Saturday, September 17, 2011

WELS Church Growth Stars: Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary, 1970.
The Sausage Factory

How powerful can one group group of classmates be?

I selected these 1970 portraits from Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary gallery for one graduation year.
  • Harold Hagedorn became head of American missions.
  • Wayne Mueller taught at WLS, was removed for being unLutheran, became head of Church Growth Perish Services, promoted to First VP of WELS at $100,000 a year salary.
  • John Lawrenz was head of Michigan Lutheran Seminary, president of Mary Lou College for one month, head of Worker Training, WLS professor and then not and then again, traveling professor, and finally head of the portable Asian seminary. He installed Steve Witt, a founder of Church and Change, as the new president of the Asian seminary. 
  • John Huebner was on the board of Church and Change.
  • Paul Calvin Kelm was Secretary of Church Growth Evangelism for the synod, TELL editor before that, Spiritual Renewal director after that, chaplain at Willowcreek's Liberal College twice, tireless advocate of Fuller doctrine - always.
  • David Rutschow was promoted by the Changers after he endorsed Church Growth in TELL. He is the DP supporting Mark Jeske's pan-religious ministries. Jeske is a Thrivent board member.
By the way, the Church and Change website has been disabled for now. Haha. When TELL was finished, it took on a new title with even more bilge. Does anyone think Fuller doctrine is finished in WELS? They do not even admit to Fuller influence, in spite of hundreds of quotations they have published in direct support of Fuller and its lupine professors.

How many known Fuller alumni have taught at The Sausage Factory - after this class graduated? Joel Gerlach, David Valleskey, and Frosty Bivens - all by their own admission.

Is it an accident that these people all became highly paid senior leaders of WELS?

After growing their kudzu vine of Church Growth for 40+ years, has it been cut back at all? Not one bit.

Twissted Sister Comments on Luther

twissted_sisster has left a new comment on your post "Excerpts - Letters from Paul T. McCain When He Was...":

I have learned lot more about the Scriptures and Confessions, thanks to reading your blog, Pastor Jackson and thank you for your quotes straight from Martin Luther. That guy really hits the nail on the head, doesn't he?


GJ - Thank you, Twissted. Luther is the finest of all Biblical theologians, his influence so great that his colleagues and students are also at the top of all Christian theologians: Melanchthon, Chemnitz, Chytraeus, and Gerhard (who worked with Chemnitz).

My two favorite exercises in the week are:
  1. Reading the upcoming Luther sermon to Mrs. Ichabod.
  2. Copying that sermon and illustrating for this blog and the Bethany Lutheran Worship blog.

WELS Pastor in Wasilla, Alaska Becomes Russian Orthodox.
Roger Kovaciny Now LCC, Eh?

Rev. Tim A Kolb  -    King of Kings   -   Wasilla, Alaska  -  4/21/2011   -      Resigned from WELS.


Greek studies challenge seminary students in Ukraine

by Oleg Schewtschenko  

Pastor Roger Kovaciny and seminary students

For more than six-and-a-half weeks Pastor Roger Kovaciny taught biblical Greek at Concordia Seminary in Odessa. The students were  challenged by the totally new language, hard and intensive work, and the short period of time to learn it. Pastor Kovaciny is from the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS) and has lived more than 15 years in Ukraine serving as a professor and president of the Ukrainian Lutheran Church’s seminary in Ternopol. 
This is first time our seminary has taught Greek to the students. Thanks to this class, students could see the New Testament in the new light. They enjoyed reading John´s writings, learning the Greek grammar and they worked on their own translation of the Gospel of St. John.  
We hope this will be a great gift to the church and the pastors making them able to look up some difficult passages in the original Greek Bible and giving them new tools to work with the original language for the benefit of themselves and of their congregations.  

New teacher arrives

The cold February session began with the arrival of a new instructor, Pastor Albert Schmidt from Edmonton, an old friend of our seminary. He has instructed most, if not all of the ordained pastors in the Synod of Evangelical Lutheran Churches in Ukraine. The first time he came to teach was in August 1998.  
Pastor Schmidt is teaching two classes:  Christ in the Synoptic Gospels (Matthew, Mark and Luke) and Pastoral Theology. Our students are enjoying very much his pastoral experience. “I just really love to listen to the stories from his ministry” one of the students shared with me about the stories he heard that day.  
“There is so much we can learn from his teaching and examples,” commented another student.  
Please continuing to pray for the students and their teachers that God would give them unity and a good working atmosphere.  
Rev. Oleg Schewtschenko is pastor of LCC’s partner Lutheran congregation in Odessa, Ukraine, and also assists the seminary program with translating and other arrangements. Support for the educational program comes from Concordia Lutheran Mission Society and Lutheran Church–Canada.

 Guilt by association scan.

LCMS Seminary Cost Scandal:
Fabulous Costs To Support Posh Professor Salaries

Tuition and Fees Notes
General Note on Fees: In the table above, various fees are not included in the fees column in order to make comparisons between seminaries possible. For instance, tuition for pre-sem courses such as summer Greek, refresher courses, extra summer courses. Also, fees not charged every student each year at the seminary, e.g., application, transcript, graduation/diploma, late registration, health insurance, and vehicle parking stickers.

Order of Notes: The order of the seminaries below follows the order of the chart—by most to least expensive over four years with room & board included:
#1: Concordia St. Louis Missouri (LCMS)
P. 17-20: A person must take on average 13.22 credit hours per quarter, and there are three quarters in a year. With 18 credit hours for vicarage, it comes up to 137 credit hours.
p. 70 There now is a tuition cost of $11,070 for vicarage, plus a vicarage fee of $579. Perhaps the vicarage and the person's home congregation helps pay this vicarage cost?
p. 71 $25 and $35 fees are Student Technology Fees.
p. 72 Room & Board charge listed is the cheapest rate available (e.g., double-occupancy dorm room).
This is probably unrelated to the new vicarage tuition charge, but see:
Convention Proceedings 2010, 64th Regular Convention, LCMS, Houston, TX, July 10-17, 2010, Resolution: To Increase Impact of Vicarage Program, p. 133.
Despite the high price, Concordia St. Louis' enrollment is up this year (2011-12), probably due to many students going to pre-seminary and seminary starting in 2007, simply because the economy is bad. The thinking goes that now's the time to go to school when not so much money can be made.  From email:
"The incoming class (2011-2012) is comprised of 133 students, including all those newly enrolled in residential and distance programs: 70 residential M.Div. students; four certificate students; one deaconess student; 10 EIIT (Ethnic Immigrant Institute of Theology) students; 19 SMP (Specific Ministry Pastor Program) students; one DIT (Deaf Institute of Theology) deaconess student; and five CHS (Center for Hispanic Studies) students and one CHS deaconess student. In addition, Concordia Seminary’s Graduate School has 22 new students: five M.A. (Master of Arts) students; eight Ph.D. (Doctor of Philosophy) students, and nine S.T.M. (Master of Sacred Theology) students. The nineteen new SMP students received vicarage assignments during the Opening Service as well."
President Harrison encourages people to identify young adults to enter the ministry (video).
#2: Concordia Ft. Wayne Indiana (LCMS)
Apparently no tuition is charged for vicarage, but the Vicarage Fee/Internship Fee is $579.
#3: Luth. Theo. Sem. at Philadelphia (ELCA)
p. 32: "The expected course load for a full-time first professional student is generally ten course units per year, taken at the rate of four to five units per full semester and between one and two units during the January or Summer Terms."
p. 35: “Affiliation Fee is for attending non-ELCA seminary and only affiliating with an ELCA seminary.”
#4: Trinity Luth. Sem., Columbus, Ohio (ELCA)
“Trinity is the only ELCA seminary that has no debt and deferred maintenance. This places our school in a strong position for the future. As synod and church-wide support continue to decrease...”
#5: Luther Seminary, Minneapolis, MN (ELCA)
“Mandatory Annual Fee
Mandatory for all Luther Seminary students registered for three or more semester courses, including interns. Insurance premiums billed annually.
Health Insurance Cost-sharing Plan:
Not available for family coverage: $1,420”
Note:  Luther Seminary in Minneapolis is the only seminary where I saw a cost-sharing plan, though I might have easily missed it looking at the fees of other seminaries. Health insurance through the seminary is a mandatory fee at all ELCA seminaries for full-time students.  Health insurance is commonly available through most seminaries and can be added to the student bill.
P. 80: "A normal course load for the master of divinity degree is 10 courses per year"
P. 158: “Board & Housing”
#6: Pacific Luth. Theo. Sem., Berkeley, California (ELCA)
No meal plan is mentioned.
“Each Wednesday, a community lunch in the PLTS refectory offers the opportunity for our community to share a meal together.”
“There is a common kitchen and dining area on the basement level of Beasom equipped with a gas range and oven, pots, pans, baking equipment, dishes and utensils, and assigned refrigerator, freezer, and shelf space for each resident. “
#7: Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary, Columbia, S.C. (ELCA)
 “Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary will become the university’s  [Lenoir-Rhyne University, Hickory, N.C.] school of theology.”
Note: The merger allows Lenoir-Rhyne U to offer first-year seminary courses before students move on to seminary, which is similar to what the LCMS's Concordia U's want to do:
“The Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary in Columbia, S.C., entered into a collaborative partnership with Lenoir-Rhyne University, making this the first combination of a Lutheran seminary with a university....“My goal is that we would be the primary seminary in the United States,” Miller said.”I hope we can continue to offer excellent education"....The two institutions plan to combine administrative and financial operations. L-R currently manages the financial component of the seminary, but wants to merge its recruiting, registration, fundraising, advancement and academic programs with LTSS....Powell said he hopes to offer first-year seminary courses at L-R that will provide students with the fundamentals to continue their education at Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary. He also hopes with the completion of the merger that L-R can offer graduate programs at LTSS.”
Note: 7 weeks of lunch for summer Greek is $112, so 36 weeks for the 9 months of the regular school year work out to $576 (my guesstimate):
p. 10: My Note: Assuming ELCA member tuition rate
p. 11: Single Room (single occupancy) $2,970
p. 12: My Note: Only lunch is offered in the refectory.
#8: Luth. Theo. Sem. at Gettysburg, PA (ELCA)
“Tuition $13,050 (Fees included in tuition).
*Based on 30 credits per academic year.
Internship Tuition: 1,000 (est)”
“Food & Household Supplies - $3,500”
No meal plan cost is listed:
p. 121: "All dormitory students must buy the lunch meal plan at the dining hall."
“In the last decade, LTSG has been a model among the ELCA in preparing and living within a balanced budget. As a result of this care, Gettysburg Seminary comes to 2010 with a decade of balanced budgets. By many measures, Gettysburg is first or second among ELCA seminaries in terms of its financial strength....Today, the higher cost of delivering quality degree programs with fewer residential students necessitating more individualized courses of study, and the fact that this school can no longer increase tuition, room and board at the level of the past decade is bothersome. As ATS and MSCHE are well aware, there is a severe crisis in seminary education in this country and Canada, and even a crisis with the M.Div. degree itself, which remains by far the degree most often sought at our school.”
“Lutheran Theological Seminary at Gettysburg, Pa., adopted a budget for 2009-2010...Tuition increased by 5 percent.”
p. 54 “Beginning with the 2011-12 academic year, fees are included in tuition.
Internship Tuition: $ 1,000 per year
p. 55 Room & Board: Dormitory rooms are furnished and dormitory students must purchase the meal plan.”
#9: Wartburg Theo. Sem., Dubuque, IA (ELCA)
I couldn't find any estimate of meal plan, even for lunches.
“Tuition for a Master of Divinity degree is payable at the current rate each year for three years. Shortening the time spent earning the degree does not reduce the cost.”
Residence Hall Units: ranges from 165-235 Sq Ft: $275
“You may purchase meals in the kitchen, or you may purchase food and cook for yourself. If you take your meals in the school refectory, you must plan ahead for weekends and vacation periods when the food service is closed. Be sure to save some money to cover food during weekend and holiday times.”
#10 Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago (ELCA)
Like most ELCA seminaries, their website mentions a refectory, but there's no information about meal plans. Everyone is on their own, apparently:
“During the internship year, a student does not pay tuition, therefore, no financial aid is awarded”
#11: Bethany Lutheran Seminary, Mankato, MN (ELS)
P. 18 Tuition and Fees.
Note: Not ATS accredited.
#12: Lutheran Theological Seminary, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan (ELCA)
“Small Room $7,490 per academic year (all meals included)”
“BTh/MDiv/MTS/Certificate Programs Credit: $650 per course
Upgraded MDiv course: $750”
Note: Most Canadian seminaries are associated with universities. Also, one runs into "upgrading" of courses and even of degrees, for example, from B.Th to M.Div. The B. Th. Is the equivalent of MDiv in the Anglosphere (Australia, New Zealand, etc). Sometimes additional coursework or reading is necessary for the upgrade:
“...holders of the B.Th. degree from St. Andrew’s College may apply to the Academic Committee to have their B.Th. upgraded to an M.Div. A new diploma will be issued upon surrender of the B.Th. diploma and payment of a processing fee.”
“Any Continuing Education course which is to be used for academic credit will need to be upgraded by further work to meet the standards of full academic courses.”
2. an accumulated average of not less than 65% over the three or four years of study in residency.
So that works out to 10 courses per year for three years (for our tuition and fees calculation purposes).
#13: Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary, Mequon, WI (WELS)
Note: Not ATS accredited.
#14: Concordia Lutheran Theological Seminary, St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada (LCC)
“p. 52: $735 per three credit hours (graduate),
p. 52: Inasmuch as Concordia is subsidized by Lutheran Church–Canada for the primary purpose of training pastors for LCC, an educational fee surcharge of 10% will be applied to students from partner churches, and 25% to all others.
p. 52: The seminary administration’s need-based disbursal of Concordia’s financial aid funds will endeavour, as appropriate and where possible, to supply 80% of tuition expenses.
p. 53: Student Activity Fee: $1.75 per registered semester hour ($63 for 36 credits)
p. 18: Transfer Students
To qualify for the M.Div. or M.T.S. degree, students who transfer from an accredited seminary or theological school recognized by Brock must complete at least their final 36 credit hours at Concordia.
p. 21: M.Div. Degree Requirements: Successful completion of 111 semester hours (93 required)
p. 23: 36 credit hours per year for years 1, 2 and 4, and vicarage counts as 6 credit hours during the 3rd year.”
#15: Waterloo Lutheran Seminary, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada (ELCC)
MDiv Program at a Glance:
• Number of courses: 30 courses plus placements for Contextual Stream students
• Format: full-time or part-time studies
• Tuition: approximately $18,000 for program
“Completion of the program includes three years of course work, as well as a one year internship normally in the fourth year of study.
MDiv contextual option requires 31 half-credit courses“
Note: Tuition is $2,386 per term, but every Canadian student receives a scholarship (bursary) of $518, so the real tuition rate is $1,868 per term. I think the vicarage is 3 terms because they want the student interning a full year. Otherwise, the school year is 9 months or two terms (Fall and Winter). There is a vicarage fee of $501, but the placement church usually picks that up.
“Full-Time Tuition $2,386.00 per term
MDiv Internship: $167.00 per term for 3 terms
Bursary* $518.00 per term
International Students: $5,175.00 per term
Normally the placement covers the cost of the Internship tuition. Bursaries are not available to students on MDiv Internships.
Internship tuition: $167.00 per term for 3 terms”
My note: Room and Board for two terms: single dormitory: $4,263.00
#16: Concordia Luth. Sem., Edmonton, Alberta, Canada (LCC)
Note: I added the field education fee in as a vicarage fee (though field education isn't vicarage) since I don't think other seminaries charge for field education. Also, I suppose the field education fee is a one-time fee, and I want to keep the cost comparison chart meaningful:
Tuition per credit hour: $220.00
Library fee (full-time students): $30.00/semester
Student activity fee (full-time students): $30.00/semester
Vicarage fee (6 hours x tuition rate per hour): $1320.00
Parish Ministry Immersion lab fee: $150.00
Note: A person would have to take 31.33 credit hours per year to come up with 94 credit hours in three academic years. Vicarage year is credited as 6 credit hours:
“The Master of Divinity program is a four-year full-time course of study
The Master of Divinity degree requires satisfactory mastery* of 100 credit hours”
I only came up with $21,999 for tuition for 4 yrs including vicarage tuition. Even with fees it only came up to $22,508. Perhaps they lowered the price from 24,000?:
“Tuition alone for the four years (including vicarage) exceeds $24,000.”
“But the seminaries’ pursuits are more necessary now than ever: now more than 60 of the 320-or-so LCC churches have pastoral vacancies — that’s one in six; what’s more, 50 LCC pastors were eligible to retire during one recent three-year period, and some of them have retired; the situation is not getting better.”
Other information of Interest:
ELCA NEWS SERVICE: Lilly Endowment Awards ELCA $1 Million to Address Seminarian Debt Concerns, January 5, 2010
“The ELCA has about 2,500 seminarians in its eight seminaries, and supervises the work of another 115 seminarians in other seminaries who are preparing for ordained ELCA ministry....The ELCA Fund for Leaders in Mission is a seminary scholarship program created by the ELCA. Since 2000 it has distributed more than $4.6 million in scholarship support for 516 students enrolled at ELCA seminaries....In general "more seminarians have debt, and their debts are larger," said Donald L. Huber, project coordinator.  Such debts have negative implications for seminaries and for the church as seminary graduates seek to pay loans or default on them, which is already happening, he said....Debts carried by new pastors and professional lay leaders are a significant concern, said the Rev. Paul N. Hanson, director, Fund for Leaders, ELCA Development Services.  "I believe that the research will show that this debt is having an adverse effect on ministry in congregations....The project goal is to reduce the number of students who graduate with debt and to lower the size of that debt, Huber said.  Project leaders plan to develop an overall strategy for fundraising for students, he added.”
End of Notes
This and associated documents can be found here:


bruce-church ( has left a new comment on your post "LCMS Seminary Cost Scandal: Fabulous Costs To Supp...":

A couple interesting seminary cost comparison links:

Dallas Theological Seminary has an interactive database that allows one to compare various seminaries by cost and other factors:

Luther Seminary in Minneapolis compares the cost of living on campus vs. off campus here:

Salaries and Tuition - ELCA and LCMS Compared


bruce-church ( has left a new comment on your post "LCMS Seminary Cost Scandal: Fabulous Costs To Supp...":

related posts:

Graduate of Bethany Lutheran College taking on growing student loan debt load:
Report on college loan delinquency rate raises alarms -  


bruce-church ( has left a new comment on your post "LCMS Seminary Cost Scandal: Fabulous Costs To Supp...":

Comic with SP Harrison visiting student loan debtors in debtors jail, a metaphor for perpetual debt that entraps many M Div students if they don't work at least 10 years in church work or an NPO and have the debt forgiven:

Someone Has Sent an Insider's Report from the LCMS, Jun 17, 2012:


bruce-church ( has left a new comment on your post "LCMS Seminary Cost Scandal: Fabulous Costs To Supp...":

related post:

CUS-Concordia University System--compensation rates:  

Friday, September 16, 2011

Universal Objective Confession


Universal Objective Confession - Joe Krohn:

According to Scripture, the message has always been to preach the Law, the need for repentance and the forgiveness of sins. Never is this more clear than in the book of Jonah. Any church that is heavily into church growth methods should do a study of the book, for it is here that we see the efficacy of the Word.

A WELS man emailed me recently concerning our situation; a caring young man. He talked in terms of the usual OJ/SJ terms. It dawned on me that in order for a universal absolution to be true, there would need to be a universal confession, right? I would appreciate someone pointing me to that verse or verses, because there are many places in the Bible that state if individuals do not believe in the Christ as the Savior in their stead...they die in their sins.


GJ - Joe, you are being overly droll tonight.

Sinuflecting to Rome, Again

The Loss of Rev. Mason Beecroft

I’m saddened by the departure of Mason Beecroft from the LCMS roster of the ordained, as reported by The Lutheran Witness in its September issue.

I was privileged to meet him at the Model Theological Conference on Worship in January 2010. His presentation there, essentially saying that the key to revitalizing our synod was the restoration of the Mass, was excellent.

Rev. Beecroft had stepped down from his office at Grace Lutheran in Tulsa for health reasons. We prayed for his health, but now there are other concerns.

I’m told (and verified with a second source) that he has left for Roman Catholicism, and this disappoints me for several reasons. First, because all of the good things that he did will now simply be poo-pooed as “Romish.” Secondly, because he was a good scholar whose services will not be in the LCMS employ any more. Finally, because of where he’s going, how one can renounce justification by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone? The man-made law can only bring an appearance of comfort.

And he’s not, in Roman Catholicism, going to avoid theological liberals.

Please come home, Rev. Beecroft.


GJ - One Lutheran lady told me about the LCMS pastor who kept a rosary. Soon after he was a priest. Many Lutheran clergy are promiscuous in their use of these terms:
  • Mass
  • Father
  • Mary
  • Saints
  • The Holy Father, aka The Antichrist
Not every Lutheran minister who glories in those terms will join Rome or Constantinople. Some will walk the tightrope instead. But many will lead their flocks into deception.

Someone told me that Robert Preus wrote Justification and Rome to deter his own seminary from poping, but that obviously did not work.

I am happy to say to all those Lutheran clergy who have left for Rome or Constantinople - "Stay there. You probably never grasped Biblical doctrine in the first place."

*** GJ - Someone told me that that a WELS pastor in Alaska went Russian Orthodox. Now that's cold.

"My Dear Twin Sister" - Jumping Off the Cliff Together

'My dear twin sister church'

National bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada addresses assembly

Susan Johnson, national bishop of theEvangelical Lutheran Church in Canada, told theChurchwide Assembly she'd been reading Abraham Verghese's Cutting for Stone, an account of conjoined twins separated soon after birth. It made Johnson think of her church and the ELCA.

"Together in predecessor church bodies we underwent a process of mitosis and have been sister churches growing side by side," she said, referring to a decades-old separation between U.S. and Canadian Lutherans.
Julie Fletcher
Susan Johnson, national bishop of theEvangelical Lutheran Church in Canada.
She then listed recent ELCICactions, including restructuring, moving to triennial conventions, merging some synods, committing to right relationships with indigenous people, and adopting a social statement on human sexuality. "Kind of sounds familiar, eh?" she asked the assembly.

"We are freed in Christ to serve, but sometimes the call to serve feels overwhelming and lonely," Johnson said. "That is why we have partners. ... Thank you, my dear twin sister church, for our shared history and for the promise of walking together in a shared future — freed in Christ to serve."

ELCA's Report on How Marvelous They Are:
WELS, ELS, LCMS Still Working with Them

"Brett, we passed a resolution against elk hunting."

Resources strong in spite of congregational withdrawals Report of the secretary

Despite the loss of several hundred churches, remaining ELCA congregations control assets worth more than $22 billion and that figure grew in 2010, ELCA Secretary David D. Swartling told the Churchwide Assembly.

"Undeniably, the ELCA has been affected by congregations leaving, but we continue to have enormous capacity for ministry," he said. "Based upon [annual] congregational reports, as analyzed by Research and Evaluation: approximately 95 percent of our congregations; 94 percent of baptized membership; 94 percent of total congregational giving and congregational assets remain," he said.

ELCA Secretary David D. Swartling. "We can do things together in ministry — do different things and things better — than we can do separately. Because of who we are as the ELCA, we have the potential for evangelical synergy."

Swartling also noted that congregations received $2 billion in contributions for mission and ministry in 2010, plus had more than $2.1 billion in endowment funds, memorials and cash.

Congregational withdrawals have taken a toll, he said. As of June 17, 2011:

• 832 congregations had taken a first vote to leave (51 of those have taken multiple first votes).

• 621 congregations have passed first votes.

• 517 congregations have passed second votes.

Eight synods had lost 10 percent or more of their congregations, while some had lost one or no congregations.

Most of the withdrawals resulted from passage in 2009 of a statement on human sexuality and the related opening of ELCA rostered positions to gays and lesbians in committed relationships. The ELCA now has roughly 10,000 congregations.

Swartling noted that 54 percent of departing congregations were from communities of 10,000 people or fewer. "Given the small size of these communities, profound questions exist about the long-term viability of many of these congregations and their capacity to be effective in ministry and to develop the kind of interrelationships that they had in the ELCA," he said.

Conversely, 25 percent of large congregations in urban and large suburban centers have left the ELCA, Swartling said.

About 61 percent of congregations that have disaffiliated reportedly joined Lutheran Congregations in Mission for Christ; 31 percent or about 160 congregations have joined the North American Lutheran Church; and the rest represent fewer than 2 percent each. Some of those church bodies allow multiple memberships, he said.

"Monitoring these data has sometimes been upsetting, particularly when I hear from bishops and synod leaders about their experiences on the ground. But this work has not shaken my faith," he said. "[The ELCA] is the church that it's always been, but at the same time it is being made anew. It is a 21st-century reformation church."

Excerpts - Letters from Paul T. McCain
When He Was a Parish Pastor

I have two letters from Paul T. McCain, written on his parish letterhead, from St. Paul Lutheran Church, Waverly, Iowa. He was serving his first and only parish, running Al Barry's successful campaign for the synod president's office (1992), working covertly with Herman Otten to leak materials in advance. Al Barry's publications appeared as if by magic in Christian News, building support for the relatively unknown DP. McCain and Otten denied working with other, continuing to do so covertly when Barry made Paul his assistant in 1992.

Barry hailed from four (4) synods: an orthodox leaning group in the Twin Cities, the Little Sect on the Prairie, a brief stop for vicarage in the WELS, and finally the LCMS.

McCain reviewed Liberalism: Its Cause and Cure (favorably) for Christian News. He wrote on November 4, 1991:

I apologize for the personal reflections in my review which apparently incurred even more wrath towards you from your administrators. That was not my intention. I was totally unaware of the pressure on you when I made the remark that the WELS would be wise not to "squander" your influence. In retrospect and with your letter I now feel it was a Providential remark.

McCain also wrote on November 23, 1991:

I am completely confused by the charge of slander some level at you for challenging certain theological positions. I suppose that it is possible to do this in an offensive manner, but I have read many of your articles and have always considered them to be objective. You never get "personal" or attack individuals on a peronal level. Why have we so completely lost our stomach for polemics?


GJ - Twenty years later, I teach and publish the same doctrine as I did then. I have an illustration for all those Syn Conference friends who are so distant now, including many not-so Intrepid Lutherans.

A farmer was driving his wife to the market in their truck. She asked, "Why don't we sit together in the truck, the way we used to when we first got married."

The farmer answered, "I ain't moved."

I have learned a lot more about the Scriptures and Confessions, thanks to a constant barrage of attacks from the so-called conservative Lutherans. McCain is ample proof that a shape-shifter thrives in today's Age of Apostasy.

How To Keep the Laity Submissive

narrow-minded has left a new comment on your post "DP Glaeske's Letter Means: "Abandon Ship!"":

Once word of the Krohns' treatment gets around, the laity will further cower in fear. 

Only One Justification - By Faith

Sometimes I mull over the flimsy excuses for Universal Objective Justification. Most of them follow the Knapp line of two justifications. According to their delusions - Objective Justification means the entire world is forgiven, without faith; Subjective Justification takes place when individuals decide they are already forgiven.

When people responded about how ridiculous that sounded. WELS SP Mischke said, "There is only one justification. They are two sides of the same coin." I wonder where he got that analogy - II Mortimer 4:13?

Jay Webber, who makes fun of WELS repeat-after-me doctrine, parrots - "They are two sides of the same coin."

The UOJ Stormtroopers search far and wide for ways to prop up their fantasy, trying to distance themselves from Calvin and Pietism, but are only successful in alienating themselves from Luther and the Apostle Paul.

Their search for UOJ in the Book of Concord is as touching and tragic as the eternal search for the Lost Dutchman Mine outside of Phoenix.

F. Schleiermacher, a bridge between old Halle University and its completely rationalistic era, accepted the first justification and taught that the entire world was justified. This is also the message of the Universalists. Scheiermacher is the foundational theologian for all modern Protestant theologians, such as Karl Barth and Paul Tillich. Thus all of modern theology mocks the notion of faith as detrimental to the concept of grace. Everyone already has grace. Everyone is justified, because Christ rises from the dead every time someone believes He did. How blessed - to reflect on the Easter faith of the Apostles, whose simple fishermen's hearts grasped that illusion! One can carry on with this charade forever, because believers fail to parse the message of the theologians and their deluded pastoral followers.

Tholuck was another bridge theologian at Halle, with a nod toward the past but a bold embrace of Universalism. Tholuck is a footnote in many textbooks, but he was the mentor of Adolph Hoenecke. Some of you are thinking, "Now he will pull a guilt by association fallacy out of his beret." But no, I am just clarifying the historical perspective. Hoenecke was trained in Pietism. So was Walther. Hoenecke did additional study in the Confessions after Halle, so that must have saved him from becoming another CFW. But there remains the dialect of Pietism here and there in Hoenecke, although it is slight.

The precious OJ quickly becomes Universalism among the so-called Lutherans. That is widely acknowledged in ELCA. The implicit Universalism in the Syn Conference renders all discussions about doctrine and worship obsolete. Many realize this, so they play games with their weighty theological treatises, each author hailing the brilliance of the others while "having certain problems with his notion of..."

Universalism as a religion is quite conservative as a heresy, but the Unitarians merged with them and killed off whatever remained of the Scriptures in them. The same path is found among the Syn Conference Lutherans. They adore UOJ and Church Growth because they are Universalists. The rationalism takes over completely and they become Unitarians who despise everything about the Christian faith. I have known three WELS ex-pastors who followed this downward trajectory, each one praised and supported by the synodical leadership - Robert Schumann, Curtis Peterson, and Mark Freier. Doubtless there are many more.

If one knows and believes justification by faith, then he must reject and repudiate justification without faith. No one can teach the efficacy of the Word and UOJ at the same time - one displaces the other. Therefore, all the UOJ nonsense is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit, as one reader from California like to point out.

WELS Is Catching Up to ELCA - Fast

Comment from Joe Krohn's Blog

Yi'su ke Bala said...
Do I understand correctly? The WELS pastor chooses not to answer a doctrinal question simply on the account that you are not in the fellowship of their communion? How would they expect to win back an erring brother (I assume that is their perspective in this situation)if they refuse any doctrinal discussion simply on the account that you are "not in fellowship." How do any non WELS people ever inquire into WELS position if they squelch any doctrinal discussions between WELS pastors and Christians who are not in fellowship with them? I can understand them frowning on the fact that you are communing outside their fellowship, but to refuse to answer a doctrinal question on those grounds seems preposterous. I am a member of LCMS who once was considering the WELS (in fact the same congregation that you reference in your posts). The pastor once told me that WELS was 'the old LCMS.' I can concede with WELS that the LCMS is not what it once was, but by no means do I discern the WELS to be anything akin to my grandfathers' LCMS. My grandfather's LCMS valued doctrinally rich hymns and liturgy and relied on Word and Sacrament to create the faith which receives the gift of salvation found only in the precious Blood of the Lamb. They did not value cultural relevance as some sort of third sacrament, turning Divine Service into a Rolling Stone Concert and jettisoning honest Bible translations for something that is PC to the masses. I'm thankful, at least for the moment, that I stayed where I am.


GJ - I predicted a long time ago that WELS would have women's ordination long before Missouri, to use one yardstick of conformity to the Spirit of This Age. "The church that dances with the Spirit of This Age will be a widow in the Age To Come."

Women's ordination is just a symptom. Enthusiasm took over the sect many decades ago, with a lobbying group--known as Church and Change--determined to take no prisoners. They combine stealth and deceit even today. Kudu Don Patterson is a Church and Church leader but denies being part of it, even though he attended their "last" shindig.

How Church and Change took over everything is easy to determine. People suggested that I attend the "final" meeting of these shape-shifters, Regaining Momentum. I did latrine duty in Columbus - why sub for others after my enlistment is over?

When Issues in WELS met, Gurgle announced he would attend the next meeting, when 200 men were supposed to show up. That did it. Attendance was sparse, lest anyone arouse the righteous wrath of Gurgle. Faith makes people bold, and there is little faith among the pastors of WELS. DP Free died and Issues in WELS disappeared, website and all.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Joe Krohn Did Not Open Pandora's Box -
It Opens Itself



We made one final attempt to get an answer from DP Pastor Vilas Glaeske on September 11, 2011 concerning our question. As of this writing we have not heard back.

Our response:

"Thank you for your kind wishes, Pastor Glaeske.

Your statement about the appeal process as ‘an internal procedure for WELS members’ we find paradoxical…since technically we were excommunicated and are no longer members of WELS as of 8-28-2011 and/or even before that. So the acceptance of fellowship and/or Holy Communion from another Confessional Lutheran Church body is really moot.

So our question still stands. I believe you have been caught by the gravity of truth as your question caught us.

As you most undoubtedly know, we have made this matter quite public. We would grant you anonymity as to the best of our ability; even by your conditions, if you would answer the question regardless….

Do you believe that all men were forgiven of their sins before they were born; before receiving Baptism or hearing the Word of God? There are Lutheran pastors including some in the WELS that refute this teaching.

In Christ,

Joe and Lisa Krohn"

I'll blog a little bit more about our view of the WELS and its 'confessionalism' through the portals of our experiences, but then it will be time to move on...shaking the dust as it were...

Build It and They--The Tetzels--Will Come

rlschultz has left a new comment on your post "The Lutheran Clergy Have Lost the Gospel":

At least Lenin was more honest when he called yes-men "useful idiots". There is a masonry evangelism program at a WELS congregation that I am very familiar with. Even before the expansion was put into place, the yes-men and yes-women were sought out and placed into positions as facilitators for the congregational forums. The whole process was well scripted.

The yes folks were convinced beyond a shadow of a doubt that a multi-million dollar expansion was needed to save souls. This allowed the puppet masters to pull the heart strings and also to instill guilt into those who opposed expansion. The CG promoters were insulated from accountability. Even when Cornerstone Ministries was brought in to fleece the members, few members could see the man behind the curtain. Stealth plans are often needed to hide the rotten fruit of apostasy.


GJ - The pastor retaliated against the Schutz family by refusing to let their son be a student in the school. However, no one even asked the teacher about the situation.

DP Glaeske's Letter Means: "Abandon Ship!"

bored has left a new comment on your post "Another Doctrinal Pussycat Lawyers Up":

I'm almost in disbelief. I almost thought that the letter by Glaeske was satire written by Dr. Jackson to exemplify the Satanic behavior of that little corner of the WELS. If only we were that lucky.

As of today, I am going to actively seek, not to merely forget the WELS, but to discredit, dismantle and destroy the Wisconsin Lutheran Synod. Up until I read Glaeske's letter I thought there was some hope for this body of churches, and thus have encouraged good pastors to stand up and fight. But there is no hope for that synod--there is no chance that the organization will do anything but slide further and further into apostasy.

Glaeske's methods remind me of the racist voting officials in the Jim Crow South, who'd charge Blacks a poll tax, but then throw out their ballots. Or like the Nazi's who'd take protection-money from Jews, only to send them to the gas chamber on bribery charges. This is not Hyperbole, folks. If this were not so serious I'd have photoshopped a picture Vilas the Vile doing something silly, but as it is, I have serious doubts if the man is even a Christian. Some might castigate me for doubting that, but it all seriousness, what about Glaeske's letter recommends his "faith"? All I see are thistles.

Thank Goodness for Joe and Lisa, who are prepared to give a reason for the hope they have. But how many faiths has Glaeske (and Patterson, his flying monkey) destroyed by similar tactics? I'm telling ya, this fool didn't just wake up one day and decide to write a dastardly letter. His Father has been training him tirelessly.

To the faithful Pastors in the WELS, among the many who (I imagine) secretly check in on Ichabod: If you take you Faith and your Call seriously then you know the proper response is looking you square in the face. GET YOUR CHURCHES OUT OF THE WELS before you and your congregations begin rotting. How can you sit by and watch this spiritual larceny take place? How can you stay silent with a good conscience? How can you remain in the WELS? Your so-called faithful leader, Mark Schroeder either lacks a spine, or has no concern for the WELS. If he were a good leader he'd love the Synod enough to be controversial, to drive a wedge between good and bad. If he were a man, Schroeder would've spent the last term braiding a whip out of cords. In reality, he's been using those cords to braid friendship bracelets for the Pietists.

These pastors who withhold the Means of Grace from the Krohns are guilty of misusing the Ministry of the Keys---but they hide behind the rubrics of the WELS to claim the opposite. Hopefully Glaeske and Patterson repent, because I don't think God is fooled by the semantic games of the WELS.

This head-fake excommunication is not uncommon. My Grandmother, Bette Trask was denied the Sacrament by Klemet Preus (LCMS) for objecting to his divorce and remarriage (while remaining a Pastor). She wasn't officially excommunicated...Oh no! Just blacklisted and turned away from the altar of every church in the area. Do these Pastors really think they will be spared judgment based on a man-made technicality? Gee, it's almost a psychosis.

The Lutheran Clergy Have Lost the Gospel

CFW Walther came from cell group Pietism.

One WELS veteran was correct in stating that his sect will never improve. The same can be said for the Little Sect on the Prairie and the Missouri Synod. ELCA has become the high-church version of the United Church of Christ, where all religions are the same, so Christians can worship with pagans, rejoicing. How little that matters to the Syn Conference ministry partners of ELCA

The micro-mini sects are simply worse versions of the Syn Conference.

Each sect has a program or plan to fix things - or rather - to take everyone's mind away from the real problem. The Lutheran clergy no longer teach the Gospel, justification by faith. Instead they have a program of works, starting with Pietistic cell groups and working downward from there.

Luther's sermons on faith and works make this plain. His Biblical emphasis upon justification by faith means that one cannot find spiritual fruit on a corrupt tree.

KJV Matthew 7:17 Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. 18 A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.

Luther's sermons do not try to reform people with the Law. Nor does he dwell on carnal sins. He continually emphasizes the foundational sin of unbelief, relating that to many different aspects of daily life. For instance, fear of economic misfortune comes from lack of faith in God.

One of Luther's insights is the reverse side of the cross. Most people see the cross as a terrible burden to be avoided - and the clergy are especially good at that. The cross is not poverty or disease, but the difficulties associated with teaching and believing the Word of God. The reverse side of the cross is God not allowing unbelievers to see the spiritual fruit of believers. The unbelievers spend all their time and energy mocking every fault and problem they find in believers. Although they are a great burden, especially within the extended family, the greatest burden is their own, since they blind themselves to the fruit of the Gospel they despise so fervently.

Once that makes sense, District Pope behavior is the necessary outcome of their apostasy. Innocent clergy and laity think that citing Scripture and the Confessions will improve and explain matters for synodical leaders. That infuriates the DPs, motivating them to get revenge. Their response is typical. DPs viciously slander whoever dares to challenge them with the Word of God, which is bitter in their mouths. The primates get even - 50 times over, just to prove to the rest that no one questions the District Pope.

Synodical popes and professors are the result of the same process, so they are no different.

When I bring up doctrinal issues, the rebuttal is, "You are a bad person." Great efforts have been made to make sure that I am silenced in all Lutheran media. Trinity Lutheran Church in Bridgeton, Missouri, where I had been a member, told Christian News that they would not give Otten a dime while he published my articles. I was writing that justification without faith was wrong, and that was unforgivable in their eyes.

The so-called conservative Lutherans on the Net have given themselves hernias denouncing our little congregation, which they should commend - for broadcasting free books, free sermons, free worship services, free collections of quotations, and free research.

VP Don Patterson refused to discuss justification and the WELS-LCMS Tetzels from Cornerstone with Joe and Lisa Krohn. He was eager to promote UOJ when they were out of the way.

Patterson's cronies silenced Joe at the voters meeting, where he wanted to ask one question. The Doctrinal Pussycat, long regarded as a "conservative" leader in WELS, refused to answer a simple question.

As so many have seen, the same process has been used with the Krohn family, Rick Techlin, the Kokomo families, and California's family. WELS kicked out a whole group of clergy and congregations during the Protest'ant era, including their own seminary president.

Has anyone else wondered why WELS and Missouri are hotter than Georgia asphalt for cell groups? The Lutheran Pharisees want to impose their law on everyone, and cell groups are good for accomplishing that goal. The clergy say, "We must have cell groups for spiritual growth." They never mention the Means of Grace, except as an afterthought.

The cell groups must use certain materials, which brainwash the victims into accepting a heavy burden of remedies. The phony acceptance and love of the cell group maneuvers people into conforming with the master plan. If people get in the way, a truly successful pastor will eliminate the obstacles. Eventually he will have a gaggle of yes-men to act as his Rothweilers at all meetings. In return, he turns a blind eye to anything they do, because they were born forgiven. See Marvin Schwan as a well known example of this covenant for covens.

The Syn Conference is riddled with evil because the organization is the evil fruit of a corrupt tree. The WELS Church and Changers saw they could attack the Gospel behind the shield of the Wauwatosa Enthusiasm, the Caliban of Lutherdom. In Missouri, the conservative Pietists are organized against the liberal Pietists, never dreaming they are branches of the same corrupt tree of Enthusiasm.

KJV Galatians 1:8 But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed [GJ - literally damned to Hell].

Ironies abound. In the name of the Gospel, all Lutherans [ELCA, WELS, LCMS, ELS, Micro-Minis] teach Universalism. Everyone, they imagine, is already forgiven. In their delusion they call Enthusiasm "grace." Amazing. They burn with indignation against anyone who prefers Luther and the Apostle Paul to their Moses, George De Benneville, and Walther. They respond to the real Luther-ans [dash used for emphasis] by excommunicating them.

The Lutheran leaders of today remind me of the "blessed" Council of Trent, where the theologians stomped their shepherd's crooks and chanted, "Anathema sit! Anathema sit! Anathema sit!" That was their response to justification by faith.

"Anathema sit! Anathema sit! Anathema sit!"

"Anathema sit! Anathema sit! Anathema sit!"

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Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Another Doctrinal Pussycat Lawyers Up

Joe Krohn:


Fair Thee WELS 911 If you have been following along, the correspondences in this post need little explanation.

The longer I live I tend to believe less and less that there are coincidences in this world. I do believe and appreciate irony more and more. The Bible is chocked full of it. The final word came down from the DP on...wait for it...9-11.

Our response to DP Glaeske on September 9, 2011:


I see where this is going and it is deplorable. It is not truly meet, right and salutary for you, Holy Word and WELS since you are acting in their interest to treat us in this fashion. You are culpable since you will not address the issue.

We were never allowed discussion regarding the chief article of faith, namely Justification. We felt Pastor Patterson was in error by preaching that all are forgiven prior to birth; prior to Baptism; prior to hearing the Word of God. During one meeting I asked how this applied to Abraham. I was told that it was the wrong question to ask. You excommunicate us (This is really what it is since we were told to repent of our sin and denied Holy Communion; sin being a breaking of God’s Law of which we were never told which commandment.); and then discuss the issue, your side only, with the whole congregation; you run us down behind our backs and then you have the gall to excuse your dishonest behavior by saying we are not in fellowship if we joined another church when in fact it was YOU that broke fellowship; excommunicated us in the first place! You are criticizing us for the logical consequence of YOUR actions when we were quite willing to talk and repeatedly asked to talk about Justification; not just with the pastors but also with the elders.

We watched the internet stream of the recent WELS 2011 Convention. Pastor Glaeske, you were the only leader who stood up and really opposed the NNIV. (Ironically, the NNIV creates more ambiguity regarding justification by faith.) I praised God and said ‘good on him’. If you are unwilling to address this issue and blame us in the process, then you are condoning the preaching of Objective Justification as Holy Word is teaching it and I would say then that WELS has gone too far, ‘pitching their tent toward Sodom’.

We were extended the right hand of fellowship and have received Holy Communion at a church that is not in fellowship with the WELS. We longed for the means of Grace in Word and Sacrament. What choice did we have? This has been dragging on since before the 21st of May! I have answered your question. Now I have one for you that I would like an answer. Do you believe that all men were forgiven of their sins before they were born; before receiving Baptism or hearing the Word of God? There are Lutheran pastors including some in the WELS that refute this teaching.

Please afford us an answer.

In Christ, Joe and Lisa Krohn"

Pastor Glaeske on September 11, 2011:

"Dear Joe and Lisa,

I wish you both well. The appeal process is an internal procedure for WELS members to redress grievances and would have been available to you had you not chosen to align yourselves with a church not in our fellowship. Consequently I choose not to answer the question you pose at the end of your e-mail.

God grant you peace and joy in serving your Savior in your new church home.

In His service,

Vilas R. Glaeske, President South Central District - WELS"

From where I sit, there is no need for me to make a distress call...on the other hand...there are those who can.

From my Catechism; the one I have been quoting from the last two posts:

371.Why is the ministry of the Keys called the peculiar authority of the Church?

The Church and only the Church has the authority to use the Keys.

372.How is the Church to use the Keys?

The Church is to proclaim the Gospel of full forgiveness of sins and declare the kingdom of heaven opened. (Where there is forgiveness of sins there is also life and salvation.) 2 Cor. 5:19, Luke 24:47, Rom. 8:1, Rom. 4:8)


rlschultz has left a new comment on your post "Another Doctrinal Pussycat Lawyers Up":

I guess that some folks refuse to answer questions which make them feel uncomfortable. What a waste of a potentially good breakfast. There are several individuals who have have egg all over their faces.