Wednesday, May 21, 2014

WELS and Martin Luther College - Breeding Grounds for Sociopathic Behavior

The WELS Conference of Presidents
and the Mequon faculty should wear this clergy attire.

Pastor Jackson,
I was pleased that you posted some of the recent Facebook dialog that you have had with some synod minders. Recently, I was made aware of a mind game known as "gas lighting". Although I am not a big fan of the deeper psychological theories, gas lighting is something that has always bothered me, especially when on the receiving end of it. 

I also appreciated the recent post on Jack Hyles. I did some research on him and found out quite a bit about him that I never knew. I am not clever or patient enough to take on those who are so devious and snarky. My problem is that I work with honest people all day long. It does make wonder if the WELS and Martin Luther College are a breeding grounds for sociopaths.


Schroeder bent over backwards for Joel Hochmuth, and promotes the Mark Jeske sub-synod,
which tells us what we need to know about Schroeder's integrity.

GJ - WELS, Martin Luther College, the two surviving preps, and Mequon are definitely breeding grounds for sociopathic behavior. The Wisconsin Synod is an abusive cult where pastors and laity take loutish and criminal behavior as normal, natural, and proof of their Gospel-soaked culture.

Look at my developing Top Ten Crimes in WELS. According to the dean at Michigan Lutheran Seminary (one prep schood), it is a violation of the Eighth Commandment to say that Al Just murdered his wife, even though a jury convicted him - and he also confessed it to someone.

Consider the graduation of Zachary Stowe from Martin Luther College. The college wanted him to stay in the closet, long after graduation, to make them look good. I know a number of people who were kicked out of MLC, out of pure spite - yet Stowe could cut a deal.

MLC's Schone needs some wardrobe advice - or a convenient house fire.
He was speaking at the latest WELS cult convention.
I dress better to mow the lawn.
WELS/ELS behavior can be summed up easily - they loathe what is good and adore what is evil. Their attitude is the natural outcome of UOJ - where even the sins of tomorrow are already forgiven. What motivation to sin more that grace may abound!

The abusive leaders silence anyone who questions their criminal behavior. Obstruction of justice is a felony - and they are obliged to obey the laws of this country.

But the biggest problem is the cowardly refusal to take on the thugs who run the show. The Anything Goes District loved to complain about Engelbrecht (covertly) but they had nothing to say on the convention floor.

"Don't worry, darling, WELS will never tell the synod about your crimes.
They will act shocked and deny they know anything."