Saturday, July 18, 2015

New Food, New Bird Calls in the Creation Garden.
Walmart Sale on Kiddie Pools - $3.50

Ann Geddes photography.

I tried a combination bird food, which has sunflower seeds, nuts, grains, and fruit. Although many birds love sunflower seeds, the variations increase the selection of birds.

I put out the new seed and I heard two new birds calling back and forth, antiphonally. I am anxious to spot the newcomers.

The newly installed stumps brought a male and female cardinal down to eat near me. Normally they are extremely shy, especially the male cardinal. Now I hear them "chit, chit, chit" happily as I do my feeding rounds.

By Norma Boeckler

I went to the meat market to buy suet for the birds and meat for Team Jackson. I asked for seven pounds of suet. I could see the butcher reach seven pounds and have another lump in his hands. I said, "Throw that on, too. What can you do with a handful of suet, have a clearance sale?"

The suet was enough for the two massive feeders, one smaller feeder, with extra bits on the table and stumps. Our bird activity went down a bit when the starlings were no longer feeding on the suet all day. Their activity and noise alerts the other creatures to look over the food.

Walmart had a sale on kiddie pools, which are mostly gone - now that the temperatures are 95 degrees, with a Real Feel of 212 F. Some will wonder, "Why a third pool for the birds?" I could not leave them alone for $3.50.  I am a late season vulture, looking for next year's needs at fire sale prices, and for extras at equally low prices. I can buy stepping stones for the garden for a fraction of the cost they will be in spring - at least I hope so.

Thanks to the weather, the backbone leaves gardeners in mid-July.

  • Gardening centers are thinly populated and the plants look stressed, baking hot in the sun, with little help from being hosed down in their root-bound pots. I almost had to put my foot through the pot to get the Black-Eyed Susan out of its container. 
  • A little bit of work is fun, but even the early morning is heavy with humidity. 
  • Gardening mistakes or oversights make some labor painful, not like the pre-planting hopeful and dreaming season.

Sassy went on her evening walk last night, once it was cooler. Our distant neighbor, who lost a foot to infection, was outside with her adult daughter. She said, "Hi Sassy. We have a lot in common. We both lost a leg." Sassy wiggled up to her for some love. We talked a little while. When we were saying goodbye, Sassy went back for more love and approached the daughter. Sassy got petted even more and enjoyed that. Then we went back home.

Today Sassy will see all the grandchildren and enjoy extras from the grill. In the afternoon she will sleep soundly from the food and fun.

The blueberries are planted and the blackberries have a little fruit on them.