Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Kelm, Bored and C. S. Lewis

Kelm was the sharp end of the spear, like Ziva, for Enthusiasm in WELS. As Mischke said of Kelm, any denomination would be glad to have him. No doubt they would have recognized their publications!

bored has left a new comment on your post "Luther Rocks - All Heresies Begin in the Church":

Lewis may have his faults, but I think that he, more than any other modern practitioner of Apologetics, would pale at the current use of reason to sucker people into church.

Kelm uses human reason to sanction rock 'n roll and popcorn populism. Kelm seeks to employ statistics, psychology, and Progressive strategies to supplant the Holy Spirit.

Lewis, on the other hand, furiously rejected such emblems of post-modernism, and is quite famous
for 'looking backwards' for enlightenment instead of looking forward, as Kelm does. Lewis had very useful insights into the evils of the humanist Zeitgeist of the 20th century. Kelm embraces those evils. Lewis may not have understood or believed the concept that God only deals with man through the Word and Sacrament, but Kelm scorns the notion. Lewis may have had some very important things wrong, but he knelt for the saints of Christendom. Kelm shrugs and thinks he can do better.

I've read Lewis and found Enthusiasm, but Lewis was quick to admit that he was a scholar first and no sort of theologian. Kelm is poor theologian and no sort of scholar whatsoever. Mister Kelm, please do not attempt to justify your teachings by invoking the names of your betters. You only embarrass yourself and make me wish that there was some court in which to sue you for academic fraud--taking my money to teach such crappy college classes.


GJ - I never quote Lewis, but he deserves his due. I have many questions about his theology, including his adoption of the anonymous Christian myth (Rahner). However, I do not like indulging in the Syn Conference habit of condemning anyone not in my synod. (I have Luther, Melanchthon, Chemnitz, Gerhard, and Calov, but few others to quote. Somehow they are enough.)

Hurling anathemas can be a substitute for reading more widely. I like Josh McDowell's Evidence as a collection of data, but his main theme is consistently wrong. That is why suggesting Lewis and McDowell is a bad idea for Lutherans, but ideal for Kelm's crowd.

The NPH apologetics book is Kelmier than Kelm, not Lutheran at all.

In deference to Church Mouse and Dr. Cruz, I now resist calling all Protestants "Reformed," because that is a precise term for Calvinists, who do not like Arminian theology at all. One of the Missouri men, perhaps others, used Reformed for all Protestants, so I followed that trend until lately.

One librarian took me to task for not categorizing Protestants the way he cataloged his books. He joined the Church of Rome.

One must also properly distinguish between Arminian (Decision Theology) and Armenian (Kardashian).

All the Reformation theologians began with Luther and knew his work quite well. The author of Pilgrim's Progress, Bunyan, was far more Lutheran than most Lutheran leaders today. Luther's Galatians was his favorite book, next to the Bible.

My efforts are to get people to appreciate the great Lutheran authors and a good translation of the Bible.

Scott Jungen on the Upper Management
Origin of False Doctrine

Valleskey is worse than Knapp, because Valleskey expresses Universalism in the clearest possible terms.

Scott E. Jungen said... 
How true! When was the last time a congregation went to their pastor and said: "Hey, pastor, please teach us this (name one) false doctrine." Scott E. Jungen


GJ - I remember a kindly WELS pastor saying to me, "Church Growth is the first fad that has come from the top down." DP Seifert pushed him out of the ministry, but Seifert specializes in undercutting pastors.

I studied the origins of CG in all the denominations and saw how carefully Fuller Seminary marketed it to each particular group - the answer to their woes. The leaders all looked into the Palintir of statistics, which showed them enough to terrify them.

The all-seeing statisticians said, "Your denomination will shrink rapidly due to a number of factors. Our sample is so large that we cannot be wrong."

The leaders ran around with their hair on fire, "What shall we do?" Fuller Seminary said, "We have the answer, but it will take a boatload of money and training for all your people."

The wolves lined up like sheep for the slaughter, their lupine brains thoroughly washed, rinsed, and washed again. The top wolves had their middle management wolves trained. The middle management wolves got their underlings trained.

Soon the ambitious saw an easy DMin from Fuller as the ticket for advancement in each sect, yea, even the Roman Catholic Church. They looked in wonder as generic, non-confessional sects grew by attracting generic, non-confessional members of other congregations.

The Shrinkers first got one another established, at denominational expense, in positions of authority. Next they began driving out anyone who questioned their wisdom.

The foundation of Church Shrinkage was lack of faith in God's Word. The denominational leaders were easily terrified because they were entirely pragmatic and materialistic.

UOJ was goose grease under their feet. Knowing the efficacy of the Word would have made them laugh out loud at CG presentations. Instead, they said, "Tell us more. How much will this cost?"

LutherQueasies, As Seen by Bored

bored has left a new comment on your post "Do Not Question an Ankle-Biter":

Wow. I checked out Lutherquest for the first time because of this post.

What a load of pompous asses! The conversation is so over the top. Everybody's trying to outdo everyone else. The spirit reminds me of something...hmm...

If they insulted each other with more class I might conjure up the Roman senate. But, if they insulted each other with less class--cussing and so forth-- I would be reminded of a hip hop battle.

Without sinking to that level I'm not sure what to say!

Ye shall know them by their fruits, I guess.

The Addams Walther Family. Click, click:
Kidnap, Obstructing Justice, Willful Resistance, Armed Robbery, Fraud, Plus Another Kidnapping

CFW and his brother, O. H.--both pastors--kidnapped their niece and nephew from the parsonage of their father.

CFW's attorneys, Marbach and Vehse, cooperated by hiding the children from the police, so they were guilty of obstruction of justice, a felony.

CFW's future mother-in-law hid the children from the police, another felony.

Fleeing an arrest is called willful resistance, which is also a crime. Walther left on the first ship out rather than the Amalia, because arrest warrants were already issued to grab him as soon as possible.

The Amalia sank on the trip to New Orleans, with all lives lost, a fact hailed as a miracle of God's providence by the Missouri historians, since Walther's life was spared.

Soon after arriving in America, Walther violated the seal of the confessional, using craft and deceit to organize a mob, rob, threaten, and kidnap Martin Stephan. Once again he used his future mother-in-law, Buenger, to help carry out his crimes in secret.

Let us reclaim the real Walther.

Bored Responds to Schumacher

bored has left a new comment on your post "LutherQuest Denizen Has a Question about UOJ and L...":

Mr. Schumacher, please leave the passive aggressive tone by the side of the road. If you want to suggest that Luther supports UOJ, then say it in a way befitting a man and be ready to argue with fact and logically cogent sentences.

You wrote:

"You teach that the faith necessary for forgiveness is a trusting in the promise of God that He will forgive, for the sake of Christ’s atoning work, when we come to faith."

Not in least. The faith prescribed in the New Testament is not this complicated doubled-back loop-d'-loop dervish that theologians want to make it. Scripture does not tell us that we need to "have faith in the future realization of forgiveness that God states that he promises to bestow upon those who do not reject the truth, namely those who believe in blah blah" etc.. Satan, I suspect, spends more time squaring off on the shoulders of theologians than anywhere else, and with great glee leads them to over-complicate the message. It is not some hocus pocus formula.

What Scripture teaches is simple. Believe that Jesus Christ is the perfect and complete substitute for every man's sin-infested hide--and His righteousness is substituted for any man's wretchedness when the Holy Spirit works faith in that man's heart. Every believer should take comfort (not license) in knowing that, though he will certainly sin daily until he dies, God sees Christ, (complete righteousness) in the Faithful man and does not hold his sins against him. If a man regularly receives the blessings God has prepared for his Faithful, The Word and Sacrament, the Holy Spirit will arm him with the wisdom and strength to do what he is free in Christ to do: sin less. (But in this, the Holy Spirit is the actor.)

Of course, the simple message of Scripture all falls to pieces when you start teaching that God forgave everybody apart from the influence of the Holy Spirit and the Word. Mr. Schumacher, I hope you consider leaving the theologians aside for awhile and just read the Word without any lens to filter it. Then I will be curious to know if you think that God declares all people righteous irrespective of faith.

Luther Rocks - All Heresies Begin in the Church

Monday, June 27, 2011

"All Heresies Begin In the Church"

Is that not a profound statement?  I had heard this quite recently from a 'seasoned' Lutheran pastor.  It took awhile to sink in.  But when you think about it, where else would a false teaching take root?

"If I understand all of your recent emails correctly, you wish to remain members of Holy Word only if you can convince us of the errors of our ways in regard to my preaching that "we were forgiven by God in Christ before we believed that we are forgiven." - Pr. Don Patterson

"But you have to understand that forgiveness, reconciliation, justification, atonement - all describe the amazing grace of God given for this whole world irrespective our faith or repsonse. (sic) God loves us all and forgives us all long before we do anything at all -" - Pr. Don Patterson

The last Word...

John 16:5-15:  "5 “Now I am going to him who sent me, yet none of you asks me, ‘Where are you going?’ 6 Because I have said these things, you are filled with grief. 7 But I tell you the truth: It is for your good that I am going away. Unless I go away, the Counselor will not come to you; but if I go, I will send him to you. 8 When he comes, he will convict the world of guilt[a] in regard to sin and righteousness and judgment: 9 in regard to sin, because men do not believe in me; 10 in regard to righteousness, because I am going to the Father, where you can see me no longer; 11 and in regard to judgment, because the prince of this world now stands condemned.

   12 “I have much more to say to you, more than you can now bear. 13 But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come. 14 He will bring glory to me by taking from what is mine and making it known to you. 15 All that belongs to the Father is mine. That is why I said the Spirit will take from what is mine and make it known to you."

Scott E. Jungen said...
How true! When was the last time a congregation went to their pastor and said: "Hey, pastor, please teach us this (name one) false doctrine." Scott E. Jungen
LutherRocks said...
What is so profound about the John 16 text is that God did the same with the prophets of the OT as He is here with the Apostles...go and preach my message of sin, righteousness and judgement and the message of the Savior...

WELS, Missouri, and the Little Sect on the Prairie Are Flogging People into the LCMC and the NALC

Oh! Oh! I just thought up a new Church Growth principle. The Syn Conference has been busy driving faithful Lutherans away from them while training the remainder in Enthusiasm.

ELCA has fallen apart. The cause? It is the typical result of Pietism's love and doctrinal indifference turning into rancid political activism. The beneficiaries should be the Little Sect or the Missouri Synod (ELCA's partner for decades) and the Wisconsin Sect.

One must be geographically blessed to be near an ELS parish, because they barely exist as a percentage of all Lutherans in America.

Half of the Wisconsin Sect members live in that state, with 25% in Minnesota and another 25% in Michigan. All the rest are scattered across the remaining 47 states, like nutmeg in a large tureen of egg nog, specks.

Most of Missouri is within 300 miles of St. Louis.

Doctrinal Proximity
Doctrinally, the Little Three are close to the old LCA. They have open communion and Don't Ask Don't Tell communion. DADT communion means not having a notice in the bulletin about closed communion and not blocking the guy in the turban who comes forward.

As I pointed out before, the old LCA may have stated they had open communion but I never saw it in practice. People communed in their own parish, even when they were LCA.

The LCA and ALC instituted women's ordination after old Franklin C. Fry died. He would not even discuss the topic. His granddaughter was ordained. The Little Three have begun women pastors without the obstruction of voting on it first. SPindoktor Mark Schroeder has already done more for women's ordination than Gurgle ever attempted.

Doctrinal Disagreement
ELCA has the most in common with the Little Three in its Gospel Reductionism--Everyone is forgiven and saved--another version of Universal Objective Justification.

In ELCA and the Little Three, forgiveness is ladled out rather sloppily. There is no mercy for anyone who disagrees with Whorely Mother Synod. But, if a synodical buddy is caught in felonies, abuse of members, or good old fashioned Sodomy, grace is abundant and cheap.

That is where ELCA members will catch the scent of UOJ bullies and flee in another direction.

Biblical Indifference
The ELCA radicals do whatever they want with the meaning of the Bible. The Little Three have done the same with the new translations they are promoting. The New NIV is a disgrace, and WELS loves it. Missouri's ESV is definitely second best or perhaps second worst.

The so-called Biblical Lutherans are allergic to anything King James, although they used to promote it as the only one, the one closest to Luther's German Bible. Tyndale worked with Luther and Luther's circle, dying for his efforts. The King James is a modest revision of the Tyndale. WELS combines Biblical indifference with heavy-handedness, willing to excommunicate over a translation while saying, "Let's not be legalistic!"

LCMC and NALC Attract the Syn Conference Refugees
ELCA Bishop Mark Hanson has already started 1000 new missions for the LCMC and the NALC. These 1,000 congregations seem to be among the largest in ELCA. Others are not actually leaving in a legal sense but escaping via their budget and loyalties.

There is no reason why a WELS, Missouri, or ELS member would feel uncomfortable in the doctrine and practice of an LCMC or NALC congregation, from what I can determine.

Both new groups will fuss over ELCA's apostasy for some time, but they do not have the baggage, resentments, and blood-feuds of the Little Three. Moreover, there is an excitement about the Scriptures, doctrine, and the Book of Concord that is mostly lacking in the Little Three.

The Little Three are going to empty out in concert with ELCA, for the same reasons - too much in common, too many bad associations, too much bullying.

Warnings, Catcalls, Drive Up Readership,
But Where Is the Historical Grasp of These Enthusiasts?

Thanks to the Ankle-Biters
LutherQueasy is on another round of free associating, set off--much like a turkey farm--by Clyde Nehrenz asking Captain Queeg to behave himself. The Queeg tantrums have become the talk of the Net.

I appreciate all the extra business. More people than ever before read Ichabod and check out our worship service. The page-reads this morning were higher than the 24 hour totals a few months ago. The statistics mean nothing, of course, which is why Queeg fulminates about why they mean so little.

Some say that America differs from Europe in our utter lack of historical perspective. For Europeans, Harvard is a new university, not to be compared to some that are nine centuries old.

Historical facts should matter, at least as much as DNA. The only history questions in the Syn Conferences are: "Do you know who my father was?" and "Do you know who my grandfather was?"

I was looking for the history of Grace (WELS) in Milwaukee and found nothing about Gausewitz, who was head of the entire Synodical Conference and the author of a famous catechism. First VP Huebner provided his own hagiography, which I assume he wrote himself.

Gausewitz himself was praised and consigned to the sub-basement archives, so they could roll out the expensive and dreadful Kuske catechism. I did not have Kuske in class, but his students tell me he was awful as a teacher. But Kuske was useful for swinging the sect to UOJ and promoting cell groups.

Likewise, the felonious history of the Missouri Synod is blanketed by a fog of self-congratulations and outright deceit. Two Lutheran pastors (CFW Walther and his brother) kidnapped their niece and nephew from their father's parsonage, because the minor children wanted to go to America. Of course, we do not the truth of that claim. The excuse is something shopped around at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, back in the 1970s.

Everyone with a slight grasp of LCMS history knows that Bishop Stephan was a womanizer. Few realize that he was already busy with the same woman (Louise) in Europe and under house arrest for his illicit behavior.

The founders of the Missouri Synod organized a mob, stole the life savings of their bishop, the equivalent of armed robbery, and kidnapped him, forcibly removing him across the river. They threatened his life to get him out of the house--another felony--which may have caused his battle with lung disease for the next year, since he camped in a tent near the river.

Stephan was definitely guilty of adultery, already in Europe, but no one seemed to notice or care. Modern examples of the same deliberate clergy blindness can be found in WELS, Missouri, the Little Sect, and the CLC (sic). Known adulterous pastors and their enablers are leaders in their synods today.

In fact, their Sugar Daddy, Marvin Schwan, was known for the same, marrying the wife of his manager, causing the break-up of two marriages at once. But--the indulgence promptly paid--the conservative clergy praised St. Marvin into heaven while he was still alive and explained, before anyone asked, that he had a "Scriptural divorce." I heard that term so often that I asked, "Is that like Scriptural murder"?