captive's need."

WELS should be more concerned about preaching the pure Gospel to needy souls and less about following their prescriptions.

Besides, isn't there a WELS church somewhere in Wisconsin with a women who is in charge of worship? I believe I saw such on your site once some time ago. Thus, isn't the synod's action the height of hypocrisy? It would seem so, or I'm not -

One Eponymous Archon


GJ - Asking about women pastors on Ichabod seems a bit disingenuous. But I will return the soft lob...and then some.

Yes, Randy Hunter's Latte Lutheran Church has a woman pastor, without benefit of ordination. A woman who brags about "administering the Means of Grace" is a woman pastor. ELCA women pastors have been burning their hellish bras in exultation ever since.

I imagine there are more, since the dual issue is "women usurping authority" and "women teaching men." Roger Kovaciny in Columbus hit a three-bagger: he had a non-WELS woman teaching men that WELS was wrong about that issue.

In Columbus, Mike Nitz set up a Sunday cell group taught by a husband and wife. The husband disappeared. When someone questioned this, the woman who was teaching men said, "I'm in charge of this group!" I was condemned for bringing this up at a conference, where we were supposed to discuss such things. By now, many people know the drill - "It has to be done in exactly the right way or the person objecting is condemned as a criminal on the spot." That is what happened.

WELS Parish Ministers of the female persuasion were consecrating Holy Communion. The ELS/WELS Bored of Doctrine decided it was not good timing. (Do not wait for a Jay Webber post on that issue.) Women consecrating Holy Communion came from Larry Olson's Fuller Church Growth program at Mary Lou College. The ELCA/Fuller agenda prevails in WELS. Give credit to Hybels at Willow Creek, too. He will not use a Bible translation unless it is a feminist one (a parallel to Christian Worship). Men have to accept women in authority over them at Willow Creek or they cannot join. So WELS has trained oodles of people there.

According to the email, the couple was fired for unionism. Like:
  1. A Roman Catholic archbishop teaching at Willowcreek's Liberal College, joined by additional priests for a series of lectures?
  2. Martin Marty lecturing at WLC?
  3. Martin Marty lecturing WELS-ELCA-LCMS on evangelism in Orlando?
  4. Ski and a group of WELS workers worshiping with Andy Stanley?
  5. Kudu Don Patterson taking a group of WELS workers to Exponential, a pan-demon Enthusiasm conference?
  6. Ed Stetzer hired to teach at Church and Change? This blog publicized that one.
  7. Leonard Sweet hired to teach at Church and Change?
  8. David Valleskey, Reuel Schulz, Frosty Bivens, Larry Olson, Paul Calvin Kelm, and Jim Huebner (plus many more) being trained at Fuller Seminary?
  9. Ski, Glende, and Bishop Katie worshiping with various Enthusiasts, including Groeschel, Stanley, Driscoll?
  10. WELS missions sending so many people to Trinity Divinity School, Deerfield, that WELS is listed twice in their academic bulletin?
  11. SP Mischke in leadership meetings (Snowbird) with ELCA and Missouri?
  12. The joint worship program called Joy, with ELCA and Missouri?
  13. Thrivent programs?
  14. Funding the Salvation Army?
  15. Funding the United Nations?

Here is the best one of all - WELS Pastor Tim Glende plagiarizing Groeschel, a false teacher, lying about it, and condemning me anonymously on his icky blog. Condemning as unionism the quoting of Lutheran authors!

Hypocrisy or humor? WELS does nothing about Glende, Ski, or Deputy Doug Englebrecht.

But SP Schroeder wanted to tell me off via Brett Meyer at Emmaus. He thought twice about it and desisted.

We Do Not Know If This Is True Until WELS Denies It

Casual about doctrine too; approved by WELS.

From My Email:

I belong to a missionary group that serves the nations of Bangladesh, Nepal, Pakistan and India, fighting to bring Christ to the Muslims.

Recently, the head of this missionary group made his way into Pakistan to check on one of the churches. 

The pastor of this church had been tortured by Muslims and was in the hospital with his wounds.  The wife had been conducting Sunday services in his absence...trying to hold the little church together.

(Oh, BTW, the church is connected with WELS.)

Knowing this was not biblical for her to do the pastoring, but also understanding the exceptional circumstances, she then asked the director to conduct the services that Sunday since he was; 1) Going to be available 2) male 3) a baptized and confirmed member of WELS. (HOWEVER, his little mission group is not affiliated with WELS....)

Shortly after, they kicked BOTH her and her husband out of WELS for allowing a non-fellowship pastor to preach.

The director of our missionary group e-mailed me, knowing that I know A LOT of what goes on behind the scenes of the various synods.  I told him the pastor and his wife were not kicked out for allowing you to preach.  WELS hid behind you!  They didn't want HER doing the Sunday services!  However, under the extreme circumstances of her husband being tortured FOR CHRIST by Muslims, WELS would look like a complete bunch of jerks if they kicked them out under those particular circumstance. (A woman in a leadership role....while her husband recoups from torture wounds....)

I told him; "You were the catalyst....you lit the match for WELS that Sunday!"

I just thought I'd send this along, and if you want, toss it out for discussion.  It is an exceptional situation all the way around and once again, puts WELS in the spotlight. (I am sure you will be hearing/reading about this very soon....)



GJ - I received this email. I do not know how WELS can kick out anyone over women leading men in worship. They did not kick out Ski and his WELS buddies for worshiping with Babtist Andy Stanley and bragging about it.

If someone has a different account of this, feel free to post a comment. Unlike other bloggers, I seldom stop a comment from being posted.

Holy Word (sic) Changes the Name of Their School

LutherRocks has left a new comment on your post "The Word of God Is Efficacious, So WELS Relies on ...":

Effective come July it will be known formerly as Holy Word Lutheran School...the new name? Holy Word Christian Academy. They deny however that this is in any way marketing.


GJ - Many WELS schools have the same idea - such as Shepherd of Peace in Powell, Ohio.

Why not just use Monkey Business?

Bored Asks:
What Is the Point If The Powers That Be Refuse To Have Substantive Conversation?

bored has left a new comment on your post "Polite Company: Why Topics Are Banned or Endorsed ...":

Right on the money sir,

--and this is the problem that I and many of my layman cohorts encounter. Our efforts are frustrated and we ask ourselves, what use is honing our blades, what use is study, if The Powers That Be refuse to have substantive conversation?

I had a nice group of friends from the four corners of the WELS studying and talking about UOJ, and time after time, when we each tried to bring our pastors into conversation about UOJ, (and providing them with applicable reading material to aid them in their vocation) would they present argument supporting UOJ? Would they tell us we were wrong?

No. These gutless Pastors stopped returning emails and phone calls before the conversation even got started. The result? All of those friends left the WELS, myself included. Many no longer attend church at all, believing that the Word alone will have to do.

I can't say I blame them. Divine Worship may be a blessing, but if a church is wrong about The central doctrine of Christianity, what's the use? I'm not at that point with my LCMS pastor and church yet, but I'm close. What is the use, especially when you go to church and see the entire younger female population there wearing clothing that, 30 years ago, would've been considered immodest dress for hookers? I'm a man. I'm wired a certain way. I'd hate to be a pastor trying to serve the Sacrament to that bunch kneeling at the altar. What must go through one's mind? Terrible. And what's the use when your particular community of believers interprets "Christian Liberty" as engaging in pop culture to its fullest extent? What's the use when I know full well that I can't rely on anyone to hold me accountable for my sins, and will be ostracized for holding anyone else accountable?

I'm sorry to blurt out such depressing views, but the current trends in the conservative synods will not change until 51% of the remaining members pull their heads out of their...sandboxes and start studying. But what I find more likely is that all the studiers will one by one leave for elsewhere. We need a place for them to leave to.


GJ - Ask Ezekiel 34 says, the shepherds have fed themselves and scattered the sheep. It is all being taken away from them.

Polite Company:
Why Topics Are Banned or Endorsed
Among the Tightrope Walkers,
The Lutheran Lemmings

Almost all Lutheran blogs are useless. They are like bread without salt, clouds without rain.

The cause was explained in a political column about Inside-the-Beltway conservatives in Washington DC. The think-tank conservatives, talking heads on many TV news shows, will not touch certain topics, such as Obama's unusual birth. If they brought up those issues, they would not be invited to the right cocktail parties, the TV discussions, the hoity-toity presentations.

Thus the conservatives hedge themselves in and serve the Left - by flashing their toothless gums, growling softly, and apologizing.

In Missouri and WELS, the soi-disant conservatives are guardians of Universal Objective Justification. In the LCMS, check out Issues, Etc, LutherQuest (sic), and fulminations of Paul McCain, MDiv.

In WELS, the so-called Intrepids choked off discussion on justification by faith while displaying their unending fascination with UOJ. Yes, they are happy to discuss their UOJ opinions. Jay Webber, MDiv, is delighted to tell everyone about his weighty responsibilities, neglecting to mention his financial relationship with Floyd Luther Stolzenburg, the Arnold Schwarzenegger of Lutherdom. Arnie let his baby live - big difference.

In the ELS and WELS, no one is allowed to mention what Marvin Schwan was really like. Nor do they admit to Stolzenburg. They are quick to deny Father Floyd, although he used to brag about his ELS mission projects on his Masonic church websty.

"The church has not wavered from its theology: The Bible is the inerrant word of God, and everything in it is to be taken literally. Stolzenburg's theology is uncompromising. 'What is written in the Bible stands.'"
Sylvia Brooks, South Side Lutheran Church Goes Its Own Way, Columbus Dispatch, August, 9, 1998, p. 2C. [Article on Floyd Stolzenburg, kicked out the LCMS for cause, welcomed by WELS/ELS]

I saw Shep and Webber installed at an ELS meeting, yet Pope John the Malefactor said to me, "Thoughts of Faith is not ELS." He even said, "Kovaciny is not ELS," although the official yearbook of the Little Sect showed his name, before he voluntarily walked the plank.

The blatant lying means, in effect, "We do not discuss these things." The wolves and hirelings understand this.

The Word of God Is Efficacious, So WELS Relies on Entertainment Evangelism

rlschultz has left a new comment on your post "Lutheran Seminary Fraud: Students Are Bankrupting ...":

At least President Schroeder is being honest about the decline in infant baptisms within the WELS. Large families were once the church growth model among the major denominations. There was always some loss of membership when the children became adults. Since the former Syn conference has become missional, it is not surprising that they look to the outside instead from within for their growth. Demographic arguments are always weak when the root of the problem is false doctrine. However, children raised with catechesis and the historic liturgy always can have a gold standard for comparison. The Gen X and Gen Y children of boomers who were unchurched have no reference point. The second rate Lutherans who have become fourth rate Babtists use the same methods as the non-denom tent down the road to attract new members.