Friday, June 7, 2013

Answering the Abomination of Universal Objective Justification

This is pure baloney, contradicted by
the Gausewitz Catechism, the Dresden Catechism,
and the KJV Catechism now being sold by CPH.

Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post " LPC has left a new comment on your post "Is Walt...":

Dr. Cruz is correct. “…if a person is justified without reference to faith then he is justified even though he loses faith…” (W)ELS’ own S.W. Becker confessed the same teaching in his often Kelmed essay on Justification.

Siegbert W. Becker - Justification
We ought to teach universal and objective justification because the Bible teaches it. Even if we could not see why it is important, that would still be the duty of every orthodox theologian.

But universal and objective justification is one doctrine whose place in the victorious Christian life is clear. Wherever men teach that faith comes first as a condition that must be fulfilled or a work that must be done or even as a fact that must be recognized before forgiven is bestowed or becomes real, men will be trained to look into their own hearts for assurance rather than to the words and promises of God. If my sins are forgiven only if I first have faith then I have no solid foundation on which to rest my hope for eternal life. I must then know that I have faith before I can know that my sins are forgiven.

But there are times when a Christian does not know that he has faith. And many people who think they have faith do not have it, and many that think they are not believers are believing children of God. In regard to our own faith we may be in error or filled with doubt. But there is nothing uncertain in the truth that is proclaimed in the Gospel. Your sin is taken away, wiped out, forgiven, cancelled, swallowed up in the empty grave in Joseph’s garden. To that we must cling. To that we can cling. On that we can build a solid hope that will not make us ashamed.

In times of temptation when I am no longer aware of my faith, when my heart tells me that I am an unbeliever, I have no place to turn for assurance if faith must come before forgiveness. But if forgiveness comes first, if it is always there, if it is true whether I believe it or not, I do not need to know whether I have faith or not before I can cling to God’s promise. I know that my sins are forgiven whether I feel forgiven or unforgiven. I know that my iniquity is pardoned whether I believe it or not. And when I know that, then I know also that I am a believer. John teaches us that when he writes, “Brethren, if our heart condemn us, God is greater than our heart and knows all things.” Take away objective and universal justification and you have gone a long way toward cutting the heart out of the Gospel message.
Page 13


The entire false gospel of UOJ is built on tenets that are 180 degrees in opposition to Scripture and Christ.
Scripture rejects UOJ’s false gospel and the (W)ELS’ promotion of it:

2nd Cor. 13:5, Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your own selves. Know ye not your own selves, how that Jesus Christ is in you, except ye be reprobates?
John 3:18, He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.
Mark 16:16, He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned.

Confessions reject UOJ’s false gospel and the (W)ELS’ promotion of it:
80] AAC That We Obtain The Remission of Sins By Faith Alone In Christ, "The wrath of God cannot be appeased if we set against it our own works, because Christ has been set forth as a Propitiator, so that, for His sake, the Father may become reconciled to us. But Christ is not apprehended as a Mediator except by faith. Therefore, by faith alone we obtain remission of sins when we comfort our hearts with confidence in the mercy promised for Christ's sake."

Martin Luther rejects UOJ’s false gospel and the (W)ELS’ promotion of it:
"But outside of this Christian Church, where the Gospel is not, there is no forgiveness, as also there can be no holiness [sanctification]. Therefore all who seek and wish to merit holiness [sanctification], not through the Gospel and forgiveness of sin, but by their works, have expelled and severed themselves [from this Church]."
The Large Catechism, The Creed, Article III, #56, Concordia Triglotta, St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House, 1921, p. 693. Tappert, p. 418. Heiser, p. 195.


narrow-minded has left a new comment on your post " LPC has left a new comment on your post "Is Walt...":

The UOJ folks keep going off the rails when they accuse JBFAers of citing Faith as a work of man. We are not espousing "Decision Theology." Actually, Walther did. JBFAers are rightly saying that Faith is the Triune God's Work given as a gift through the Means of Grace. As I've said what seems like a thousand times, the only part man can play in Faith is to reject it.

Either the UOJers are ignorant of Scripture and the BoC, or they are stubbornly looking past the solid arguments to hold fast to their UOJ. Perhaps it's a combination of the above factors.

As a result of their arguments, the SynCon has become Babtist by reducing the Sacraments to acts of obedience and the Word to us having to believe it by our own will. Walther said, "The only thing left for you to do is believe it." Like Huber, a supposedly former- Calvinist, accusing his opposition of Calvinism, the UOJers, who claim to reject Decision Theology and accuse us of promoting it, are actually promoting it themselves.


Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post " LPC has left a new comment on your post "Is Walt...":

But by the grace and mercy of God UOJists cannot comprehend the true Gospel for this clear reason which Scripture provides:

1 Cor. 2:14, "But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned."

Entertainers Came to Our Little Area for the Walmart Meetings

Kelly Clarkston sang several of her popular songs.

Tom Cruise spoke about Walmart initiatives,
such as the $2 billion hunger program.

Jennifer Hudson finished the stockholders' meeting with her songs.

Hugh Jackman wore his Wolverine beard to host the show
and revealed a magnificent singing voice and great sense of humor.
LI and I agreed he was best host in years.

Walmart sponsored a free Elton John concert for associates' families.

Prince Royce was another talented singer on the program.
Recently the Norman Rockwell paintings came to Crystal Bridges, where we volunteer, drawing over 120,000 visitors. The exhibit became the talk of the region, with people asking one another, "Have you seen it yet?"

Calvinism Has the "Horrible Decree" of Double-Predestination, Omitting the Means of Grace and Faith

Walther did not want an early history of the Missouri Synod written.
I wonder why.

LPC has left a new comment on your post "Is Walther's Election Argument Just Another Calvin...":

Dr. Greg,

To answer the question, yes it is just another gambit.

Walther's election doctrine is Calvinistic. I say this as an ex-Calvinist who studied Calvinist confessions and articulation of their main doctrinal flagship - Election - Sovereignty of God.

In Calvinistic Election faith does not play any role nor picture in it even in a secondary sense.

If a Lutheran embraces Walther's doctrine of Election, there is nothing that prevents him from also believing in once saved is always saved (OSAS).

This is in perfect keeping with Walther and Huber's negation of faith. As argued by Hunnius against Huber, if a person is justified without reference to faith then he is justified even though he loses faith even though he had it at some time. For it stands to reason that if you got justification before faith, certainly you have it after faith is gone as it had nothing to do with justification which Walter's UOJ gang teaches. This runs counter to the pronouncements of Jesus for example, when he sent the Samaritan leper in peace.

Did Luther believe in OSAS? The Smalcald Article says no. Clearly there Luther asserted that one can lose faith and thus lose justification.


Thursday, June 6, 2013

Why Did Kintz Overlook the 8-18 Combo Pack

narrow-minded has left a new comment on your post "Concordia Publishing House Accountant Deflects Iss...":

I'm actually a little disappointed the "8-18 Combo Pack" wasn't specifically invoked with the CPH rebuke, although it was certainly implied. Imagine the CEO of American Airlines saying that one of American's pilots smoking pot on his time is his own business and doesn't reflect poorly on the company.


GJ - I am sure Bruce Kintz would not have any problem if I copied his Lutheran Service Book into this blog verbatim and took credit for it.

1. It is my own blog.
2. The blog is older than the LSB.
3. What I do on my own time is my own business.


LPC has left a new comment on your post "McCain's Boss Avoids the Real Issue with McCain's ...":

Dr. Greg,

I am glad you posted on this. Clearly, the boss of McCain is not bothered that his editor is plagiarizing in private. He keeps saying there is no plagiarism in CPH.

Since Kintz is not bothered at all that his editor is plagiarizing in his editor's blog, that shows Kintz' sense of integrity and standard, - zero. Classic Antinomian. He does not demand high integrity from his employees even if they claim to be "Christian".

Despicable them.



GJ - Kintz is an ideal representative of the domineering but helpless bureaucrat. He ordered me, a non-employee and non-LCMS member, to take down a post and a graphic. The basic graphic came from the LCMS people who wonder why they pay princely salaries to two editors. I just created a composite graphic. Kintz never identified the errors in my post.

However, Kintz is powerless to do anything about McCain's private publishing of a blog about CPH, where McCain draws his deluxe salary. The entire structure is helpless to do anything about McCain's constant promotion of Roman Catholicism in the guise of honoring saints' days by plagiarizing Roman websties.

Various WELS officials constantly warn members against touching the keys of non-WELS pipe organs, but they are helpless to stop their fellow pastors from worshiping with gay activist Babtist pastors like Andy Stanley and Methodist clowns like Craig Groeschel.

Groundbreaking for New Holiday Inn, Freedom, WI - WELS

Facts are sparse. The parish newsletter has been erased, and so have the worship bulletins.

Concordia Publishing House Accountant Deflects Issue of McCain's Plagiarism

Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "McCain's Boss Avoids the Real Issue with McCain's ...":

Discernment and Accountability packed their bags and left the Lutheran synods when the false gospel of UOJ anathematized Justification solely by faith in Christ alone.


GJ - I was thinking of that too, Brett.

Dr. Bruce Church thought McCain was replaced by a PhD because McCain's MDiv credentials were weak for publishing. Normally, a PhD is expected in academic publishing, so having an MDiv supervise is a bit odd, like CFW Walther BA being the American Luther.

But Kintz does not have a Lutheran theological education and his PhD is rather...cooked. He started a three-year Ed.D. the same year he began at CPH. That is truly astonishing that someone could be an executive in a new business and complete a degree in a new field in three short years. Many real doctorates take three or four years for the dissertation alone.

Even though Kintz' theological education is even weaker than McCain's, neither one has an excuse for the promotion of plagiarism.

Once one of McCain's pals asked me, "What is your problem with McCain?" I mentioned plagiarism as a major problem - it is against the law. McCain's friend answered, "That is his M.O." So, if everyone accepts stealing the work of others, without attribution, that makes it OK with the clergy.

I can see why the clergy had no problem mining Marvin Schwan's guilt to gather millions of dollars for themselves - as in the founding of Logia and three (3) Marvin Schwan cathedrals. UOJ. Everyone is born forgiven.

But boy do they rave when their Antinomianism is questioned. My. My.

Paul McCain answered justification by faith,
quoting Edward Preuss, who joined the Roman Catholic Church
after teaching at Concordia, St. Louis.

McCain's Boss Avoids the Real Issue with McCain's Plagiarism

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GJ - Instead of answering me, Kintz erased all his comments above. He Kilcreased, as we have seen so many times with Jack Kilcrease. The result is my responses alone under the graphic and post.

Instead of answering my questions, Bruce began posting Scripture on his FB page.

That is the way the bureaucracy works in WELS and Missouri. Demand retractions (for no specific reason) and avoid the issues. Then run to the Scriptures.

Here is one, Bruce and Paul.

Thou shalt not steal.

Using the words of another and claiming them as your own is stealing, plain and simple.


Bruce Kintz

Bruce Kintz

President & CEO at Concordia Publishing House
  1. McDonnell Douglas/Boeing
  1. Lindenwood University
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Dr. Bruce Kintz leads, innovates, and empowers organizations and individuals to successfully pursue and accomplish their missions. As a life-long member of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, and the President and Chief Executive Officer for Concordia Publishing House, Dr. Kintz supports the important work of Lutheran and Christian churches and schools across the country and throughout the world. Bruceand his wife, Kimberly and their two children reside in Collinsville, IL, and are members of Good Shepherd Lutheran Church.

Specialties:Proactive Operations Management, Implementation of Strategic Plans to Meet Business Objectives, New Business Development, Multiple Project and Program Management, Quality Systems and Process Improvement, Team Development, Customer Care


President & CEO

Concordia Publishing House
Concordia Publishing House is a 2011 Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award winning non-profit company based in St. Louis, Missouri. CPH provides more than 8,000 products for use in Christian churches, homes and schools across the United States and throughout the world. Dr. Kintz leads a team of 250 employees who provide world class service across all departments from R&D to product development, marketing, communications, distribution, and customer care.

CPH has also received recognition as a 2009 MIssouri Quality Award winner, a four-time Best Christian Workplace winner and as a multi-year winner of the Call Center of Excellence by the Benchmark Portal for Excellence of Purdue University.


McDonnell Douglas/Boeing
Rose through ranks in legal, auditing, operations, quality systems and participated in first class of executive development program. Worked in plants in US and Canada.


Lindenwood University

Ed.D., Education Leadership and Administration
Dissertation topic on Electronic Curricula