Tuesday, April 23, 2013

More on the WELS Welfare Queens: Glende, Jeske, Patterson

Groeschel and Andy Stanley shared a tender moment
about diversity in their rainbow congregations.
They are the gold standard for WELS leaders - believe it or not.


Mary Thompson (aka California) has made this point many times - when the church depends on business and government to keep it going, it has sold its birthright for a bowl of lentil soup.

Glende, Jeske, and Patterson are welfare queens because they spend so much time and effort getting outside funds instead of trying to support others. In effect, they steal from the poor in their own denomination, so they can brag, "Look at how much money we have."

The Mafia has a lot of money, too.

The Child-Care Business - Disguised as a Christian Academy

I believe Cascione got into this early - get guvmint subsidies for running a child-care business. Buy the building with it. Hire your wife and her friends as teachers. Give yourself a salary for supervising.

Patterson and many other WELS business-clergy have started day care businesses marketed as Christian academies. They are not schools at all. No one ever said Kindergarten was school. The Germans invented them - children's gardens - to get them ready for socialized education.

These alleged Christian academies are pre-K and Kindergarten. They end up requiring guvmint regulation, so the control switches to the federal and state authorities.

When the regulators decide to make churches engage in pan-sexual families, pan-sexual marriages, and every other rainbow possibility, the prostituted churches will have to go along to keep their funds.

Thrivent Will Buy Your Soul for a Farthing

Thrivent operates the same way. They offer peanuts to congregations, with the demand that this audacious offer of $47.15 in matching funds be earned with a gracious announcement in the bulletin and newsletter (provide proof). They are not giving anything, but buying entire lists of potential customers for almost nothing.

When one congregation got that offer, they laughed. They did not need the pittance and were not going to favor one business over another.

Church as Mall Kiosk

Junk for Jesus, candy, and other sales also prostitute a congregation, because they say to the community,

"We cannot or will not support ourselves with offerings, so we will use our tax advantage to undercut genuine businesses that pay taxes and required benefits."

The church kiosk mentality makes people think of selling rather than giving whenever they are short of funds. For all the talk about being "passionate about sharing Jesus," they are really greedy for living luxuriously off the gullibility of others.

The rot spreads and soon everyone is singing the same tune and bowing to secular and business authorities. What choice do we have? We need the loot.

WELS used that excuse when they shocked everyone by participating in a joint leadership program with ELCA and Missouri at Snowbird - insurance funded. WELS even did evangelism with ELCA - insurance funded.

One DP lamely defended working with ELCA by saying, "If we didn't spend the money, they would get it."

Yup. He's WELS. Dr. Becker Cannot Spell

Bow, bow, to the Doctor of Ministry Elect.



Executive Vice President

Time of Grace Ministry
Milwaukee, WI
Time of Grace is an international Christian media ministry. It's (sic) mission is to share the good news of Jesus Christ with as many people as possible through the most effective technology available.



Actorum Huberianorum. Update - We Could Buy This and Get Part of It Translated and Published


I saw your post the other day.  Your link, as you know, brings up the title of the book, but no ability to access it.

Just found the following link.  I have no experience with it.  But it appears that, for $99 (Euro’s), about $135 dollars, one could order a PDF scan of the book.  


GJ -

If someone is interested in donating the $135 to buy this book, I can get parts of it translated and published.


The Wittenberg Faculty Writing against Huber's "Universal Justification"

“Never does Paul teach universal justification. For as far as concerns 2 Corinthians 5,the words ‘not imputing their trespasses unto them,’ they are not to be understood universally about all men regardless of faith.
Actorum Huberianorum pars prior. Durch die Württembergischen Theologen Pars posterior, p. 122

A. Berean has left a new comment on your post "Ecclesia Augustana":

Where can someone find a copy of Actorum Huberianorum pars prior. Durch die Württembergischen Theologen Pars posterior? That quote from the Wittenberg theologians is fantastic.


GJ - The Ichabod research department found it here:


Leyser was an editor of the Book of Concord.

Bibliographic information


Hi Gregory,
Rev. David sent you an invitation to connect 3 days ago. How would you like to respond?
Rev. David Peters
Rev. David Peters
Pastor @ Trinity Ev. Lutheran Church (WELS)
I'd like to add you to my professional network. - Rev. David Peters 

WELS Welfare Queens

Glende turned a prosperous Bethlehem Lutheran Church
into a prosperous Eastern Orthodox campus church,
moving out to the cornfields to build a debt-burdened Star of Bethlehem.
Star of Bethlehem is a pernicious weed - do not plant it in your yard.

Musing about the strange blogging career of Tim Glende, Ski's drinking buddy, I remembered how outraged he was that our little congregation solicited support from appreciative readers. The post about moving to Arkansas infuriated Glende so much that he had to start anonymouse blogging again and denounce an Ichabod he claimed no one (but himself) read.

Rick Techlin, later excommunicated by Glende and Ski wrote this and linked the following insert:

The video above is of the bulletin from James Skorzewski’s installation as pastor of the CORE on November 16, 2008.  The accompanying hymn on the video is “I Come, O Savior, to Thy Table” (TLH, 315) played by me on a classical guitar.
St. Paul’s Bulletin
St. Paul Evangelical Lutheran Church is the large WELS congregation one block from the CORE.  Recently, their church bulletin contained an insert with some information about the CORE.  Click here to download a pdf copy of that insert.

2009 Workshop for Congregations
On March 7, the Northern Wisconsin District held its 2009 Workshop for Congregations at Fox Valley Lutheran High School.  Pastor Skorzewski presented at this workshop, and here is the description of his presentation from the workshop’s brochure:
20.  Be Relevant — Pastor “Ski” James Skorzewski
This session will explore how relevant worship can be used to reach young people ages 19-35 who, statistically, are missing from churches today.  Examples will be given from Pastor Ski’s experience with such worship at St. Marcus Lutheran Church in Milwaukee, WI.  Pastor Ski will also discuss how he plans to use this approach at his new church [GJ: a lie - not a new church], The CORE in Appleton.  [2009 Workshop for Congregations Northern Wisconsin District; March 7, 2009]. 
Click here to see the entire workshop brochure.  Pastor Engelbrect is the President of the Northern Wisconsin District.


Here is an interesting letter from Rich Techlin about Glende and St. Peter in Freedom, Wi.

No one knows how much they have spent since 2008, but these are some basic facts.

The CORE was never a mission congregation - and it is still NOT a congregation. Someone dumped a pile of money on St. Peter in Freedom so Glende could put his buddy Ski (and Ski's pal Bishop Katie) on the staff, create a fake mission, and burn money like nobody's business.

Early on, Ski, Glende, and Bishop Katie spent $250,000 on The CORE, simply plagiarizing Craig Groeschel, copying Craig's graphics, and running around to all the false teachers (Groeschel, Stanley, Driscoll, Beeson, etc) to learn how to worship.

Although St. Peter brags about having an income of $1,000,000 plus per year, Glende got a free staffer, an extra service for sheep-stealing from WELS congregations, and a WELS grant to buy a failed, stinky old  bar in downtown Appleton.

The bar cost over $500,000 and that was covered by a gift from WELS headquarters, where Schroeder has no power at all. He does not even know what is going on there, he claims.

Glende is a welfare queen. St. Peter should be self-supporting, but it needs enormous subsidies from some mysterious source, protection from godfather Engelbrecht, money for staff and a superfluous bar, plus cash from the following public begging efforts:
1. Buy Wings if you love Jesus.
2. Buy our pizza if you love Jesus.
3. Buy our chocolate bars if you love Jesus.
4. Bring in paper so we can sell it because we love Jesus.
5. Buy custom gear--The CORE--if you really love Jesus.

Mark Jeske is the model for all WELS welfare queens. His Church and Changers work together to funnel the funds into their pockets while applying for Thrivent, foundation, and ladies auxiliary gifts.

Not content with selling trinkets on the WELS.net site, which happened under Gurgle, Jeske straddled the synods to work with ELCA and the LCMS to increase his funding.

Kudu Don Patterson shows WELS how to get ahead. Every year he got himself a free vicar so he could run around the synod acting important.

Instead of offering spiritual advice as a senior pastor, he sold his services as a life-coach through another Church and Change connection. $100 a month buys you Kudu Don's most excellent tips on how to be a synod grifter.

Poor old Holy Word needs all that extra grant money, so they hired the ex-SP, Gurgle, who came out of hiding to grab another sinecure. What Gurgle did for Milcraft, he did for the Schwan funds. Let us all hope he does the same again.

Everyone could see from Gurgle's Holy Word fund-raising messages why he was elected Synod President. "He spells worse than us do!" they exclaimed, as voted to keep him in office for 14 years.